YanFuHai06 / pacnet

Pixel-Adaptive Convolutional Neural Networks (CVPR '19)

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Pixel-Adaptive Convolutional Neural Networks

Pixel-Adaptive Convolutional Neural Networks
Hang Su, Varun Jampani, Deqing Sun, Orazio Gallo, Erik Learned-Miller, and Jan Kautz.
CVPR 2019.


Copyright (C) 2019 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/legalcode).


  • Make sure you have Python>=3.5 (we recommend using a Conda environment).
  • Add the project directory to your Python paths.
  • Install dependencies:
    • PyTorch v0.4-1.1 (incl. torchvision) with CUDA: see PyTorch instructions.
    • Additional libraries:
      pip install -r requirements.txt
  • (Optional) Verify installation:
    python -m unittest 

Layer Catalog

We implemented 5 types of PAC layers (as PyTorch Module):

  • PacConv2d: the standard variant
  • PacConvTranspose2d: the transposed (fractionally-strided) variant for upsampling
  • PacPool2d: the pooling variant
  • PacCRF: Mean-Field (MF) inference of a CRF
  • PacCRFLoose: MF inference of a CRF where the MF steps do not share weights

More details regarding each layer is provided below.


PacConv2d is the PAC counterpart of nn.Conv2d. It accepts most standard nn.Conv2d arguments (including in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, bias, stride, padding, dilation, but not groups and padding_mode), and we make sure that when the same arguments are used, PacConv2d and nn.Conv2d have the exact same output sizes. A few additional optional arguments are available:

    Args (in addition to those of Conv2d):
        kernel_type (str): 'gaussian' | 'inv_{alpha}_{lambda}[_asym][_fixed]'. Default: 'gaussian'
        smooth_kernel_type (str): 'none' | 'gaussian' | 'average_{sz}' | 'full_{sz}'. Default: 'none'
        normalize_kernel (bool): Default: False
        shared_filters (bool): Default: False
        filler (str): 'uniform'. Default: 'uniform'

        - kernel_size only accepts odd numbers
        - padding should not be larger than :math:`dilation * (kernel_size - 1) / 2`

When used to build computation graphs, this layer takes two input tensors and generates one output tensor:

in_ch, out_ch, g_ch = 16, 32, 8         # channel sizes of input, output and guidance
f, b, h, w = 5, 2, 64, 64               # filter size, batch size, input height and width
input = torch.rand(b, in_ch, h, w)
guide = torch.rand(b, g_ch, h, w)       # guidance feature ('f' in Eq.3 of paper)

conv = nn.Conv2d(in_ch, out_ch, f)
out_conv = conv(input)                  # standard spatial convolution

pacconv = PacConv2d(in_ch, out_ch, f)   
out_pac = pacconv(input, guide)         # PAC 
out_pac = pacconv(input, None, guide_k) # alternative interface
                                        # guide_k is pre-computed 'K' (see Eq.3 of paper) 
                                        # of shape [b, g_ch, f, f, h, w]. packernel2d can be 
                                        # used for its creation.  

Use pacconv2d (in conjunction with packernel2d) for its functional interface.


PacConvTranspose2d is the PAC counterpart of nn.ConvTranspose2d. It accepts most standard nn.ConvTranspose2d arguments (including in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, bias, stride, padding, output_padding, dilation, but not groups and padding_mode), and we make sure that when the same arguments are used, PacConvTranspose2d and nn.ConvTranspose2d have the exact same output sizes. A few additional optional arguments are available: , and also a few additional ones:

    Args (in addition to those of ConvTranspose2d):
        kernel_type (str): 'gaussian' | 'inv_{alpha}_{lambda}[_asym][_fixed]'. Default: 'gaussian'
        smooth_kernel_type (str): 'none' | 'gaussian' | 'average_{sz}' | 'full_{sz}'. Default: 'none'
        normalize_kernel (bool): Default: False
        shared_filters (bool): Default: False
        filler (str): 'uniform' | 'linear'. Default: 'uniform'

        - kernel_size only accepts odd numbers
        - padding should not be larger than :math:`dilation * (kernel_size - 1) / 2`

Similar to PacConv2d, PacConvTranspose2d also offers two ways of usage:

in_ch, out_ch, g_ch = 16, 32, 8             # channel sizes of input, output and guidance
f, b, h, w, oh, ow = 5, 2, 8, 8, 16, 16     # filter size, batch size, input height and width
input = torch.rand(b, in_ch, h, w)
guide = torch.rand(b, g_ch, oh, ow)         # guidance feature, note that it needs to match 
                                            # the spatial sizes of the output

convt = nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_ch, out_ch, f, stride=2, padding=2, output_padding=1)
out_convt = convt(input)                    # standard transposed convolution

pacconvt = PacConvTranspose2d(in_ch, out_ch, f, stride=2, padding=2, output_padding=1)   
out_pact = pacconvt(input, guide)           # PAC 
out_pact = pacconvt(input, None, guide_k)   # alternative interface
                                            # guide_k is pre-computed 'K' 
                                            # of shape [b, g_ch, f, f, oh, ow].
                                            # packernel2d can be used for its creation.  

Use pacconv_transpose2d (in conjunction with packernel2d) for its functional interface.


PacPool2d is the PAC counterpart of nn.AvgPool2d. It accepts most standard nn.AvgPool2d arguments (including kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation, but not ceil_mode and count_include_pad), and we make sure that when the same arguments are used, PacPool2d and nn.AvgPool2d have the exact same output sizes. A few additional optional arguments are available: , and also a few additional ones:

        kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation
        kernel_type (str): 'gaussian' | 'inv_{alpha}_{lambda}[_asym][_fixed]'. Default: 'gaussian'
        smooth_kernel_type (str): 'none' | 'gaussian' | 'average_{sz}' | 'full_{sz}'. Default: 'none'
        channel_wise (bool): Default: False
        normalize_kernel (bool): Default: False
        out_channels (int): needs to be specified for channel_wise 'inv_*' (non-fixed) kernels. Default: -1

        - kernel_size only accepts odd numbers
        - padding should not be larger than :math:`dilation * (kernel_size - 1) / 2`

Similar to PacConv2d, PacPool2d also offers two ways of usage:

in_ch, g_ch = 16, 8                     # channel sizes of input and guidance
stride, f, b, h, w = 5, 2, 64, 64       # stride, filter size, batch size, input height and width
input = torch.rand(b, in_ch, h, w)
guide = torch.rand(b, g_ch, h, w)       # guidance feature 

pool = nn.AvgPool2d(f, stride)
out_pool = pool(input)                  # standard spatial convolution

pacpool = PacPool2d(f, stride)   
out_pac = pacpool(input, guide)         # PAC 
out_pac = pacpool(input, None, guide_k) # alternative interface
                                        # guide_k is pre-computed 'K'
                                        # of shape [b, g_ch, f, f, h, w]. packernel2d can be 
                                        # used for its creation.  

Use pacpool2d (in conjunction with packernel2d) for its functional interface.

PacCRF and PacCRFLoose

These layers offer a convenient way to add a CRF component at the end of a dense prediction network. They performs approximate mean-field inference under the hood. Available arguments include:

        channels (int): number of categories.
        num_steps (int): number of mean-field update steps.
        final_output (str): 'log_softmax' | 'softmax' | 'log_Q'. Default: 'log_Q'
        perturbed_init (bool): whether to perturb initialization. Default: True
        native_impl (bool): Default: False
        fixed_weighting (bool): whether to use fixed weighting for unary/pairwise terms. Default: False
        unary_weight (float): Default: 1.0
        pairwise_kernels (dict or list): pairwise kernels, see add_pairwise_kernel() for details. Default: None

Usage example:

# create a CRF layer for 21 classes using 5 mean-field steps
crf = PacCRF(21, num_steps=5, unary_weight=1.0)

# add a pariwise term with equal weight with the unary term
crf.add_pairwise_kernel(kernel_size=5, dilation=1, blur=1, compat_type='4d', pairwise_weight=1.0)

# a convenient function is provided for creating pairwise features based on pixel color and positions
edge_features = [paccrf.create_YXRGB(im, yx_scale=100.0, rgb_scale=30.0)] 
output = crf(unary, edge_features)

# Note that we use constant values for unary_weight, pairwise_weight, yx_scale, rgb_scale, but they can 
# also take tensors and be learned through backprop.


Joint upsampling

Joint depth upsampling on NYU Depth V2
  • Train/test split is provided by Li et al.

  • Test with one of our pre-trained models:

    python -m task_jointUpsampling.main --load-weights weights_depth/x8_pac_weights_epoch_5000.pth \
                                        --download \
                                        --factor 8 \
                                        --model PacJointUpsample \
                                        --dataset NYUDepthV2 \
                                        --data-root data/nyu
    4x 8x 16x
    Bilinear RMSE: 5.43 RMSE: 8.36 RMSE: 12.90
    PacJointUpsample RMSE: 2.39 | download RMSE: 4.59 | download RMSE: 8.09 | download
    PacJointUpsampleLite RMSE: 2.55 | download RMSE: 4.82 | download RMSE: 8.52 | download
    DJIF RMSE: 2.64 | download RMSE: 5.15 | download RMSE: 9.39 | download
  • Train from scratch:

    python -m task_jointUpsampling.main --factor 8 \
                                        --data-root data/nyu \
                                        --exp-root exp/nyu \
                                        --download \
                                        --dataset NYUDepthV2 \
                                        --epochs 5000 \
                                        --lr-steps 3500 4500

    See python -m task_jointUpsampling.main -h for the complete list of command line options.

Joint optical flow upsampling on Sintel
  • Train/val split (1 - train, 2 - val) is provided in meta/Sintel_train_val.txt (original source):

    • Validation: 133 pairs
      • ambush_6 (all 19)
      • bamboo_2 (last 25)
      • cave_4 (last 25)
      • market_6 (all 39)
      • temple_2 (last 25)
    • Training: remaining 908 pairs
  • Test with one of our pre-trained models:

    python -m task_jointUpsampling.main --load-weights weights_flow/x8_pac_weights_epoch_5000.pth \
                                        --download \
                                        --factor 8 \
                                        --model PacJointUpsample \
                                        --dataset Sintel \
                                        --data-root data/sintel
    4x 8x 16x
    Bilinear EPE: 0.4650 EPE: 0.9011 EPE: 1.6281
    PacJointUpsample EPE: 0.1042 | download EPE: 0.2558 | download EPE: 0.5921 | download
    DJIF EPE: 0.1760 | download EPE: 0.4382 | download EPE: 1.0422 | download
  • Train from scratch:

    python -m task_jointUpsampling.main --factor 8 \
                                        --data-root data/sintel \
                                        --exp-root exp/sintel \
                                        --download \
                                        --dataset Sintel \
                                        --epochs 5000 \
                                        --lr-steps 3500 4500

    See python -m task_jointUpsampling.main -h for the complete list of command line options.

Semantic segmentation

  • Test with one of the pre-trained models:

    python -m task_semanticSegmentation.main --data-root data/voc \ 
                                             --exp-root exp/voc \
                                             --download \
                                             --load-weights fcn8s_from_caffe.pth \
                                             --model fcn8s \
                                             --test-split val11_sbd \
                                             --test-crop -1
    miou (val / test) model name weights
    Backbone (FCN8s) 65.51% / 67.20% fcn8s download
    PacCRF 68.90% / 69.82% fcn8s_crfi5p4d5641p4d5161 download
    PacCRF-32 68.52% / 69.41% fcn8s_crfi5p4d5321 download
    PacFCN (hot-swapping) 67.44% / 69.18% fcn8spac download
    PacFCN+PacCRF 69.87% / 71.34% fcn8spac_crfi5p4d5641p4d5161 download

    Note that the last two models requires argument --test-crop 512.

  • Generate predictions

    Use the --eval pred mode to save predictions instead of reporting scores. Predictions will be saved under exp-root/outputs_*_pred, and can be used for VOC evaluation server:

    python -m task_semanticSegmentation.main \
    --data-root data/voc \
    --exp-root exp/voc \
    --load-weights fcn8s_paccrf_epoch_30.pth \
    --test-crop -1 \
    --test-split test \
    --eval pred \
    --model fcn8s_crfi5p4d5641p4d5161 
    cd exp/voc
    mkdir -p results/VOC2012/Segmentation
    mv outputs_test_pred results/VOC2012/Segmentation/comp6_test_cls
    tar zcf results_fcn8s_crf.tgz results

    Note that since there is no publicly available URL for the test split of VOC, when using the test split, the data files need to be downloaded from the official website manually. Simply place the downloaded VOC2012test.tar under the data root and untar.

  • Train models

    As an example, here shows the commands for the two-stage training of PacCRF:

    # stage 1: train CRF only with frozen backbone
    python -m task_semanticSegmentation.main \
    --data-root data/voc \
    --exp-root exp/voc/crf_only \
    --load-weights-backbone fcn8s_from_caffe.pth \
    --train-split train11 \
    --test-split val11_sbd \
    --train-crop 449 \
    --test-crop -1 \
    --model fcn8sfrozen_crfi5p4d5641p4d5161 \
    --epochs 40 \
    --lr 0.001 \
    --lr-steps 20
    # stage 2: train CRF and backbone jointly
    python -m task_semanticSegmentation.main \
    --data-root data/voc \
    --exp-root exp/voc/joint \
    --load-weights-backbone fcn8s_from_caffe.pth \
    --load-weights exp/voc/crf_only/weights_epoch_40.pth \
    --train-split train11 \
    --test-split val11_sbd \
    --train-crop 449 \
    --test-crop -1 \
    --model fcn8s_crfi5lp4d5641p4d5161 \
    --epochs 30 \
    --lr 0.0000001 \
    --lr-steps 20

See python -m task_semanticSegmentation.main -h for the complete list of command line options.


If you use this code for your research, please consider citing our paper:

  author    = {Hang Su and 
	       Varun Jampani and 
	       Deqing Sun and 
	       Orazio Gallo and 
	       Erik Learned-Miller and 
	       Jan Kautz},
  title     = {Pixel-Adaptive Convolutional Neural Networks},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer 
               Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  year      = {2019}


Pixel-Adaptive Convolutional Neural Networks (CVPR '19)




Language:Python 100.0%