Contain logic code for enabling buttons to display the relevant components. Define states and props for maintaining information that is persistent/shared between components.
(1)"routes" for component switch;
(2)"issues" for displaying the reservation list;
(3)"seatDict" for visual representation of reserved/unreserved tickets.
(1) constructor(): init. and binding statement;
(2) componentDidMount() and loadData(): load data;
(3) createIssue(issue): take issue as input and update state;
(4) deleteIssue(issueID): take ticket ID as input for deleting a traveller. This property can be easily modified for traveller's "name" matching;
(5) msgDisplay(msg)/msgDisplayDel(msg): show messages for booking status (successful, occupied, invalid input, not found);
(6) handleAddTra/handleDelTra/handleDispRes/handleDispSeat: event handling to enable displaying/hiding among components;
- addTraveller: class AddTraveller
- deleteTraveller: class DeleteTraveller
- displayTraveller: class DisplayTraveller and class IssueRow
- displayFreeSeats(advanced): class DisplaySeat
(1) underflow and overflow (<0 or >25)- throw Error: Invalid Seat Number
(2) contain letters in Seat No.- throw Error: Invalid Seat Number
(3) occupied slots- throw message: Occupied Seat
(4) delete free seat- throw message: Not found! No need to delete