Yaazarai / GLSL-ATAN2-DOC

Documentation for ATAN2 in GLSL because the GLSL docs suck.

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Documentation for ATAN2 in GLSL because the GLSL docs suck.


Above is the implementation output for atan2 or GLSL's atan(y,x) function.

The range here in degrees is 0 to pi (0-180 degrees) and -pi to 0 (181 to 359 degrees.

This can be converted to proper radians 0 to 2pi using the following function:

float atan2(float y, float x) {
    const float PI2 = 6.2831853071795864769252867665590;
    return mod(atan(y,x) + (PI2*0.5), PI2);


Documentation for ATAN2 in GLSL because the GLSL docs suck.