XingxingHuang / Demos

useful demos to help you from 0 to 1. These materials including practices about python, data, sql, database.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Some useful demos let you from 0 to 1. About python, data, sql, database. Most of them have been modified from the original files. Some personal notes were added.

  • sqlalchemy_demo-master readme

  • Uda032-Data Wrangling with MongoDB readme Let's use MongoDB database.

  • TCP/IP from shiyanlou readme Let you know TCP/IP Protocol and how it works with our internet (write in Chinese).

  • readme Let you be comfortable to use SQL, practice onlien from

  • Recommend_System notebook A python notebook that helps to go through basic methods in recommendation systems.

  • Web-Develop readme know the concept of web develop, from html css javascript to backend techniques.

  • github This is a folder to record some basic github commands. Write in Chinese.

  • Python Advanced folder for learning different python libraries.


useful demos to help you from 0 to 1. These materials including practices about python, data, sql, database.


Language:Python 62.3%Language:Jupyter Notebook 34.8%Language:HTML 2.2%Language:CSS 0.4%Language:JavaScript 0.2%