XinMing0411 / INTERSPEECH2019

Papers in INTERSPEECH 2019

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Spoken Language Processing

Special Session 1-6: Spoken Language Processing for Children’s Speech

  • Fei Wu, Leibny Paola García-Perera, Daniel Povey, Sanjeev Khudanpur. Advances in Automatic Speech Recognition for Child Speech Using Factored Time Delay Neural Network [INTERSPEECH 2019]
    • ASR TDNN-F Data augmentation Vocal tract length normalization (VTLN)
    • TDNN-F: Subsample + SVD

Oral 1-1: End-to-End Speech Recognition

  • Jason Li, Vitaly Lavrukhin, Boris Ginsburg, Ryan Leary, Oleksii Kuchaiev, Jonathan M. Cohen, Huyen Nguyen, Ravi Teja Gadde. Jasper: An End-to-End Convolutional Neural Acoustic Model [INTERSPEECH 2019]
    • ASR LibriSpeech WSJ Hub5'00 Conv1D Dense Residual NovoGrad

Poster 1-A: Speaker Recognition and Diarization

  • Zhifu Gao, Yan Song, Ian McLoughlin, Pengcheng Li, Yiheng Jiang, Li-Rong Dai. Improving Aggregation and Loss Function for Better Embedding Learning in End-to-End Speaker Verification System [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • TI-SV VoxCeleb Multi-stage aggregation (MSA) DALoss
  • Hitoshi Yamamoto, Kong Aik Lee, Koji Okabe, Takafumi Koshinaka. Speaker Augmentation and Bandwidth Extension for Deep Speaker Embedding [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • TI-SV VoxCeleb SITW Data augmentation DNN based bandwidth extension
    • After voice conversion, e.g., speed perturbation, utterances should be assigned with new speaker labels
    • Use DNN to estimate missing filter banks for low-bandwidth features

Special Session 4-A: The 2019 Automatic Speaker Verification Spoofing and Countermeasures Challenge: ASVspoof Challenge - P

  • Cheng-I Lai, Nanxin Chen, Jesús Villalba, Najim Dehak. ASSERT: Anti-Spoofing with Squeeze-Excitation and Residual neTworks [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • TI-SV Anti-spoofing Acoustic features Squeeze-and-excitation Residual
  • Bhusan Chettri, Daniel Stoller, Veronica Morfi, Marco A. Martínez Ramírez, Emmanouil Benetos, Bob L. Sturm. Ensemble Models for Spoofing Detection in Automatic Speaker Verification [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • TI-SV Anti-spoofing Ensemble
    • Ensemble traditional ML models (GMM, SVM) and deep models (CNN, CRNN, Sample-level CNN, Wave-U-Net)

Oral 3-2: Speaker Recognition 1

  • Gautam Bhattacharya, Jahangir Alam, Patrick Kenny. Deep Speaker Recognition: Modular or Monolithic? [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • TI-SV VoxCeleb AAM-Softmax Neural backend
    • VoxCeleb1 EER 0.55%
  • Shuai Wang, Johan Rohdin, Lukáš Burget, Oldřich Plchot, Yanmin Qian, Kai Yu, Jan Černocký. On the Usage of Phonetic Information for Text-independent Speaker Embedding Extraction [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • TI-SV VoxCeleb Multi-task learning Phonetic information
    • Encourage phonetic information at the frame-level stage and suppress it at the segment-level stage
  • Mirco Ravanelli, Yoshua Bengio. Learning Speaker Representations with Mutual Information [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • TI-SV TIMIT LibriSpeech VoxCeleb Unsupervised learning Mutual information
  • Lanhua You, Wu Guo, Li-Rong Dai, Jun Du. Multi-Task Learning with High-Order Statistics for X-vector based Text-Independent Speaker Verification [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • TI-SV NIST SRE VOiCES Multi-task learning
    • Use the first- and higher-order statistics as the reconstruction targets
  • Zhanghao Wu, Shuai Wang, Yanmin Qian, Kai Yu. Data Augmentation Using Variational Autoencoder for Embedding Based Speaker Verification [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • TI-SV NIST SRE Data augmentation Conditional VAE
    • Train CVAE on manually augmented samples, then generate more embeddings for training PLDA
  • Lanhua You, Wu Guo, Li-Rong Dai, Jun Du. Deep Neural Network Embeddings with Gating Mechanisms for Text-Independent Speaker Verification [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • TI-SV NIST SRE Gated CNN Gated-attention statistics pooling

Oral 4-1: Speaker and Language Recognition 1

  • Jee-weon Jung, Hee-Soo Heo, Ju-ho Kim, Hye-jin Shim, Ha-Jin Yu. RawNet: Advanced End-to-End Deep Neural Network Using Raw Waveforms for Text-Independent Speaker Verification [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Wei Rao, Chenglin Xu, Eng Siong Chng, Haizhou Li. Target Speaker Extraction for Multi-Talker Speaker Verification [INTERSPEECH 2019]

Oral 5-5: Speaker Recognition Evaluation

Special Session 7-3: The VOiCES from a Distance Challenge - O

Special Session 7-A: The VOiCES from a Distance Challenge - P

Oral 8-5: Speaker Recognition 2

  • Themos Stafylakis, Johan Rohdin, Oldřich Plchot, Petr Mizera, Lukáš Burget. Self-Supervised Speaker Embeddings [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • TI-SV VoxCeleb SITW Self-supervised
    • Reconstruct frames using speaker embedding and ASR outputs
  • Andreas Nautsch, Jose Patino, Amos Treiber, Themos Stafylakis, Petr Mizera, Massimiliano Todisco, Thomas Schneider, Nicholas Evans. Privacy-Preserving Speaker Recognition with Cohort Score Normalisation [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Yi Liu, Liang He, Jia Liu. Large Margin Softmax Loss for Speaker Verification [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • TI-SV VoxCeleb AM-Softmax
    • VoxCeleb1 EER 2.00%
    • A large weight decay at 0.01
  • Amirhossein Hajavi, Ali Etemad. A Deep Neural Network for Short-Segment Speaker Recognition [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • TI-SV VoxCeleb Short duration Multi-stage aggregation
    • Apply non-linear aggregator over embeddings from different stage
  • Jianfeng Zhou, Tao Jiang, Zheng Li, Lin Li, Qingyang Hong. Deep Speaker Embedding Extraction with Channel-Wise Feature Responses and Additive Supervision Softmax Loss Function [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • TI-SV VoxCeleb Conv1D Squeeze-and-excitation (SE) Additive supervision softmax
    • Use statistics pooling to replace global average pooling in squeeze-and-excitation
  • Suwon Shon, Hao Tang, James Glass. VoiceID Loss: Speech Enhancement for Speaker Verification [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • TI-SV Speech enhancement (SE) VoxCeleb Mask Conv1D

Poster 6-A: Speaker Recognition and Anti-Spoofing

  • Anderson R. Avila, Jahangir Alam, Douglas O’Shaughnessy, Tiago H. Falk. Blind Channel Response Estimation for Replay Attack Detection [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Ankur T. Patil, Rajul Acharya, Pulikonda Aditya Sai, Hemant A. Patil. Energy Separation-Based Instantaneous Frequency Estimation for Cochlear Cepstral Feature for Replay Spoof Detection [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Victoria Mingote, Antonio Miguel, Dayana Ribas, Alfonso Ortega, Eduardo Lleida. Optimization of False Acceptance/Rejection Rates and Decision Threshold for End-to-End Text-Dependent Speaker Verification Systems [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • TD-SV RSR2015 approximate DCF loss
  • Lei Fan, Qing-Yuan Jiang, Ya-Qi Yu, Wu-Jun Li. Deep Hashing for Speaker Identification and Retrieval [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • TI-SV VoxCeleb Deep additive margin hashing (DAMH)
  • Mirko Marras, Paweł Korus, Nasir Memon, Gianni Fenu. Adversarial Optimization for Dictionary Attacks on Speaker Verification [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Tharshini Gunendradasan, Eliathamby Ambikairajah, Julien Epps, Haizhou Li. An Adaptive-Q Cochlear Model for Replay Spoofing Detection [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Sungrack Yun, Janghoon Cho, Jungyun Eum, Wonil Chang, Kyuwoong Hwang. An End-to-End Text-Independent Speaker Verification Framework with a Keyword Adversarial Network [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Soonshin Seo, Daniel Jun Rim, Minkyu Lim, Donghyun Lee, Hosung Park, Junseok Oh, Changmin Kim, Ji-Hwan Kim. Shortcut Connections Based Deep Speaker Embeddings for End-to-End Speaker Verification System [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • TI-SV VoxCeleb Multi-stage aggregation (MSA)
  • Chang Huai You, Jichen Yang, Huy Dat Tran. Device Feature Extractor for Replay Spoofing Detection [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Hongji Wang, Heinrich Dinkel, Shuai Wang, Yanmin Qian, Kai Yu. Cross-Domain Replay Spoofing Attack Detection Using Domain Adversarial Training [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • A. Kanagasundaram, S. Sridharan, G. Sriram, S. Prachi, C. Fookes. A Study of x-Vector Based Speaker Recognition on Short Utterances [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • Low-dimensional embedding from deeper layer performs better in short utterance evaluation
    • Duration of development and evaluation utterances should be matched
  • Nanxin Chen, Jesús Villalba, Najim Dehak. Tied Mixture of Factor Analyzers Layer to Combine Frame Level Representations in Neural Speaker Embeddings [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Buddhi Wickramasinghe, Eliathamby Ambikairajah, Julien Epps. Biologically Inspired Adaptive-Q Filterbanks for Replay Spoofing Attack Detection [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Pierre-Michel Bousquet, Mickael Rouvier. On Robustness of Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Speaker Recognition [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Suwon Shon, Younggun Lee, Taesu Kim. Large-Scale Speaker Retrieval on Random Speaker Variability Subspace [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • TI-SV VoxCeleb LSH
    • Projecting on random speaker-variability subspace (generate transform matrix by applying LDA on random subset of speakers) instead of random subspace

Poster 9-A: Speaker and Language Recognition 2

  • Qing Wang, Pengcheng Guo, Sining Sun, Lei Xie, John H.L. Hansen. Adversarial Regularization for End-to-End Robust Speaker Verification [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • TI-SV TIMIT GE2E Fast gradient-sign method (FGSM) Local distributional smoothness (LDS)
  • João Monteiro, Jahangir Alam, Tiago H. Falk. Combining Speaker Recognition and Metric Learning for Speaker-Dependent Representation Learning [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • TI-SV NIST SRE Triplet loss
  • Yang Zhang, Lantian Li, Dong Wang. VAE-Based Regularization for Deep Speaker Embedding [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Victoria Mingote, Diego Castan, Mitchell McLaren, Mahesh Kumar Nandwana, Alfonso Ortega, Eduardo Lleida, Antonio Miguel. Language Recognition Using Triplet Neural Networks [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Youngmoon Jung, Younggwan Kim, Hyungjun Lim, Yeunju Choi, Hoirin Kim. Spatial Pyramid Encoding with Convex Length Normalization for Text-Independent Speaker Verification [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Hee-Soo Heo, Jee-weon Jung, IL-Ho Yang, Sung-Hyun Yoon, Hye-jin Shim, Ha-Jin Yu. End-to-End Losses Based on Speaker Basis Vectors and All-Speaker Hard Negative Mining for Speaker Verification [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Yiheng Jiang, Yan Song, Ian McLoughlin, Zhifu Gao, Li-Rong Dai. An Effective Deep Embedding Learning Architecture for Speaker Verification [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • TI-SV VoxCeleb DenseNet Squeeze-and-excitation
  • Xiaoyi Qin, Danwei Cai, Ming Li. Far-Field End-to-End Text-Dependent Speaker Verification Based on Mixed Training Data with Transfer Learning and Enrollment Data Augmentation [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Zongze Ren, Guofu Yang, Shugong Xu. Two-Stage Training for Chinese Dialect Recognition [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • LR
    • First train an acoustic model then fix the parameters of CNN and replace the RNN to train a language identification model
  • Ryota Kaminishi, Haruna Miyamoto, Sayaka Shiota, Hitoshi Kiya. Investigation on Blind Bandwidth Extension with a Non-Linear Function and its Evaluation of x-Vector-Based Speaker Verification [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Umair Khan, Miquel India, Javier Hernando. Auto-Encoding Nearest Neighbor i-Vectors for Speaker Verification [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Siqi Zheng, Gang Liu, Hongbin Suo, Yun Lei. Towards a Fault-Tolerant Speaker Verification System: A Regularization Approach to Reduce the Condition Number [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • TI-SV NIST SRE Mislabeled Condition number
    • Entropy loss regularization: adopt float labels (0~1) which will be regularized by entropy loss
    • Segment reshuffling: segment less confident utterances and attach them to other utterances for data augmentation
    • Co-training: split dataset to create multi-view
  • Hassan Taherian, Zhong-Qiu Wang, DeLiang Wang. Deep Learning Based Multi-Channel Speaker Recognition in Noisy and Reverberant Environments [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Joon-Young Yang, Joon-Hyuk Chang. Joint Optimization of Neural Acoustic Beamforming and Dereverberation with x-Vectors for Robust Speaker Verification [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Xiaoxiao Miao, Ian McLoughlin, Yonghong Yan. A New Time-Frequency Attention Mechanism for TDNN and CNN-LSTM-TDNN, with Application to Language Identification [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Frequency attention

Poster 10-A: Speaker Recognition 3

  • Yusuke Fujita, Naoyuki Kanda, Shota Horiguchi, Kenji Nagamatsu, Shinji Watanabe. End-to-End Neural Speaker Diarization with Permutation-Free Objectives [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Miquel India, Pooyan Safari, Javier Hernando. Self Multi-Head Attention for Speaker Recognition [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Ignacio Viñals, Dayana Ribas, Victoria Mingote, Jorge Llombart, Pablo Gimeno, Antonio Miguel, Alfonso Ortega, Eduardo Lleida. Phonetically-Aware Embeddings, Wide Residual Networks with Time-Delay Neural Networks and Self Attention Models for the 2018 NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Youzhi Tu, Man-Wai Mak, Jen-Tzung Chien. Variational Domain Adversarial Learning for Speaker Verification [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Tianchi Liu, Maulik Madhavi, Rohan Kumar Das, Haizhou Li. A Unified Framework for Speaker and Utterance Verification [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • TD-SV Utterance Verification RSR2015
    • Build a shared LSTM and another two separate LSTM layers performing specific task of speaker and utterance verification
  • Mahesh Kumar Nandwana, Luciana Ferrer, Mitchell McLaren, Diego Castan, Aaron Lawson. Analysis of Critical Metadata Factors for the Calibration of Speaker Recognition Systems [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Ondřej Novotný, Oldřich Plchot, Ondřej Glembek, Lukáš Burget. Factorization of Discriminatively Trained i-Vector Extractor for Speaker Recognition [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Daniele Salvati, Carlo Drioli, Gian Luca Foresti. End-to-End Speaker Identification in Noisy and Reverberant Environments Using Raw Waveform Convolutional Neural Networks [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Abinay Reddy Naini, Achuth Rao M.V., Prasanta Kumar Ghosh. Whisper to Neutral Mapping Using Cosine Similarity Maximization in i-Vector Space for Speaker Verification [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Yingke Zhu, Tom Ko, Brian Mak. Mixup Learning Strategies for Text-Independent Speaker Verification [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Luciana Ferrer, Mitchell McLaren. Optimizing a Speaker Embedding Extractor Through Backend-Driven Regularization [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Kong Aik Lee, Hitoshi Yamamoto, Koji Okabe, Qiongqiong Wang, Ling Guo, Takafumi Koshinaka, Jiacen Zhang, Koichi Shinoda. The NEC-TT 2018 Speaker Verification System [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Siqi Zheng, Gang Liu, Hongbin Suo, Yun Lei. Autoencoder-Based Semi-Supervised Curriculum Learning for Out-of-Domain Speaker Verification [INTERSPEECH 2019]

    • TD-SV TI-SV Semi-supervised Learning Curriculum Learning DAE
  • Danwei Cai, Xiaoyi Qin, Ming Li. Multi-Channel Training for End-to-End Speaker Recognition Under Reverberant and Noisy Environment [INTERSPEECH 2019]

  • Danwei Cai, Weicheng Cai, Ming Li. The DKU-SMIIP System for NIST 2018 Speaker Recognition Evaluation [INTERSPEECH 2019]


Papers in INTERSPEECH 2019