XanderMoroz / XanderMoroz

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GitHub Readme Stats

Hi there , I'm Alexandr.

I'm a passionate backend developer with expertise in Python and Go. My journey in the world of software engineering has been filled with exciting challenges, creative problem-solving, and continuous learning. Whether it's optimizing database queries, designing RESTful APIs, or diving into microservices architecture, I thrive on turning ideas into robust, efficient code.

Programming languages I love:

Python Bash Golang

The Setup I'm working on:

PyCharm VScode Ubuntu Git RabbitMQ

Web Frameworks and libraries I use:

Django FastAPI Flask SQLAlchemy Alembic
Fiber Gin Gorilla Mux Gorm

Databases in which I store my data:

Redis SQLite Postgres MySQL MongoDB

Tools help me deploy, scale and observe:

GitLab Docker Compose Minikube Prometheus

Tools help me brainstorm, plan, co-work with:

Obsidian Miro Confluence Jira

