XuperBryan / proj-mapache-search

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Mapache Search



This app is a course project of https://ucsb-cs156.github.io, a course at UC Santa Barbara.

The purpose of this application is to allow for searching of a class's slack archive for messages in public channels.

Property file values

This section serves as a quick reference for values found in either secrets-localhost.properties and/or secrets-heroku.properties.

Property name Heroku only? Explanation
app.namespace See Getting Started below
app.admin.emails A comma separated list of email addresses of permanent admin users.
app.member.hosted-domain The email suffix that identifies members (i.e. ucsb.edu vs gmail.com)
auth0.domain See Getting Started below
auth0.clientId See Getting Started below
security.oauth2.resource.id Should always be ${app.namespace}/api
security.oauth2.resource.jwk.keySetUri Should always be https://\${auth0.domain}/.well-known/jwks.json
spring.data.mongodb.uri Should be the connection uri to your MongoDB cluster + database
spring.jpa.database-platform Yes Should always be org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect
spring.datasource.driver-class-name Yes Should always be org.postgresql.Driver
spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.temp.use_jdbc_metadata_defaults Yes Should always be false
spring.datasource.url Yes Should always be ${JDBC_DATABASE_URL}
spring.datasource.username Yes Should always be ${JDBC_DATABASE_USERNAME}
spring.datasource.password Yes Should always be ${JDBC_DATABASE_PASSWORD}
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto Yes Should always be update
app.google.search.apiToken See https://developers.google.com/custom-search/v1/overview

Getting started

The first step is to create our secrets file for running the application locally. You can do this by running the following command:

  cp secrets-localhost.properties.SAMPLE secrets-localhost.properties

The next thing you'll want to do is to choose a name for your application. The name should be lowercase letters, digits, and hyphens only. You'll want to then create this application on Heroku in order to verify that the name is available.

  • For example, if your name is cool-application then your heroku application's url will end up looking like https://cool-application.herokuapp.com.

We will now update the following properties in secrets-localhost.properties with the url of our application:

Property name Value
app.namespace The url of your heroku application (i.e. https://cool-application.herokuapp.com)
app.admin.emails A comma separated list of email addresses of permanent admin users. We suggest adding your email to the list (i.e. phtcon@ucsb.edu,youremail@ucsb.edu)
app.member.hosted-domain ucsb.edu

The next thing you'll want to do is set up your Auth0 SPA App. Instructions for setting up auth0 can be found here.

  • As part of these instructions, you will have created javascript/.env.local from javascript/.env.local.SAMPLE
  • Next, you need update the values in your new secrets-localhost.properties. You can copy the corresponding values from the javascript/.env.local, using this guide:
For this value in secrets-localhost.properties Use this value from javascript/.env.local

You may see additional values in secrets-localhost.properties such as the ones below. You do not need to adjust these; leave the values alone.


At this point, you should be able to run the app locally via

mvn spring-boot:run

Deploying to Production

To deploy to production on Heroku, see: ./docs/heroku.md

Setting up GitHub Actions

To setup GitHub Actions so that the tests pass, you will need to configure some secrets on the GitHub repo settings page; see: ./docs/github-actions-secrets.md for details.

Setting up Custom Claims in Auth0

User Access Tokens are two json objects: within the json objects there are some keys and fields that are expected to be there. If you want to add addditional keys and values, these are called custom claims. The keys for custom claims must begin with something that resembles a url. This makes sure that claims from one application don't interfere with claims from another application.

In this case, we want to put in email, first name, and last name.

In Auth0.com go to the left hand sidebar and click Rules, then click Create Rule. Select Empty Rule at the top.

There is a function that takes a user, a context, and a callback. Context has an access token as a property. User has all of the user information. We want to add a property to context.accessToken.

To do this, add:

context.accessToken[<application url>]={
  "email" : user.email,
  "given_name" : user.given_name,
  "family_name" : user.family_name

before the return statement. After that, save the new rule.


License:MIT License


Language:Java 63.1%Language:JavaScript 35.7%Language:HTML 0.5%Language:CSS 0.4%Language:Python 0.2%Language:Shell 0.0%