XenoAtom / XenoAtom.CommandLine

A lightweight, powerful and NativeAOT friendly command line parser .NET library.

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XenoAtom.CommandLine is a lightweight, powerful and NativeAOT friendly command line parser.

It is a fork of the excellent NDesk.Options/Mono.Options with several small improvements and new features.

✨ Features

  • Lightweight library with no dependencies
  • net8.0+ ready and NativeAOT friendly, no System.Reflection used
  • Provides a simple API to parse command line arguments
  • Generates a help message from the command line definition
    • What you declare is what you get!
  • Supports
    • Commands and sub-command parsing (e.g. git commit -m "message")
    • Tar and POSIX style options (e.g. -abc is equivalent to -a -b -c)
    • -, / and -- option prefixes (e.g. -v, /v, --verbose))
    • Multiple option values (e.g. -i foo -i bar)
    • Optional and required option values : (e.g. -o[BAR] -oBAR)
    • Key/value pairs (e.g. `-DMACRO=VALUE1)
    • Option aliases (e.g. -v, -verbose)
    • -- to stop option parsing
    • --help and --version built-in options
    • Parsing of values to specific target types (e.g. int, bool, enum, etc.))
    • Response files e.g @file.txt
    • Grouping of command/options that can be activated together when a specific condition is met.

🧪 Example

using System;
using XenoAtom.CommandLine;

const string _ = "";
string? name = null;
int age = 0;
List<string> messages = new List<string>();

var commandApp = new CommandApp("myexe")
    {"n|name=", "Your {NAME}", v => name = v},
    {"a|age=", "Your {AGE}", (int v) => age = v},
    new HelpOption(),
    "Available commands:",
    new Command("commit")
        {"m|message=", "Add a {MESSAGE} to this commit", messages},
        new HelpOption(),

        // Action for the commit command
        (arguments) =>
            Console.Out.WriteLine($"Committing with name={name}, age={age}");
            foreach (var message in messages)
                Console.Out.WriteLine($"Commit message: {message}");
            return ValueTask.FromResult(0);
    // Default action if no command is specified
    (_) =>
        Console.Out.WriteLine($"Hello {name}! You are {age} years old.");
        return ValueTask.FromResult(0);

await commandApp.RunAsync(args);

Running myexe --help will output:

Usage: myexe [Options] COMMAND

  -n, --name=NAME            Your NAME
  -a, --age=AGE              Your AGE
  -h, -?, --help             Show this message and exit

Available commands:

Running myexe --name John -a50 will output:

Hello John! You are 50 years old.

Running myexe commit --help will output:

Usage: myexe commit [Options]

  -m, --message=MESSAGE      Add a MESSAGE to this commit
  -h, -?, --help             Show this message and exit

Running myexe --name John -a50 commit --message "Hello!" --message "World!" will output:

Committing with name=John, age=50
Commit message: Hello!
Commit message: World!

📃 User Guide

For more details on how to use XenoAtom.CommandLine, please visit the user guide.

🏗️ Build

You need to install the .NET 8 SDK. Then from the root folder:

$ dotnet build src -c Release

🪪 License

This software is released under the BSD-2-Clause license.

The license also integrate the original MIT license from Mono.Options.

🤗 Author

Alexandre Mutel aka xoofx.


A lightweight, powerful and NativeAOT friendly command line parser .NET library.



Language:C# 100.0%