Y4rd13 / Astra

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Astra Assistant πŸš€

Welcome to Astra Assistant, your personal AI-powered assistant designed to enhance productivity and streamline tasks with a sophisticated user interface and advanced audio-visual capabilities.

Features ✨

  • Speech Recognition 🎀: Utilize the latest models for accurate voice command processing.
  • Text-to-Speech πŸ—£οΈ: High-quality voice output using state-of-the-art TTS models.
  • Image Analysis πŸ–ΌοΈ: Analyze and interpret images directly within the app.
  • Macro Customization ⌨️: Set up and customize macros to suit your workflow.
  • User-Friendly UI πŸ–₯️: Intuitive and responsive interface built with customtkinter.

Getting Started 🏁

Prerequisites πŸ“‹

  • Python 3.8 or higher
  • Required packages (install via pip):
    • tkinter
    • customtkinter
    • dotenv
    • sounddevice
    • numpy
    • Pillow
    • logging
    • opencv-python
    • keyboard
    • speech_recognition
    • whisper
    • pygame

Installation πŸ› οΈ

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Y4rd13/Astra.git
    cd Astra
  2. Install dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Set up environment variables:

    • Create a .env file in the root directory.
    • Add your OpenAI API key:

Running the Application ▢️

To start the application, run:

python app.py

Usage πŸš€

Main Interface πŸ–₯️

  • Text Area: Displays messages from the assistant.
  • User Input Box: Type your commands or questions here.
  • Send Button: Click to send your text input.
  • Record Button: Toggle audio recording to interact with the assistant via voice commands.
  • Settings Button: Access and customize application settings.

Settings βš™οΈ

Customize your experience by adjusting settings for:

  • Sound Input Device: Choose and test your preferred microphone.
  • Macros: Configure keyboard shortcuts for quick actions.
  • Models: Select preferred TTS and STT models, and configure the AI model used by the assistant.

Development πŸ› οΈ

Code Structure πŸ“

  • app.py: Main application logic and UI setup.
  • settings.py: Configuration management for user settings.
  • core.py: Core functionality for handling commands and interactions.
  • stt.py: Speech-to-text processing.
  • tts.py: Text-to-speech synthesis.
  • typer.py: Automated text typing and code parsing.
  • vision.py: Image capture and analysis.

Logging πŸ“œ

  • Logging is configured to provide detailed runtime information.
  • Logs are displayed in the console with timestamps for easy debugging.

Contributing 🀝

We welcome contributions! Please read our Contributing Guidelines for more information.

License πŸ“„

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Acknowledgements πŸ™Œ

Special thanks to the contributors and the open-source community for their invaluable support and tools.

Enjoy using Astra Assistant! If you encounter any issues, feel free to open an issue on GitHub.


  1. Core

    • Implement memory for the assistant to remember previous interactions.
    • Limit memory/chat-history to a certain number of messages according to the token limit for the current model.
    • Implement LangChain for multiple languages as Agents for the assistant.
    • Implement local LLMs such as:
      • MistralAI
      • Codestral
      • Whisper fine-tuned models to hear Astra's name.
  2. STT

    • Optimize response time for STT processing.
    • Voice Activity Detection: Automatically detects when you start and stop speaking.
    • Always listening: Enable the assistant to listen continuously for voice commands.
    • Wake Word Activation: Can activate upon detecting a designated wake word.
    • Realtime Transcription: Transforms speech to text in real-time (fast-whisper).
    • Integrate Faster-Whisper for faster STT processing.
    • vad_filter integration: Enable the voice activity detection (VAD) to filter out parts of the audio without speech. This step is using the Silero VAD model.
    • Implement function calling to stop the audio (i.e. Astra stop).
    • New user's input will be priority over the current audio input.
    • Loading async Astra_es_windows_v3_0_0.ppn and porcupine_params_es.pv from Hugging Face.
    • Update input audio device settings to allow users to select the desired microphone.
  3. Vision

    • semantic-chunking for video chunking analysis, instead of the current implementation.
  4. Fix typer.py

    • Correct the indentation issue when writing code.
    • Ensure the generated code is properly formatted.
    • Verify that writing code in different languages maintains the appropriate indentation.
  5. Audio Visualizer:

    • Add a visualizer to display audio input levels (STT).
    • Implement a visualizer for audio output (TTS).
    • Make the visualizer responsive.
    • Fix visualizer to generate sound across all the plot line.
  6. UI

    • Add switch button to keep active screen and/or cam vision.
    • Add a button to attach a file to the chat. (Image, audio, video, etc.)
    • Add a button to clear the chat history.
    • Make the chat box responsive to the window size.
    • Add sound effects with threading to avoid blocking the UI.
    • Add icons to the buttons.
    • Make overlay widget.
    • Add transparency
    • Implement "design settings" to allow users to customize the UI (dark mode, light mode, adjust transparency, etc.)
    • Adding Welcome Sound
    • Add new icons
  7. Fix Default Macro

    • Ensure the ctrl+shift+a key combination works correctly.
    • Allow customization of the macro through the settings.
  8. Essentials:

  • Astra response time optimization
    • General optimization: core (general methods) + stt (loading model) + tts (chunk processing)
    • Improve response time for STT
    • Implement setting to adjust noise reduction for STT
    • Improve response time for the vision module
  1. Other
  • Add more constants (images path, sounds path, etc) to constants.py to avoid hardcoding.


La imagen de record_image_path y stop_image_path en realidad no estan fucionando correctamente, la idea es la siguiente:

  1. Por defecto la imagen utiliza neuralgt-icon.png
  2. Cuando el usuario dice el wake word, entonces la imagen cambia a neuralgt-icon-active.png
  3. Cuando el usuario deja de hablar, la imagen cambia a neuralgt-icon.png

En resumen:

  1. La imagen por defecto es neuralgt-icon.png, que tambien indica que no se ha dicho el wake word, o que el proceso del STT ha finalizado (el usuario ya no esta hablando, obviamente luego de decir el wake word).
  2. Cuando se detecta el wake word y luego el usuario esta hablando, neuralgt-icon-active.png actua como un indicador para el usuario de que ha dicho el wake word y que su audio esta siendo "escuchado" procesado por el STT.

por defecto -> neuralgt-icon.png -> luego usuario dice el wake word y empieza a hablar -> neuralgt-icon-active.png -> el usuario ha dejado de hablar -> vuelta al estado por defecto -> neuralgt-icon.png



Language:Python 100.0%