XsLangley / TDGAN

This is the code repository of model TDGAN. Paper: Facial Expression Recognition with Two-branch Disentangled Generative Adversarial Network.

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TDGAN: Two-branch Disentangled Generative Adversarial Network

This is the PyTorch implementation of model TDGAN for facial expression recognition (FER), which is an algorithm presented in the following paper:

Xie, Siyue, Haifeng Hu, and Yizhen Chen. "Facial Expression Recognition with Two-branch Disentangled Generative Adversarial Network." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (2020).

Abstract: Facial Expression Recognition (FER) is a challenging task in computer vision as features extracted from expressional images are usually entangled with other facial attributes, e.g., poses or appearance variations, which are adverse to FER. To achieve a better FER performance, we propose a model named Two-branch Disentangled Generative Adversarial Network (TDGAN) for discriminative expression representation learning. Different from previous methods, TDGAN learns to disentangle expressional information from other unrelated facial attributes. To this end, we build the framework with two independent branches, which are specific for facial and expressional information processing respectively. Correspondingly, two discriminators are introduced to conduct identity and expression classification. By adversarial learning, TDGAN is able to transfer an expression to a given face. It simultaneously learns a discriminative representation that is disentangled from other facial attributes for each expression image, which is more effective for FER task. In addition, a self-supervised mechanism is proposed to improve representation learning, which enhances the power of disentangling. Quantitative and qualitative results in both in-the-lab and in-the-wild datasets demonstrate that TDGAN is competitive to the state-of-the-art methods.

Note: The face image in the above pipeline diagram is provided by my friend Dr. Shiyuan Li. He once said he has longed for seeing his face being presented in some public publications so I took his figure as an illustrative example in this paper. (Of course, I obtained his permission before placing the image.) But he still complained that the image I chose was far from his satisfactory as he doesn't look very handsome in the image.

The paper is available at here.

Cite This work

  title={Facial expression recognition with two-branch disentangled generative adversarial network},
  author={Xie, Siyue and Hu, Haifeng and Chen, Yizhen},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology},

Quick Start: one evaluation step with a pretrained model

  1. Download the model file from:
    • Google Drive: click here
    • Baidu Wangpan: click here, (auth code: uyii).
  2. Extract the pretrained model and place it under the directory: ./Dataset/examples
  3. Go for a quick demo through command: python main.py. This command will perform an evaluation step and generate an image under directory ./Dataset/examples, with a file name of generated_example.png.


  • Numpy
  • Pytorch > 1.3
  • Pillow

Model Description

The framework of the model: avatar

TDGAN learns image representations through expression transferring. The inputs are two images: one facial image with identity label and one expressional image with expression label. The goal of the generator is to transfer the expression from the expressional image to the face image. Therefore, TDGAN includes two separate branch for extracting corresponding image representations and then using a deconv-based decoder to generate the image. To make sure that the generated image fulfills our expectation, there are two discriminators for TDGAN to evaluate the generated image. One is a face discriminator, which conducts identity classification (so that TDGAN can know whether the face appearance in the generated image is the same as that of the input facial image). The other is an expression discriminator, which conducts expression classification (so that TDGAN can know whether the expression in the generated image is the same as that of the input expressional image). Note that the expected identity information can only be extracted from the input facial image, while the expected expression information can only be extracted from the input expressional image. Therefore, by adversarial training, the face branch will tend to extract only identity (facial appearance) related features while the expression branch will tend to extract only expression related features. In other word, the expression branch is induced to disentangle expressional features from other features. We can therefore take such expression-specific features for expression classification task.

Code Descriptions

Directory Tree

│   LoadData.py  
│   main.py  
│   models.py    
│   README.md
│   trainer.py
│   util.py
│   └───CASIA_WebFace
|   |   |   casia_data_examples.npz
│   |   └───img
│   |       └───0000045
│   |       └───0000099
│   └───examples
│   |   |   expression.jpg
│   |   |   face.jpg
│   └───RAF
|       |   RAF_examples.npz
│       └───img

Directory and Files Descriptions

  • main.py : main function of the model. Optional arguments:
    • --facedata: the specified face dataset; for this demo code, only CASIA is supported; you can customize your own dataset by modifying the dataloader (default: CASIA)
    • --exprdata: the specified expression dataset; for this demo code, only RAF is supported; you can customize your own dataset by modifying the dataloader (default: RAF)
    • --train: a flag to indicate the work mode, True for training and False evaluation (default: False)
    • --epoch: running epochs for training (default: 100)
    • --batchsize: batch size for training (default: 32)
    • --lr: learning rate for training (default: 1e-4)
    • --gpu: specify a GPU device for running the code, -1 for cpu setting and a positive integer for GPU setting (default: -1)
    • All other hyper-parameters are hard coded in the variable hpar_dict in the main.py. If you want to specify each hyper-parameter, you can manually modify the values.
  • trainer.py: trainer for model training and evaluation
  • models.py: all modules' implementations
  • LoadData.py: customized datasets class for pytorch's dataloader
  • util.py: some other functions
  • Dataset: data directory that stores all required image data and label data
    • ./Dataset/CASIA_WebFace/casia_data_examples.npz: the file that stores the file name of all required images in the CASIA_WebFace dataset
    • ./Dataset/RAF/RAF_data_examples.npz: the file that stores the file name of all required images in the RAF dataset


Experiments are conducted on three in-the-lab datasets (CK+, TFEID, RaFD) and two in-the-wild datasets (BAUM-2i, RAF-DB).

All the datasets are publicly accessible in the following links:

  • CK+: application form
    • The Extended Cohn-Kanade (CK+) [22] contains 593 image sequences collected from 123 subjects. 433 Expressions in each sequence vary from neutral face to the 434 peak expression. In this dataset, only sequences are labelled with one of the six prototypical expressions (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise) and thus selected out for experiments. We pick out the last three frames of each sequence to construct the training and testing sets. Additionally, the first frame of each selected sequence is collected as a neural face. Therefore, there are totally 1236 images involved in our experiments.
  • TFEID: download link (but currently their server seems crashed...)
    • Taiwanese Facial Expression Image Database (TFEID) is captured from 40 models, each with eight facial expressions(six typical expression + neural + contempt). In our experiments, we only pick out the images that are labeled with six basic expression and the neutral. Therefore, 580 images of TFEID are involved in our experiments.
  • RaFD: download link
    • The Radboud Faces Database (RaFD) is a set of pictures collected from 67 model with different ethnics. Each picture of the dataset is annotated with an expression as well as the corresponding identity. To compare with other state-of-the-art methods, we only collect the images labeled with one of the seven expressions (six prototypical expressions+neutral). Therefore, there are totally 1407 images used in our experiments.
  • BAUM-2i: download link
    • BAUM-2i is a static expression dataset, which is sorted out from BAUM-2, a dataset of audio-visual affective facial clips collected from movies and TV series. BAUM-2i contains samples under diverse conditions reflecting the eight expressions (six typical expressions plus the neutral and contemp). In our experiments, 998 images labeled with one of the seven expressions (contempt excluded) are used to evaluate our model.
  • RAF-DB: download link
    • Real-world Affective Faces Database (RAF-DB) is a large-scale facial expression database that all images are collected from the Internet and annotated by human. In our experiments, we only use the single-label subset (including six typical expressions and the neutral) to evaluate the TDGAN. The predefined training set includes 12271 samples and the size of the test set is 3068.

Preprocessing and Setup

In the preprocessing stage, faces in the input images (including both face and expression images) are first detected by the MTCNN and then resized to 128x128x1. Data augmentation (random cropping and horizontal flipping) is also adopted in the training stage. To fairly compared with other methods, in CK+, TFEID, RaFD and BAUM-2i, we conduct subject-independent 10-fold cross-validation to evaluate our model. In RAF-DB, TDGAN is trained and evaluated in the predefined training and testing sets.

Results on Expression Classification Task (main task)

Dataset Accuracy (%)
CK+ 97.53
TFEID 97.20
RaFD 99.32
BAUM-2i 65.76
RAF-DB 81.91

Visualization Results

The purpose of TDGAN is to recognize facial expressions. However, since we use GAN framework for disentangling, TDGAN can also generate some interesting images as by-product. By observing on the generated images, we can also evaluate whether different attributes are disentangled with each other in some extent. Here we conduct two kinds of visualization experiments, i.e., expression transferring (interpolation) and face interpolation.

But note that our main task is expression recognition, we don't care about the quality of the generated images. Also, the following images are cherry-picked, i.e., it is not guaranteed that the model can always successfully transfer a given expression to another face.

Expression Transferring/ Interpolation

Given a face image, we can modify the expression in the face based on what expression images are given. Also, we can fix the face image, and interpolate between two expression images to see how the expression in the generated face is gradually changed from one to another. This shows that TDGAN can disentangle expressional features from facial attributes as it can modify the expression but keep the facial appearance untouched.

Given a person's facial image, we change his expression from fear to anger: avatar

The animation to show the transition process:


Given a person's facial image, we change his expression from neutral to happiness: avatar

The animation to show the transition process:


Face Interpolation

Given two face images, we can interpolate between these two face so that we can observe the transition process from one face to another face. This also shows that TDGAN is able to disentangle facial appearance features from expression features as the facial appearance is changed but the expression is kept untouched.

Given an expression image (Happiness) and two person's image, we change the facial appearance from one to another, but keep the expression unchanged: avatar

The animation to show the transition process:


Given an expression image (Neutral) and two person's image, we change the facial appearance from one to another, but keep the expression unchanged: avatar

The animation to show the transition process:



This is the code repository of model TDGAN. Paper: Facial Expression Recognition with Two-branch Disentangled Generative Adversarial Network.


Language:Python 100.0%