YamamotoDesu / ViewModelWithProtocols

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Using ViewModel with Protocols in SwiftUI

Step 1: Define the View Model Protocol

Start by defining the view model protocol that outlines the properties and methods that your views will interact with.
This protocol serves as the contract that your view models will conform to.

import Foundation

protocol CounterViewModelProtocol {
    var count: Int { get set }
    func didTapIncrement()
    func didTapDecrement()

Step 2: Create a Concrete View Model

Implement a concrete class that conforms to the view model protocol.
This class will provide the actual functionality and data that your views will use.

import Foundation

final class CounterViewModelImpl: CounterViewModelProtocol {
    var count: Int = 0
    func didTapIncrement() {
        count += 1
    func didTapDecrement() {
        count -= 1

Step 3: Create a SwiftUI View

Inject the view model into the view using the @State property wrapper.

import SwiftUI

struct CounterView<ViewModel>: View where ViewModel: CounterViewModelProtocol {
    @State private var viewModel: ViewModel
    init(viewModel: ViewModel) {
        self._viewModel = State(wrappedValue: viewModel)
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Button("Increment") {
            Button("Decrement") {

Step 4: Instantiate and Use the View Model

let viewModel = CounterViewModelImpl()
CounterView(viewModel: viewModel)



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