XaTTa6bl4 / zabbix-mikrotik

Advanced Template Net Mikrotik SNMPv2

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Advanced Template Net Mikrotik SNMPv2

Template based on original Template Net Mikrotik SNMPv2 from stock Zabbix 3.4


  • Added main device MAC to inventory
  • Added item "Interface MAC address" for each interface (useful for mac-telnet/mac-winbox in MikroTik)
  • Added unicast pps items and added them to traffic graphs
  • Changed trigger "High bandwidth usage" to operate only on ethernet type interfaces (because speed of other type interfaces determines incorrect in MikroTik)
  • Added Queues Simple discovery with graphs
  • Added IP discovery with ICMP triggers and graphs, for multiwan configurations (discovering all IPs, except regexp)


Tested on Zabbix 3.4+

  • At first you need to import Advanced_Template_Module_Interfaces_SNMPv2.xml. This module is linked with the main template.
  • Then import the main module Advanced_Template_Net_Mikrotik_SNMPv2.xml

For correct IP discovery working, you need to add Regular Expressions (see screenshot), for discovering only public IPs:

IP addresses for discovery	
1	»	^(172\.(1+[6-9]|2+[0-9]|3+[0-2])\.)+[0-9]{1,3}+\.+[0-9]{1,3}$	[Result is FALSE]
2	»	^(10\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)+[0-9]{1,3}+\.+[0-9]{1,3}$			[Result is FALSE]
3	»	^(192\.168\.)+[0-9]{1,3}+\.+[0-9]{1,3}$				[Result is FALSE]

RegExp IP addresses for discovery


Advanced Template Net Mikrotik SNMPv2