XavierXiao / Stick-the-Landing-with-IWAE

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This is a pytorch implementation of Stick-the-Landing[1] by Roeder et. al. It is a method that reduce the variance estimation of reparametrization in VAE. The author also discussed incorporate this into IWAE, and here I also included IWAE in experiment. The inplementation of Stick-the-Landing is almost trivial, only with a stop_gradient operation after obtaining mu and log_sigma for the laten variables.

The experiment is run on MNIST. The network structure follows [2] with one stochastic layer. Batch size is 100, and optimizer is AdaDelta. Training is run 50 epoches. We compare the method for k=1 (where VAE and IWAE are equivalent) and k=5. The method is evaluated by computing NLL on test test. Results show that with this variance reduction technique improve the performance.


with variance reduction without variance reduction
92.02 92.67


VAE with variance reduction VAE without variance reduction IWAE with variance reduction IWAE without variance reduction
91.62 91.96 89.98 90.4


[1] Roeder, Geoffrey, Yuhuai Wu, and David K. Duvenaud. "Sticking the landing: Simple, lower-variance gradient estimators for variational inference." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2017.

[2]Burda, Yuri, Roger Grosse, and Ruslan Salakhutdinov. "Importance weighted autoencoders." arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.00519 (2015).



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