XoopsModulesArchive / classroom

module for managing schools with divisions and classrooms. Each classroom is assigned a user/teacher to manage this classroom. The teacher can then create new classes in that classroom and create blocks of certain built-in types for presenting information.

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Archived Module for XOOPS CMS

XOOPS CMS Module Software License

XOOPS Module Archive: Modules in this archive are older modules for XOOPS CMS, and therefore some of them might not work with the latest XOOPS and PHP versions.

However, please fork them and if you have any improvements and fixes, please share them back with us.

Visit us on http://xoops.org

The upcoming "next generation" XOOPS CMS version is being crafted at: https://github.com/XOOPS


module for managing schools with divisions and classrooms. Each classroom is assigned a user/teacher to manage this classroom. The teacher can then create new classes in that classroom and create blocks of certain built-in types for presenting information.


Language:PHP 94.0%Language:HTML 6.0%Language:Smarty 0.0%