XanderPSON / Intro-To-Javascript

Created for the Bobolinks at DBC

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Data types:

  • Primatives: String, nums, booleans, null, undefined
  • Objects
Ruby JavaScript Explanation
"4" == 4 // false "4" == 4 // true == is a type coersive, and a loose equality checker
"4" === 4 // false 4 === 4 // true
falsys: nil, false falsys: null, undefined, 0, NaN, "" null == undefined, but undefined != false
"My name is #{name}." "My name is " + name + "." JS does not have string interpolation
p "this is ruby" console.log("this is javascript")
[1,2].push(4) // [1,2,4] [1,2].push(4) // 3 returns the length of the newly created array
a = 0 var a = 0
a += 1 // returns 1, a == 1 a++ // returns 0, a === 1 (variable)++ adds one but returns the variable before
++a // returns 2, a === 2 ++(variable) adds one to the variable then returns it


Declaring a Variable:

 $ var firstName = "Jane"

 $ var lastName = "Austen"

 $ var name = firstName + " " + lastName

 $ var names; // creates a variable to be defined. If called you get undefined

 $ var names = [];


Declaring a Function:

 $ var combineName = function(firstName, lastName){
     return(firstName.concat(" ", lastName))

 $ function sayHello(){
     return "Hello, World."

 $ var x = (function(){
    var p = "password"
    return function(password){
      return p === password
  })()    // IIFE -- immediately invoked function
  // cannot access var p from the console. It's more protected!

 //ES6 function notation, called Arrow Functions
 $ var x = (num) => { return num * num }

Calling a Function:

 $ sayHello // function (){ return "Hello, World." }

 $ sayHello() // "Hello, World."

 $ x() // false

 $ x("password") // true


Declaring Objects

// object literals
var ironMan = {
  firstName: "Tony",
  lastName: "Stark",
  company: "Stark Industries",
  greeting: function(name){
    return "Hello " + name

ironMan.car = { make: "Tesla", year: 2015}

Calling Objects:

ironMan.firstName // "Tony"

ironMan["company"] // "Stark Industries"

ironMan.greeting // function (name){
    return "Hello " + name

ironMan.greeting("Stephanie") // "Hello Stephanie"

ironMan.car // Object {make: "Tesla", year: 2015}
ironMan.car.make // "Tesla"

Classes... sort of

// contrcructor functions

var Person = function(firstName, lastName, gender){
  this.firstName = firstName
  this.lastName = lastName
  this.gender = gender

var jane = new Person("Jane", "Austen", "F")

jane.profession = "Author"

var tony = new Person("Tony", "Stark", "M")
tony.profession // undefined
jane.profession // "Author"

Person.prototype.greeting = function(){
  return "Hello, my name is " + this.firstName

jane.greeting() // "Hello, my name is Jane"

What is this?

this is the object you are acting upon.

var obj = {
  funct: function(){return this},
  variable: "x"

obj.funct() // Object {variable: "x"}

var Person = function(name){
  this.name = name;
  this.defineThis = this

var tony = new Person("Tony")
tony.defineThis // Person {name: "Tony", defineThis: Person}

var OtherTypeOfPerson = function(name){
  this.name = name;
  this.defineThis = function(){return this}

var jane = new OtherTypeOfPerson("Jane")
jane.defineThis() // Person {name: "Jane"}
This Tips:

use debugger in you code then console.log(this)

this ~ self

declare this to a variable so it can be used later when this changes.

Other things:

manipulating the DOM:

"$" -- signifies jquery

$('h3').append('<img src="http://i.imgur.com/nZlaeSH.jpg">')

// OR

var h3 = document.getElementsByTagName("h3")
for (var i = 0; i < h3.length; i++){
  h3[i].outerHTML = '<img src="http://i.imgur.com/nZlaeSH.jpg">'

// jquery makes it easier.

AJAX - your first introductions

Think of an ajax reqest like an amazon order.

If your computer receives something in a format it is not expecting, it gets mad (ex: expecting HTML and gets back JSON). What am I supposed to do with spatulas? I ordered a whisk

If you send something to the database, like in a post request, and it's not in the format your backend is expecting, you'll get an error or failure. (ex: sending a single variable, but the backend expects full form of data). How am I supposed to understand this clingon character set? I speak English.

Get Request:

All you are doing is GETTING something from a site or file

Things you need:

  • url
  • datatype you are expecting back (optional)

Post Request:

You are changing things in the database.

Things you need:

  • url
  • method "POST"
  • datatype expecting back
  • the data you are sending (often as a single variable or a json object)


$.ajax({                  // Check it out! You're just sending JSON
  url: "example.html",    // Where are you sending your request?
  method: "POST",         // Are you posting or getting?
  data: {name: "Marathon", color: "spotted"},     // What are you sending?
  dataType: "JSON"        // What do you expect back
}).done(function(response){     // what happens when it worked
  // do something with the response
}).fail(function(response){     // what happens when it didn't work
  console.log("Something didn't work.")
#### Naming Conventions

CamelCasing : Objects
snakeCasing : variables and functions
UPPERCASE : constant


Created for the Bobolinks at DBC


Language:JavaScript 73.0%Language:HTML 27.0%