Xiaoyang-Rebecca / myst-parser.example-project

An self contained example project for testing and development of myst syntax using myst-parser

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An self contained example project for testing and development of myst syntax

Required software

Creating an environment to work with the MyST-parser

  1. Run conda create -n myst_parser_env and source activate myst_parser_env where myst_parser_env is the name of the virutal environment
  2. Run conda install pip which will install pip in your virtual environment
  3. Find your anaconda environment directory, for example: opt/anaconda3/envs/myst_parser_env
  4. Install package by doing: opt/anaconda3/envs/myst_parser_env/bin/pip install -e "git+https://github.com/ExecutableBookProject/MyST-Parser.git#egg=myst-parser[sphinx]"

Converting rST to MyST

We use the Pandoc package to convert files from rST to Pandoc syntax.

  1. Install Pandoc package by running: brew install pandoc
  2. Run the following bash script to convert from rST to Pandoc syntax:
for f in $FILES

	s="${f##*/}"                                         # remove path
	filename="source/${s%.*}-MyST"                       # remove file suffix
	echo "Converting $f to $filename.md"
	`pandoc $f -f rst -t markdown -o $filename.md`

Work in Progress

  • Decision on MyST footnote reference: update this MyST file finite_markov-MyST.md
  • Test cross-references: finite_markov has a potential test-case @JIT
  • Comment label in math equation? % doesn't work
  • Math labels are not always present post conversion (this information is not present at all in the document)
  • Check whether using int footnote produces a bug for [^1]
  • Add space: [Tau86]George Tauchen.
  • References appear after citations by design. Does it make sense?
  • Remove "\n" from citation because it does not render in MyST

rST to Pandoc to MyST

rST Pandoc MyST
--- \-\-- ---
`P` [P]{.title-ref} `P`
`rich` [rich]{.title-ref} `rich`
:eq:`fin_mc_fr` `fin_mc_fr`{.interpreted-text role="eq"} {math:numref}`fin_mc_fr`
:doc:`lecture on AR(1) processes <ar1_processes>` `lecture on AR(1) processes <ar1_processes>`{.interpreted-text role="doc"} [lecture on AR(1) processes](ar1_processes)
:cite:`caplin1985variability` `caplin1985variability`{.interpreted-text role="cite"} {cite}`caplin1985variability`
  1. Also .. code:: ipython3 > {.sourceCode .ipython3}
.. code-block:: python3

    P = [[0.4, 0.6], 
         [0.2, 0.8]]
```{.sourceCode .python3}
	P = [[0.4, 0.6], 
	     [0.2, 0.8]]
P = [[0.4, 0.6], 
     [0.2, 0.8]]
.. _new_interp_sd:

This gives us another way to interpret the stationary distribution --- provided that the convergence result in :eq:`llnfmc0` is valid.
::: {#new_interp_sd}
This gives us another way to interpret the stationary distribution ---
provided that the convergence result in `llnfmc0`{.interpreted-text
role="eq"} is valid.

This gives us another way to interpret the stationary distribution --- provided that the convergence result in :eq:`llnfmc0` is valid.
.. code-block:: none

    d -> h;
``` {.sourceCode .none}
d -> h;
d -> h;
Even better, write a function that returns an instance of `QuantEcon.py's <http://quantecon.org/quantecon-py>`__ `MarkovChain` class.
Even better, write a function that returns an instance of
    [MarkovChain]{.title-ref} class.
Even better, write a function that returns an instance of
    `MarkovChain` class.
.. highlight:: python3
::: {.highlight}

Inventory Dynamics
Inventory Dynamics
# Inventory Dynamics
:index:`Finite Markov Chains`
`Finite Markov Chains`{.interpreted-text role="index"}
# Finite Markov Chains
.. contents:: :depth: 2
::: {.contents}


:   2
depth: 2
.. include:: /_static/includes/header.raw

You can {download}`Download the source file for this page <./finite_markov-MyST.md>`
.. index::
    single: Markov process, inventory
::: {.index}
single: Markov process, inventory

We can also approximate the distribution using a `kernel density estimator
We can also approximate the distribution using a [kernel density
We can also approximate the distribution using a 
[kernel density estimator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_density_estimation/)

Note the broken link above.


We will use a kernel density estimator from `scikit-learn <https://scikit-learn.org/stable/>`__
We will use a kernel density estimator from
We will use a kernel density estimator from


  • Don't fully understand what :index: means in the lectures...

To do:

  1. rST headings:
Inventory Dynamics

Documentation states that ********************** or ######## can also be used.


An self contained example project for testing and development of myst syntax using myst-parser


Language:Python 59.3%Language:TeX 21.8%Language:Makefile 18.9%