Ya-hwon / General

A collection of generally useful snippets

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A collection of generally useful snippets

To run tests do the following:

cmake -S . -B build

cmake --build build

cd build


What is in each File and how do I use it?


This is, well, a timer ^^

Can be used as follows:

  Timer timer("doSomething");

Exemplary output:

doSomething started
doSomething stopped after 63milliseconds 154microseconds 300nanoseconds

The timer also has a pause and a resume function as well as manual start and stop functions (by default this is done at con- and destruction) and the option to directly get the nanoseconds.


A spatial index, based on JTS's Java version, based on the space-filling hilbert curve. The code that handles the curves themselves was not written by me and can be found on GitHub.

Can be used as follows:

struct city {
	std::string name;
	size_t population;

HPRTree<city> tree;

tree.add({ "cityName", 12345 }, { 139.6922, 35.6897 }); // one would propably load this data from some sort of database or file
for(auto& elem : dataSource){
  tree.add({elem.name, elem.population}, {elem.lon, elem.lat}); // lon=x, lat=y
  // first parameter is the element to be indexed, the second one is a J::Point (alternatively a J::Envelope) adjustable via the indexGeom typedef


std::vector<city> candidates(5000);
tree.query({ -80, 80, -80, 80 }, candidates); 

// 'candidates' now holds all previously inserted elements within the query envelope

Don't attempt to query a tree that has not been built, do not attempt to build a tree twice, don't add items to an already built tree


A collection of generally useful snippets


Language:C++ 95.2%Language:CMake 4.8%