Xyna-Factory / generic-oas-backend

A small application with focus on testing and development of PoCs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A small application with focus on testing and development of PoCs

Version information

Actual Version: 1.3


The application contains services to manage incoming requests. The requests are stored as strings in the Xyna database and can be read from there. When a JSON representation of Xyna datatypes is used, those objects can be serialized and de-serialized with the standard JSON services, that are present in the JSON application of the Xnya Factory


The application contains the following services:

  1. Store Request: saves the resource to the database
  2. Delete Request: deletes the resource identified by "id"
  3. Get All Requests With Filter: delivers a list of all matching resources. The filter consists of "providerAppName" and "providerAppVersion".
  4. Get Request By Id: delivers exactly one resource identified by "id" (primary key)


The data is stored in the Xyna Storable "Resource_Storable", which has the following attributes

Resource Storable

Attibute Datatype Comment
id String Primary Key
resource String Request or serialized object
providerAppName String Name of the calling application
providerAppVersion String Version of the calling application
objectType String Information of the object type, e.g the Xyna datatype
saveTime Long Save-Time of the entry in milliseconds


A small application with focus on testing and development of PoCs