Xeeynamo / Xe.BinaryMapper

Map binary streams into C# objects for read and write

Home Page:https://xeeynamo.github.io/Xe.BinaryMapper/

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De/serialize a stream into a class.



Xe.BinaryMapper is a .Net library that is capable to deserialize and serialize a binary file into a managed object. BinaryMapper aims to be easy to use and to hack, without using additional dependencies.

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Hello world

The most simple usage is the following:

class HelloWorld
    [Data] public short SomeValue { get; set; }
using (var stream = File.Create("sample.bin"))
    Xe.BinaryMapper.BinaryMapping.WriteObject(stream, new HelloWorld { SomeValue = 123 });

This will create a 2-byte file with the content of 7b 00, since SomeValue is a short type.

Requirements and installation

Xe.BinaryMapper is compatible with any project compiled using .Net Framework 3.5, .Net Framework 4.x or .Net Standard 2.0. The library is standalone and does not require with any other dependencies than the framework itself.

The library is available on NuGet. A Install-Package Xe.BinaryMapper will make it available in your project in few seconds.

There are no known limitations on using the library using the Mono runtime (eg. Unity3d).

Usage and documentation


The entire serialization happens in BinaryMapping.WriteObject, which accepts the following parameters:

  • Stream: A writable stream where the content will be written to.

  • T item: The object that needs to be serialized.

  • int baseOffset: The absolute position in the stream where the write will start. (optional)

The returned value is the same item passed as parameter.


The entire de-serialization happens in BinaryMapping.ReadObject, which accepts the following parameters:

  • Stream: A readable stream where the content will be read from.

  • T item: An existing object where all the serializable properties will be populated by the read content. If no item is specified, an instance of T will be created as long as the constructor's class is parameterless. (optional)

  • int baseOffset: The absolute position in the stream where the read will start. (optional)

Properties and Data attribute

The DataAttribute is really important. Every property with this attribute will be evaluated during the de/serialization. It can be used only on a property that has public getter and setter. The following three parameters can be specified:

  • offset where the data is physically located inside the file; the value is relative to the class definition. If not specified, the offset value is the same as the previous offset + its value size.
  • count how many times the item should be de/serialized. This is only useful for T[] or List<T> types.
  • stride how long is the actual data to de/serialize. This is very useful to skip some data when de/serializing List<T> data.
  • bitIndex A custom bit index to de/serialize. -1 ignores it, while between 0 and 7 is a valid value.

Type bool and bit fields

By default, boolean types are read bit by bit if they are aligned. Infact, 8 consecutive boolean properties are considered 1 byte long.

[Data] public bool Bit0 { get; set; }
[Data] public bool Bit1 { get; set; }
[Data] public bool Bit2 { get; set; }
[Data] public bool Bit3 { get; set; }
[Data] public byte SomeRandomData { get; set; }

The code snippet above will read a total of 2 bytes and only the first 4 bits of the first byte will be considered.

[Data] public bool Bit0 { get; set; }
[Data] public bool Bit1 { get; set; }
[Data] public byte SomeRandomData { get; set; }
[Data] public bool Bit2 { get; set; }
[Data] public bool Bit3 { get; set; }

The code snippet above will read a total of 3 bytes. The first two bits will be read, then a byte and then the first two bits of the next byte. This is why order is important for alignment.

[Data(0)] public bool Bit0 { get; set; }
[Data] public bool Bit1 { get; set; }
[Data] public byte SomeRandomData { get; set; }
[Data(0, BitIndex = 2)] public bool Bit2 { get; set; }
[Data] public bool Bit3 { get; set; }

The code snippet above will read again only 2 bytes. After reading the 2nd byte, it will return to the position 0 and to the 3rd bit (0 based index), continuing the read from there.

Mocking for unit tests

The IBinaryMapping is an extremely light-weight interface with just two methods. If you do not want to use BinaryMapper in your unit tests, or just mock its implementation, you just need to care about mocking its two methods.

Big Endian and different text encoding

By default, BinaryMapper de/serialize strings using Encoding.UTF8 and little endian. You can customize those behaviours by creating a different instance of BinaryMapper:

var mapper = MappingConfiguration
    .DefaultConfiguration(Encoding.UTF16, /*isBigEndian*/true)

Customize type mapping

To customize how the de/serialization works for a specific type, a Mapping object must be passed to BinaryMapping.SetMapping.

A Mapping object is defined by two actions: Writer and Reader. An example on how to customize a mapping can be found here:

var config = MappingConfiguration.DefaultConfiguration();
config.Mappings.Add(typeof(bool), new MappingDefinition
    Writer = x => x.Writer.Write((byte)((bool)x.Item ? 1 : 0)),
    Reader = x => x.Reader.ReadByte() != 0
var mapper = config.Build();

Dynamic length of type List<>

When you specify [Data(Count = 5)] on a List<T>, that property will be de/serialized with a fixed length of 5, no matter what. Often you do not want to be stuck on that, since you might want to be able to specify a dynamic amount of elements. This can be achieved with a method called BinaryMapping.SetMemberLengthMapping<T>.

Let's take the following example:

private class ListExample
    [Data] public int Count { get; set; }
    [Data] public List<DynamicStringFixture> Items { get; set; }

You should be able to insert any amount of Items as possible, but of course you should define before a property that will read/write the amount of elements in it. TO achieve that, you need to link Items with Count, using the following statement:

var mapper = MappingConfiguration.DefaultConfiguration()
    .UseMemberForLength<DynamicStringFixture>(nameof(ListExample.Items), (o, m) => o.Count)

The code above says that, for the class ListExample, you want that the amount of elements inside ListExample.Items has to be taken from Count. Notice that in (o, m), the o is the object instance of ListExample that will be processed right before Items, while m is a string that will be equal to the property name Items, useful if some branch condition is needed based on the property name.

The problem with the code above is that you need to need to update Count manually before to serialize the object back, since it is a value that lives by its own. The best way is to use an helper method contained in BinaryMappingHelpers to get and set automatically the size of a List<T>. For that, you will need to modify ListExample like this:

private class ListExample
    [Data] public int Count
        get => Items.TryGetCount();
        set => Items = Items.CreateOrResize(value);
    [Data] public List<DynamicStringFixture> Items { get; set; }

In that way you will couple Count and Items together, automating the step to update Count manually and reducing the amount of errors on your code.


class Sample
    [Data] public short Foo { get; set; }
    [Data(offset: 4, count: 3, stride: 2)] public List<byte> Bar { get; set; }


var obj = new Sample
    Foo = 123,
    Bar = new List<byte>(){ 22, 44 }
BinaryMapping.WriteObject(writer, obj);

will be serialized into 7B 00 00 00 16 00 2C 00 00 00.

How the data is de/serialized under the hood

The binary data serialized few lines ago can be break down in the following flow logic:

[Data] public short Foo { get; set; }

Write a short (or System.Int16), so 2 bytes, of foo that contains the 123 value: 7B 00 is written.

[Data(offset: 4, count: 3, stride: 2)] public List<byte> Bar { get; set; }

Move to offset 4, which is 4 bytes after the initial class definition. But we already written 2 bytes, so just move 2 bytes forward.

We now have a List<> of two System.Byte. The stride between each value is 2 bytes, so write the first element 22 (our 0x16), skip one byte of stride and do the same with the second element 44.

But the count is 3, so we will just write other two bytes of zeroed data.

Can be done more?

Absolutely! Many primitive values are supported and can be customized (like how to de/serialize TimeSpan for example). Plus, nested class definitions can be used.

Types supported

  • bool / System.Boolean 1 bit long.
  • byte / System.Byte 1 byte long.
  • sbyte / System.SByte 1 byte long.
  • short / System.Int16 2 bytes long.
  • ushort / System.UInt16 2 bytes long.
  • int / System.Int32 4 bytes long.
  • uint / System.UInt32 4 bytes long.
  • long / System.Int64 8 bytes long.
  • ulong / System.UInt64 8 bytes long.
  • float / System.Single 4 bytes long.
  • double / System.Double 8 bytes long.
  • Enum variable length.
  • TimeSpan 8 bytes long.
  • DateTime 8 bytes long. Ignores the Kind property.
  • Enum customizable size based on inherted type.
  • string fixed size based from count parameter.
  • T[] fixed array of any type, based from count parameter.
  • List<> dynamic list of any type.

Future plans

  • Improve performance by caching types de/serialization
  • Support for existing classes without using DataAttribute
  • Use of decorator for length mappping instead of UseMemberForLength
  • Use PreProcess and PostProcess as suggested in #2
  • BinaryMapping object instances, without relying to a global instance DONE
  • Custom object de/serialization DONE
  • Big-endian support DONE


Kingdom Hearts Save Editor

Written by the author of BinaryMapper. This is a perfect example on a real scenario of how BinaryMapper can be used.


Another example on how binary files from a videogame can be mapped into C# objects.


Map binary streams into C# objects for read and write


License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%