XinQIangYU / SparseDFF

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SparseDFF: Sparse-View Feature Distillation for One-Shot Dexterous Manipulation

We introduce a novel method for acquiring view-consistent 3D DFFs from sparse RGBD observations, enabling one-shot learning of dexterous manipulations that are transferable to novel scenes.


Constructing the Feature Field

Initially, we map the image features to the 3D point cloud, allowing for propagation across the 3D space to establish a dense feature field.

Then, A lightweight feature refinement network optimizes with a contrastive loss between pairwise views after back-projecting the image features onto the 3D point cloud.

Additionally, we implement a point-pruning mechanism to augment feature continuity within each local neighborhood.

Optimize the EE Pose

By establishing coherent feature fields on both source and target scenes, we devise an energy function that facilitates the minimization of feature discrepancies w.r.t. the end-effector parameters between the demonstration and the target manipulation.


We provide sample data that allows you to directly conduct manipulation transfer within our collected data, and offer visualization code for visualizing the experimental results. Additionally, we also provide code for data collection using Kinect. For additional environment configuration and instructions, please refer to Data Collection Part.

We provide bash script for example data download and pretrained model download.

git clone --recurse-submodules
conda create -n sparsedff python=3.9
cd ./SparseDFF/thirdparty_module/dinov2
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd ../pytorch_kinematics
pip install -e .
cd ../pytorch3d
pip install -e .
cd ../segment-anything
pip install -e .

sudo apt install xvfb 
pip install open3d opencv-python scikit-image trimesh lxml pyvirtualdisplay pyglet

# download the pretrained-model for sam and dinov2
# download the example data


Test with our given models

All configurations are managed by the config.yaml. The usage of specific parameters can be found in the comments within the file.

Test with our default example data:


After finishing the test, a clear visulization using trimesh will be presented if visualize is true in `config.yaml``. Otherwise, a picture of the visulization will be saved.

Data Collection

We use four Azure Kinects for data collection. We provide for capturing the data required for the model . is used for convenient image collection required for multi-calibration (with multical). Additionally, you can use easy_handeye for eye-on-base calibration, and save the calibration matrix, along with the pose matrix of the experiment table, in the tranform.yaml folder. The code will automatically read the saved information during runtime.

The file struction is as:

+-- camera
|  +--  
|  +--
|  +-- transform.yaml

Test our model with data captured in real time

Additionally, we provide a pipeline that allows for automatic capturing of images during manipulation transfer at runtime. After configuring the camera environment, you only need to change the value of data2 in the config.yaml file to null.


We provide the script in order to perform further fine-grained visualization on the data in the ./data directory.

All the Visualizations will be saved in ./visulize directory.

Visualize the feature field using the similarity between

python --mode 3Dsim_volume --key 0

Visualize the optimization Result

python --mode result_vis --key=1 --pca --with_hand

Visualize the feature similarity between all points in reference pointcloud, test pointcloud and *a point in reference point cloud assigned by --ref_idx.

python --mode 3D_similarity --ref_idx 496 --similarity l2



Language:Python 99.6%Language:Shell 0.4%