Xuehao-Gao / GUESS

GUESS: GradUally Enriching SyntheSis for Text-Driven Human Motion Generation ( IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2024)

Home Page:https://arxiv.org/pdf/2401.02142.pdf

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

PWC Journal

⚡ Quick Start

1. Conda environment

conda create python=3.9 --name GUESS
conda activate GUESS

Install the packages in requirements.txt and install PyTorch 1.12.1

pip install -r requirements.txt

We test our code on Python 3.9.12 and PyTorch 1.12.1.

2. Dependencies

Run the script to download dependencies materials

bash prepare/download_smpl_model.sh
bash prepare/prepare_clip.sh

For Text to Motion Evaluation

bash prepare/download_t2m_evaluators.sh

3. Datasets

For convenience, you can directly download the datasets we processed and put them into ./datasets/. Please cite their oroginal papers if you use these datasets.

Datasets Google Cloud
HumanML3D Download
KIT Download

💻 Train your own GUESS

1. Train a VAE model for each skeleton scale

Please first check the parameters in configs/config_vae_humanml3d.yaml, e.g. NAME,DEBUG.

Then, run the following command

python -m train --cfg configs/config_vae_humanml3d.yaml --cfg_assets configs/assets.yaml --batch_size 64 --nodebug

2. Train a cascaded latent diffusion model among multiple scales

Please update the parameters in configs/config_mld_humanml3d.yaml, e.g. NAME,DEBUG,PRETRAINED_VAE (change to your latest ckpt model path in previous step) Then, run the following command

python -m train --cfg configs/config_mld_humanml3d.yaml --cfg_assets configs/assets.yaml --batch_size 64 --nodebug

3. Evaluate the model

Please first put the tained model checkpoint path to TEST.CHECKPOINT in configs/config_mld_humanml3d.yaml.

Then, run the following command

python -m test --cfg configs/config_mld_humanml3d.yaml --cfg_assets configs/assets.yaml

▶️ Demo

We support text file or keyboard input, the generated motions are npy files. Please check the configsasset.yaml for path config, TEST.FOLDER as output folder.

Then, run the following script

python demo.py --cfg ./configs/config_mld_humanml3d.yaml --cfg_assets ./configs/assets.yaml --example ./demo/example.txt

Some parameters

  • --example=.demoexample.txt input file as text prompts
  • --task=text_motion generate from the test set of dataset
  • --task=random_sampling random motion sampling from noise
  • --replication generate motions for same input texts multiple times
  • --allinone store all generated motions in a single npy file with the shape of [num_samples, num_ replication, num_frames, num_joints, xyz]

The outputs

  • npy file the generated motions with the shape of (nframe, 22, 3)
  • text file the input text prompt

👀 Visualization

1. Set up blender - WIP

Refer to TEMOS-Rendering motions for blender setup, then install the following dependencies.

YOUR_BLENDER_PYTHON_PATH/python -m pip install -r prepare/requirements_render.txt

2. (Optional) Render rigged cylinders

Run the following command using blender:

YOUR_BLENDER_PATH/blender --background --python render.py -- --cfg=./configs/render.yaml --dir=YOUR_NPY_FOLDER --mode=video --joint_type=HumanML3D

2. Create SMPL meshes with:

python -m fit --dir YOUR_NPY_FOLDER --save_folder TEMP_PLY_FOLDER --cuda

This outputs:

  • mesh npy file: the generate SMPL vertices with the shape of (nframe, 6893, 3)
  • ply files: the ply mesh file for blender or meshlab

3. Render SMPL meshes

Run the following command to render SMPL using blender:

YOUR_BLENDER_PATH/blender --background --python render.py -- --cfg=./configs/render.yaml --dir=YOUR_NPY_FOLDER --mode=video --joint_type=HumanML3D

optional parameters:

  • --mode=video: render mp4 video
  • --mode=sequence: render the whole motion in a png image.

📌 Citation

If you find our code or paper helps, please consider citing

  author={Gao, Xuehao and Yang, Yang and Xie, Zhenyu and Du, Shaoyi and Sun, Zhongqian and Wu, Yang},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics}, 
  title={GUESS GradUally Enriching SyntheSis for Text-Driven Human Motion Generation}, 


Thanks to MLD, our code is partially borrowing from them.


This code is distributed under an MIT LICENSE.

Note that our code depends on other libraries, including SMPL, SMPL-X, PyTorch3D, and uses datasets which each have their own respective licenses that must also be followed.


GUESS: GradUally Enriching SyntheSis for Text-Driven Human Motion Generation ( IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2024)


License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.4%Language:Shell 0.6%