XuanLeee / setUpForAutomationTest

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Some useful command :

Check the local gem: gem list --local

Set up step for Android:

1 Download Android SDK and go to Platform-tools

2 Get the apk file and put it into the Platform-tools folder (make sure the abd and fastboot are in the folder)

3 Install RVM (Ruby Version Manager): \curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash

4 Using RVM to install Ruby \curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby ruby --version : check version which ruby : show work directory

5 Close terminal and reopen a new one, type:source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm Check rvm install successfully : type rvm | head -n 1 Will show "rvm is a function" if rvm is running succefully type: rvm list known , will show all the known ruby

6 Type: rvm install 2.0.0 , this will install ruby 2.0.0 that is stable with calabash

7 Install cucumber: gem install cucumber

8 Install bundler: gem install 'bundler'

9 Install calabash-android :gem install calabash-android

10 Download Java Development Kit (JDK) which Java : show/usr/bin/java java -version : check java version

11 Install Ant download apache-ant-1.10.1-bin.tar.gz extracts: tar vxf apache-ant-1.10.1-bin.tar.gz

12 Set Environment path in .bash.profile:

export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/Home

export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/yourname/Library/Android/sdk

export ANT_HOME=/Users/yourname/apache-ant-1.10.1

export PATH="/Users/yourname/Library/Android/sdk/":$PATH:$ANT_HOME/bin


export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin/java


export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools

to re-scourcing .bash_profile

source ~/.bash_profile

13 Create a Gemfile in platform-tools folder

14 bundle install

15 Run: calabash-android setup And answer all the questions

16 Resign the app : calabash-android resign /Users/yourname/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/app-canary.apk

17 Run: calabash-android run app-canary.apk

Trouble shooting

1 Json conflic can be solved by : delete gem/gem.lock -> budndle init->edit gem file with

/ # Contents of Gemfile source "https://rubygems.org"

 gem 'calabash-android'
 gem 'cucumber'

Then do bundle install

Some basic commend

1 calabash-android run app-canary.apk

2 calabash-android console app-canary.apk


1 Fail scenarios can be found at logs, calabash also will take screen shot for the fail UI and save it in your working directory 2 Different sceranios can be run with : calabash-android run your.apk --tags @important calabash-android run your.apk --tags @important

Set up steps for IOS:

1 Install ruby and calabash-cucumber in the root folder of project

gem install calabash-cucumber

2 Using calabash-ios command to download the latest version of calabash.framework

calabash-ios download

3 Linke the app with calabash.framework:

(1) git clone target-repo
(2) cd repo and do pod install ( need cocoapad install first)
(3) if there is swift socket-io issues, change the socket-io version to "11.1.3"
(4) run pod update
(5) open with xcode and go to target, link the calabash in debug config  
    trouble shooting: In other linker flags, don`t change the origin framework, just add this command at the end
        -ObjC -force_load "$(SOURCE_ROOT)/calabash.framework/calabash" -framework CFNetwork

4 Setup test: run calabash-ios gen to see if there is dir called features created, run test with cucumber

5 Now you can start app with simulator in calabash console by : calabash-ios console run

Set up steps for physical target device:

1 Find if device has enable for development: xcrun instruments -s devices, also enable Developer->UI Automation in setting

2 Run on Xcode and get app on the phone

3 Start with target device Create a .sh file:


  export BUNDLE_ID=ca.ohri.immunizenu
  export CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="iOS Developer: YOURNAME(Ottawa Hospital Research Institute)"
  export DEVICE_TARGET=f9f66342ad6225ef481eb3a02850a03d3a627472
  calabash-ios console device

4 Run calabash-ios run some.app

Set up steps for IOS with cocoapods

1 Enter this scrip on Podfile under Pods pod 'Calabash', :configurations => ['Calabash']

2 do pod install try pod update while pod install not work




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