Xarboule / mu

Mu: Microsecond Consensus for Microsecond Applications

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Microsecond Consensus for Microsecond Applications - Source Code

This repository provides the source code developed for the paper [...], as well as instruction on how to build and deploy the various experiments.

Description of a running deployment.

In this section we describe a docker deployment that is compatible with our software stack and provides an easy way for someone to execute the various experiments. For optimal performance results, it is important to avoid docker and run natively. Nevertheless, docker is a self documenting way of the dependencies and the required steps.

Our deployment comprises of 4 machines that run docker in a swarm mode. We will refer to these machines as host1, host2, host3, host4 (or host{1,2,3,4} for brevity). In each one of these machines, we deploy an docker container with the necessary dependecies for building the software stack. In particular, the Dockerfile of each one of these containers is given below:

FROM ubuntu:bionic

RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install libibverbs-dev libmemcached-dev python3 python3-pip cmake ninja-build clang lld clang-format
RUN pip3 install --upgrade conan
RUN conan profile new default --detect
RUN conan profile update settings.compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 default
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install vim tmux git memcached libevent-dev libhugetlbfs-dev libgtest-dev libnuma-dev numactl libgflags-dev
RUN cd /usr/src/gtest && cmake CMakeLists.txt && make && make install

RUN apt-get install -y openssh-server
RUN mkdir /var/run/sshd

RUN sed -ri 's/UsePAM yes/#UsePAM yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config

RUN adduser --disabled-password --shell /bin/bash --gecos "Docker User" $DOCKERUSER
RUN echo "$DOCKERUSER:<dockeruser-password>" |chpasswd


CMD    ["/usr/sbin/sshd", "-D"]


  • The docker container has the placeholder <dockeruser-password> for the password of user devuser. It is highly advised to provide a strong password before building the docker image.

  • You can build the Dockerfile by running docker build -t osdi . inside the directory that contains the Dockerfile. Build the docker image in host{1,2,3,4} and run the following (notice the prefix that indicates where the command is executed):

    • host1$ docker network create --driver=overlay --attachable mesh-osdi
    • host1$ docker run -d --rm --privileged --ulimit memlock=-1 -p 2222:22 --name osdi-node-1 --hostname node1 --network mesh-osdi osdi
    • host2$ docker run -d --rm --privileged --ulimit memlock=-1 -p 2222:22 --name osdi-node-2 --hostname node2 --network mesh-osdi osdi
    • host3$ docker run -d --rm --privileged --ulimit memlock=-1 -p 2222:22 --name osdi-node-3 --hostname node3 --network mesh-osdi osdi
    • host4$ docker run -d --rm --privileged --ulimit memlock=-1 -p 2222:22 --name osdi-node-4 --hostname node4 --network mesh-osdi osdi
    • host4$ docker run -d --rm --name osdi-memc --hostname memc -p 2223:22 --network mesh-osdi osdi

    (Remember: Docker is executed in swarm mode, were host1 is the swarm manager. For more info read the here and here)

    Using these commands, the RDMA IB device is passed inside docker containers. This way it's possible to use RDMA inside docker. At the same time, all the instances in communicate via a virtual network. In this network the instances are identified by their docker names, namely osdi-node-1, osdi-node-2, osdi-node-3, osdi-node-4, osdi-memc. You can SSH to these docker containers as follows:

    • For osdi-node-1: ssh devuser@host1 -p 2222
    • For osdi-node-2: ssh devuser@host2 -p 2222
    • For osdi-node-3: ssh devuser@host3 -p 2222
    • For osdi-node-4: ssh devuser@host4 -p 2222
    • For osdi-memc: ssh devuser@host4 -p 2223

    In the rest of the document, we may refer (for brevity) to node1, node2, ... instead of osdi-node-1, osdi-node-2, ....

Compilation of the software stack

Assuming that you have a running deployment with docker, SSH and execute the following commands in node1, node2, node3, node4:

$ git clone https://github.com/osdi2020-no-152/dory
$ cd dory
$ git checkout crash-consensus-gcc-only
$ ./build.py crash-consensus
$ crash-consensus/libgen/export.sh gcc-release
$ crash-consensus/demo/using_conan_fully/build.sh gcc-release
$ crash-consensus/experiments/build.sh
$ crash-consensus/experiments/liquibook/build.sh
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/dory/crash-consensus/experiments/exported:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
$ echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/dory/crash-consensus/experiments/exported:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" >> ~/.bashrc

Execution of the various experiments:

First, make sure that you are at the ~/dory directory.

MAIN-ST (Standalone throughput)

On osdi-memc start (or restart if already running):

$ memcached -vv -p 9999

On node{1,2,3} run:

$ export DORY_REGISTRY_IP=osdi-memc:9999

On node1 run:

$ numactl --membind 0 ./crash-consensus/demo/using_conan_fully/build/bin/main-st 1 4096 1

On node2 run:

$ numactl --membind 0 ./crash-consensus/demo/using_conan_fully/build/bin/main-st 2 4096 1

On node3 run:

$ numactl --membind 0 ./crash-consensus/demo/using_conan_fully/build/bin/main-st 3 4096 1


  • The argument list is <process_id> <payload_size> <nr_of_outstanding_reqs>
  • Make sure to spawn all instances of main-st at (almost) the same time.
  • When the execution of main-st finishes on node 1, the terminal will print Replicated X commands of size Y bytes in Z ns.
  • After the experiment completes on node 1, make sure to kill (e.g., using Ctrl-C) the experiment on nodes 2 and 3.

MAIN-ST-LAT (Standalone latency)

On osdi-memc start (or restart if already running):

$ memcached -vv -p 9999

On node{1,2,3} run:

$ export DORY_REGISTRY_IP=osdi-memc:9999

On node1 run:

$ numactl --membind 0 ./crash-consensus/demo/using_conan_fully/build/bin/main-st-lat 1 4096 1

On node2 run:

$ numactl --membind 0 ./crash-consensus/demo/using_conan_fully/build/bin/main-st-lat 2 4096 1

On node3 run:

$ numactl --membind 0 ./crash-consensus/demo/using_conan_fully/build/bin/main-st-lat 3 4096 1


  • The argument list is <process_id> <payload_size> <nr_of_outstanding_reqs>
  • Make sure to spawn all instances of main-st-lat at (almost) the same time.
  • When execution of main-st-lat in node1 finishes, a file named dump-st-4096-1.txt is created that stores latency measurements in ns.
  • After the experiment completes on node 1, make sure to kill (e.g., using Ctrl-C) the experiment on nodes 2 and 3.

REDIS (Replicated Redis)

On osdi-memc start (or restart if already running):

$ memcached -vv -p 9999

On node{1,2,3} run:

$ export DORY_REGISTRY_IP=osdi-memc:9999
$ export IDS=1,2,3

On node1 run:

$ export SID=1
$ numactl --membind 0 -- ./crash-consensus/experiments/redis/bin/redis-server-replicated --port 6379

On node2 run:

$ export SID=2
$ numactl --membind 0 -- ./crash-consensus/experiments/redis/bin/redis-server-replicated --port 6379

On node3 run:

$ export SID=3
$ numactl --membind 0 -- ./crash-consensus/experiments/redis/bin/redis-server-replicated --port 6379

On node4:

$ # Wait enough time for the pumps to start. You will see the message `Reading pump started` in nodes 2 and 3.
$ ./crash-consensus/experiments/redis/bin/redis-puts-only 16 32 osdi-node-1 6379


  • Syntax: ./redis-puts-only <key_size> <value_size> <redis_leader_server_host> <redis_leader_server_port>
  • After execution of redis-puts-only finishes, a file named redis-cli.txt appears in node4. This files contains end2end latency from client's perspective. You can get the latency that the leader (server) spend in replicating the request by ssh-ing into node1, and sending the command kill -SIGUSR1 <pid>. The <pid> corresponds to the PID of the redis process and it gets printed when redis-server-replicated starts. A file name dump-1.txt will appear in the filesystem after sending the signal.
  • Apart from redis-puts-only, the client can also run redis-gets-only or redis-puts-gets.
  • To get the baseline measurements (original redis without replication), you can run numactl --membind 0 -- ./crash-consensus/experiments/redis/bin/redis-server --port 6379 on node1, don't run anything on node2, node3 and execute the previously shown command on node4.
  • At the end of the experiment, make sure to kill (e.g., using Ctrl-C) the redis-server-replicated processes on nodes 1, 2, and 3.

REDIS (Replicated Redis) --- INTERACTIVE

On osdi-memc start (or restart if already running):

$ memcached -vv -p 9999

On node{1,2,3} run:

$ export DORY_REGISTRY_IP=osdi-memc:9999
$ export IDS=1,2,3

On node1 run:

$ export SID=1
$ numactl --membind 0 -- ./crash-consensus/experiments/redis/bin/redis-server-replicated --port 6379

On node2 run:

$ export SID=2
$ numactl --membind 0 -- ./crash-consensus/experiments/redis/bin/redis-server-replicated --port 6379

On node3 run:

$ export SID=3
$ numactl --membind 0 -- ./crash-consensus/experiments/redis/bin/redis-server-replicated --port 6379

Wait until the message Reading pump started appears in nodes 2 and 3. You can now start a Redis client on node 4, issue SET commands to node 1, and verify that these commands are replicated to nodes 2 and 3. For example, on node4:

$ # Wait enough time for the pumps to start. You will see the message `Reading pump started` in nodes 2 and 3.
$ ./crash-consensus/experiments/redis/bin/redis-cli -h osdi-node-1 -p 6379
osdi-node-1:6379> SET CH Bern
osdi-node-1:6379> SET IT Rome
$ ./crash-consensus/experiments/redis/bin/redis-cli -h osdi-node-2 -p 6379
osdi-node-2:6379> GET CH


  • The last command is replicated but not committed: in the example above, if you run GET IT when the client is connected to node 2, it will return (nil). This is because of the piggybacking mechanism; as explained in the paper, the commit indication for a command is transmitted when the next command is replicated.
  • At the end of the experiment, make sure to kill (e.g., using Ctrl-C) the redis-server-replicated processes on nodes 1, 2, and 3, as well as the client on node 4.

MEMCACHED (replicated memcached):

On osdi-memc start (or restart if already running):

$ memcached -vv -p 9999

On node{1,2,3} run:

$ export DORY_REGISTRY_IP=osdi-memc:9999
$ export IDS=1,2,3

On node1 run:

$ export SID=1
$ numactl --membind 0 -- ./crash-consensus/experiments/memcached/bin/memcached-replicated -p 6379

On node2 run:

$ export SID=2
$ numactl --membind 0 -- ./crash-consensus/experiments/memcached/bin/memcached-replicated -p 6379

On node3 run:

$ export SID=3
$ numactl --membind 0 -- ./crash-consensus/experiments/memcached/bin/memcached-replicated -p 6379

On node4:

$ # Wait enough time for the pumps to start. You will see the message `Reading pump started` in nodes 2 and 3.
$ ./crash-consensus/experiments/memcached/bin/memcached-puts-only 16 32 osdi-node-1 6379


  • Syntax: ./memcached-puts-only <key_size> <value_size> <memcached_leader_server_host> <memcacched_leader_server_port>
  • After execution of memcached-puts-only finishes, a file named memcached-cli.txt appears in node4. This files contains end2end latency from client's perspective. You can get the latency that the leader (server) spend in replicating the request by ssh-ing into node1, and sending the command kill -SIGUSR1 <pid>. The <pid> corresponds to the PID of the memcached process and it gets printed when memcached-replicated starts. A file name dump-1.txt will appear in the filesystem after sending the signal.
  • Apart from memcached-puts-only, the client can also run memcached-gets-only or memcached-puts-gets.
  • To get the baseline measurements (original memcached without replication), you can run numactl --membind 0 -- ./crash-consensus/experiments/memcached/bin/memcached -p 6379 on node1, don't run anything on node2, node3 and execute the previously shown command on node4.
  • At the end of the experiment, make sure to kill (e.g., using Ctrl-C) the memcached-replicated processes on nodes 1, 2, and 3.

LIQUIBOOK (Stock trading application)

On osdi-memc start (or restart if already running):

$ memcached -vv -p 9999

On node{1,2,3,4} run:

$ export SERVER_URIS=1=osdi-node-1:31850,2=osdi-node-2:31850,3=osdi-node-3:31850
$ export TRADERS_NUM=1

On node{1,2,3} run:

$ export DORY_REGISTRY_IP=osdi-memc:9999
$ export MODE=server

On node1 run:

$ export URI=osdi-node-1:31850
$ numactl --physcpubind 0 --membind 0 ./crash-consensus/experiments/liquibook/eRPC/build/liquibook --test_ms 120000 --sm_verbose 0 --num_processes 4 --numa_0_ports 0 --process_id 0 --numa_node 0

On node2 run:

$ export URI=osdi-node-2:31850
$ numactl --physcpubind 0 --membind 0 ./crash-consensus/experiments/liquibook/eRPC/build/liquibook --test_ms 120000 --sm_verbose 0 --num_processes 4 --numa_0_ports 0 --process_id 1 --numa_node 0

On node3 run:

$ export URI=osdi-node-3:31850
$ numactl --physcpubind 0 --membind 0 ./crash-consensus/experiments/liquibook/eRPC/build/liquibook --test_ms 120000 --sm_verbose 0 --num_processes 4 --numa_0_ports 0 --process_id 2 --numa_node 0

Make sure to run liquibook on nodes{1,2,3} at (almost) the same time. Wait for liquibook to append the stock AAPL at its book and then do the following:

On node4 run:

$ export MODE=client
$ export URI=osdi-node-4:31850
$ export TRADER_ID=0
$ numactl --physcpubind 0 --membind 0 ./crash-consensus/experiments/liquibook/eRPC/build/liquibook --test_ms 120000 --sm_verbose 0 --num_processes 4 --numa_0_ports 0 --process_id 3 --numa_node 0

On node1, in a separte ssh connection (under directory ~/dory) run:

$ ./crash-consensus/demo/using_conan_fully/build/bin/fifo /tmp/fifo-1

This provides a way to pause the first leader and force a leader switch. To do this, type p and hit Enter. Cause the hiccup only after the client has been connected.

Starting over

In case you want recompile and execute the software stack in a system with all the system-wide dependencies installed, the do the following in nodes{1,2,3,4}.

$ # Run `ps aux`, then find all the processes that are related to the software stack and kill them
$ rm -rf ~/dory
$ conan remove --force "*"

Optionally, exit the shell and login again in order to unload the exported environment variables set by the various experiments. Subsequently, re-follow the document starting from section Complication of the sofware stack.

Running without docker

The execution without docker is straightforward. First, install the system-wide packages mentioned in the Dockerfile in 4 hosts of a cluster connected using RDMA. The auxiliary process running memcached (with hostname osdi-memc) can run everywhere, even outside the cluster, as long as it's accesible by the 4 hosts. The rest of the steps remain unchanged.


Mu: Microsecond Consensus for Microsecond Applications


Language:C++ 78.3%Language:C 7.9%Language:Python 6.6%Language:Shell 3.3%Language:CMake 2.4%Language:Rust 0.7%Language:Makefile 0.6%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%