Xyu-Chern / XJTLU_INT102

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Breif Introduction

  • This is a repository about XJTLU lesson : INT102 SPRING 23-24 ( Introdution to Algorithms)
  • Language : English , Chinese

How to use this repository ?

  • Textbook: This folder contains two textbooks .
  • Lecture : This is a folder of all teaching materials that you may face in int102.
  • Final : Previous test papers.
  • Coursework : This is a folder of cw1 and cw2 with my handwritten answers.
  • Introduction_to_Algorithms : The first version that I sort out. I add some supplyment materials from chatgpt-4o to help learning. This version mainly follows the course sequence.


  • I will update a new version may be in 24summer to revise many faults
