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This site aims to compile a large collection of useful advice and practice methods to help on game development.

Welcome *

Although you can easily find lots of information about game creation dispersed in the internet, it is hoped that this website will provide a hub of this information, being a "Game Design Document" (GDD) where everyone can read some information about each of the aspects that can influence game creation.

While i have no problem searching the web or consulting reditt/Blogs/Wikis for little details, i personally prefer the "old school" book organization where you can easily see what topics are available, start reading and simply continue until you reach the end of the content.
All texts will be my interpretation of each topic, and as such could be skewed towards what i learned at work or readings i did about the topic.

Creating a game can be a process as simple as drawing your custom graphics in a piece of paper to play Tic Tac Toe, doing a simple 24 hours gaming jam to release something to the public, all the way to writing the magnum opus game bible used by tens or hundreds of colleagues at a company to create the best game in the world.

Obviously the more complex a game is the easier it will be to loose track of key points like:

  • what you wanted to make at the start,
  • what your players actually want to play,
  • what is possible to deliver in your planned time-frame, budget or gaming platform,
  • etc...

Content presentation

On the sidebar you'll find some topics organized in alphabetical order and a final article listing some "Constraints and opportunities" that should be reviewed on a regular basis.
Consider this topics and try to create your answers in a way that can easily be understood:

  • by anyone involved in the development of the project,
  • by new team members, new business partners, marketing, players, etc; at a later time when presenting the project.
  • when creating or updating your Game Design Document (GDD) that synthesizes all relevant information of your game.

Goals of this website

After consulting this website when someone asks you about your game it should be possible to quickly explain:

  • What it is about?
  • How it compares to what is already on the market?
  • Who is it for?
  • How is it going to be made?
  • How is it going to be played?
  • When, and where, will it be available in the market?
  • How does the game reflect your vision and mission statement to the market?

Hopefully this website will give some help in making your games.


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