XMypuK / Teco

A little template engine for .NET

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A little template engine for .NET, a tool intended to compile information message templates (for logs, notifications, emails etc) into IL code, which can be used to render a result message with the data substituted from an object model.

Teco is capable to:

  • work with .NET Framework 3.5 and above, .NET Core 2.0 and above;
  • produce messages in text and HTML modes;
  • produce either separate dynamic methods for each template or classes with a banch of methods or properties for few templates;
  • save compiled assemblies on a physical location (only for .NET Framework);
  • support flow control commands and collection enumeration commands inside a template.


Teco template is an ordinary text or HTML markup with flow control and substitution commands. Substitution commands are represented by a single tag, other commands are represented by a pair of tags.

In general, substitution tags and an flow control start tags have the next structure:

{ command / modifiers : value : format or variable name }

End tags are represented by the next sequence:

{/ command }


Component Description
command A corresponsing keyword. A complete list is below.
modifiers Flags represented by single characters, supported by some commands. Modifiers change command's behaviour to a limited extent. If modifiers are not used then / character must be omitted.
value A path to a model property in a form of string which is consisted of names of model properties separated by . character. This path is used to obtain an operating value from a model. Getting a value using an integer or string indexer by using brackets is also supported. Some commands support a using of constants instead of paths. In this case a constant must be prepended with a @ character. Characters {, }, : must be doubled.
format A format string which is supported by some commands. It is effectively equal to format string used by System.String.Format(...) method. This string can contain any characters but { and }. If format is not used then corresponding : character must be omitted.
variable name A variable name for each command. This name must be started with a latin letter or underscore and can contain latin letters, digits and underscores.


Keyword Constant support Format support Description
text + Substitutes a value from a model. In HTML mode special characters will be replaced with character references.
html + Substitutes a value from a model. In HTML mode special characters will be passed as is.
url Substitutes a value from a model encoding some characters with percent encoding. Encoding is perfomed with a reference to RFC 3986. By default, all the characters not included in reserved and unreserved character sets will be encoded. With p modifier all the reserved characters will be also encoded. With a modifier none of characters code of which is 0x80 and above will be encoded.
each Enumerates an array or a collection applying to each element a nested template. In a context of this command all the properties of a model will be relative to an current element. Additionally, there will be available few extra variables: this, thisIndex, thisNum, thisCount. They will contain a current element, its index in a collection, its number (one-based) and total count of elements in a collection (if the collection supports corresponding property) respectively. The name of a variable to a current element can be specified explicitly. In this case names of other variables will be also changed respectively.
if Obtains a value from a model and process nested part of template if this value is effectively true. A table of true values depending on types is below.
ifnot Obtains a value from a model and process nested part of template if this value is effectively false. A table of false values depending on types is below.
when + + Obtains a value from a model, applies a format to it if specified and stores it. Right inside of this command can be only placed next commands: eq, begins, contains, ends, else. While processing each of the nested commands its value is compared with a value from when command. Depending on the comparison result the command branch is processed or not. Once one branch is processed the following nested commands are ignored.
eq + + Obtains a value from a model, applies a format to it if specified and compares it with a value of the parent when command. If values are equal then a nested template is processed. With i modifier comparison is case insensetive.
begins + + Obtains a value from a model, applies a format to it if specified and compares it with a value of the parent when command. If parent command value starts with current command value then a nested template is processed. With i modifier comparison is case insensetive.
contains + + Obtains a value from a model, applies a format to it if specified and compares it with a value of the parent when command. If parent command value contains current command value then a nested template is processed. With i modifier comparison is case insensetive.
ends + + Obtains a value from a model, applies a format to it if specified and compares it with a value of the parent when command. If parent command value ends with current command value then a nested template is processed. With i modifier comparison is case insensetive.
else Processes a nested template part.

True and false values

Type of a model property True False
System.Boolean value is true value is false
System.Int16, System.UInt16, System.Int32, System.UInt32, System.Int64, System.UInt64 value is not 0 value is 0
System.Nullable< T > HasValue property is true HasValue property is false
System.String value is not null and its length is not 0 value is null or its length is 0
any other reference type value is not null value is null
any other value type always never


Suppose we have a template and a model class an instance of which will contain a data later. To create a method corresponding to these template and class we have to create an instance of Teco.RuntimeCompiler class. Using the instance of this class we should call one of Compile method overloads and pass the template, model type and output format there. The method returns a delegate that can be used to create any number of messages according to the template and format specified.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using Teco;

class OrderItem {
    public string SKU { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public double Cost { get; set; }
    public int Qty { get; set; }
    public double Total {
        get { return Cost * Qty; }

class Model {
    public string Customer { get; set; }
    public List<OrderItem> OrderItems { get; set; }
    public double Total {
        get { return OrderItems != null ? OrderItems.Sum(item => item.Total) : 0.0; }

class Program {
    static void Main(string[] args) {
        var template = @"
          <h1>Dear {text:Customer}.</h1>
                    <td><a href='http://host/product?SKU={url/p:SKU}'>{text:Title}</a></td>
              <br />
              Total: {text:Total:$0.00}
                The order list is empty.

        var compiler = new RuntimeCompiler(new CompilerOptions());
        var getMessage = compiler.Compile<Model>(template, OutputFormat.Html);

        var model1 = new Model {
            Customer = "John Smith",
            OrderItems = new List<OrderItem> {
                new OrderItem { SKU = "8536914", Title = "Ice Cream", Cost = 2.9, Qty = 2 },
                new OrderItem { SKU = "4397104", Title = "Orange Juice", Cost = 5.0, Qty = 1 },
                new OrderItem { SKU = "9150185", Title = "Cheeseburger", Cost = 3.0, Qty = 2 }
        String message1 = getMessage(model1, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

        var model2 = new Model {
            Customer = "John Doe",
            OrderItems = new List<OrderItem> {
                new OrderItem { SKU = "5209602", Title = "Apples", Cost = 1.0, Qty = 4 },
                new OrderItem { SKU = "8962957", Title = "Raspberry", Cost = 2.0, Qty = 3 },
                new OrderItem { SKU = "1052987", Title = "Chicken", Cost = 5.0, Qty = 1 }
        String message2 = getMessage(model2, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

If there is a need to group few templates then Teco.AssemblyCompiler class can be used. It has AddType method to create a single class with a banch of properties or methods returning corresponding messages. It's also more covenient to pass an interface type which a future class will impliment, so there will be no need to use a reflection to get those properties and methods from an instance of the created class. After properties and methods were added GetCompiledTypes method is used to compile templates into a class. To instantiate this class and get an interface provided can be used Teco.AssemblyCompiler.CreateTypeInstance static method. The example below demonstrates this feature. Also note that model type and interface type must be accessible from an assembly that will be generated, so it maked as public.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using Teco;

public interface IEmail {
    string From { get; }
    string To { get; }
    string Subject { get; }
    string Body { get; }

public class AccountData {
    public string AccountId { get; set; }
    public string CustomerEmail { get; set; }
    public string CustomerName { get; set; }

class Program {
    static void Main(string[] args) {
        var compiler = new AssemblyCompiler(new AssemblyCompilerOptions() { OutputFormat = OutputFormat.Text, ModelType = typeof(AccountData) });
        var typeCtx = compiler.AddType("EmailGen", typeof(IEmail));
        typeCtx.AddProperty("From", "ouremail@host");
        typeCtx.AddProperty("To", "{text:CustomerEmail}");
        typeCtx.AddProperty("Subject", "Account #{text:AccountId}");
        typeCtx.AddProperty("Body", "Dear {text:CustomerName}. Here is information about your account #{text:AccountId}...");
        Type emailGenType = compiler.GetCompiledTypes()[0];

        List<AccountData> accounts = new List<AccountData>() {
            new AccountData { AccountId = "241", CustomerEmail = "foo@host", CustomerName = "Foo" },
            new AccountData { AccountId = "672", CustomerEmail = "bar@host", CustomerName = "Bar" },
            new AccountData { AccountId = "591", CustomerEmail = "teco@host", CustomerName = "Teco" }
        foreach (AccountData acc in accounts) {
            IEmail email = AssemblyCompiler.CreateTypeInstance<IEmail>(emailGenType, acc, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
            Console.WriteLine("From: {0}\tTo: {1}\tSubject: {2}\tBody:{3}", email.From, email.To, email.Subject, email.Body);


This project is under MIT License


A little template engine for .NET

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%