X-JD / teal

Codebase for Teal (SIGCOMM 2023)

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Teal: Traffic Engineering Accelerated by Learning

Teal is a learning-based traffic engineering (TE) algorithm for wide-area networks (WANs) published at ACM SIGCOMM '23. By harnessing the parallel processing power of GPUs, Teal achieves unprecedented acceleration of TE control, surpassing production TE solvers by several orders of magnitude while retaining near-optimal flow allocations.

Getting started

Hardware requirements

  • Linux OS (tested on Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, and CentOS 7)
  • A CPU instance with 16+ cores
  • (Optional*) A GPU instance with 24+ GB memory and CUDA installed

*The baseline TE schemes only require a CPU to run. Teal runs on CPU as well, but its runtime will be significantly longer than on GPU.

Cloning Teal with submodules

  • git clone https://github.com/harvard-cns/teal.git
  • cd teal and update git submodules with git submodule update --init --recursive


  • Run conda env create -f environment.yml to create a Conda environment with essential Python dependencies
  • Run conda activate teal to activate the Conda environment (with the subsequent steps to be performed within the Conda environment)
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install additional Python dependencies

Dependencies only required for baselines

  • Install make
    • e.g., sudo apt install build-essential on Ubuntu
  • Acquire a Gurobi license from Gurobi and activate it with grbgetkey [gurobi-license]
    • Run gurobi_cl to verify the activation

Dependencies only required for Teal

  • If on a GPU instance, run nvcc --version to identify the installed version of CUDA
    • Note: when following the next steps to install torch, torch-scatter, and torch-sparse, it might be fine to select a version that supports a different CUDA version than the output of nvcc, provided that this CUDA version is supported by the GPU driver (as shown in nvidia-smi).
  • Follow the official instructions to install PyTorch via pip based on the execution environment (CPU, or GPU with a specific version of CUDA).
    • Example: Install PyTorch 1.10.1 for CUDA 11.1 on a GPU instance:
      pip install torch==1.10.1+cu111 torchvision==0.11.2+cu111 torchaudio==0.10.1 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu111/torch_stable.html
      Run python -c "import torch; print(torch.cuda.is_available())" to verify the installation.
    • Example: Install PyTorch 1.10.1 on a CPU instance:
      pip install torch==1.10.1+cpu torchvision==0.11.2+cpu torchaudio==0.10.1 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cpu/torch_stable.html
      Run python -c "import torch; print(torch.__version__)" to verify the installation.
  • Install PyTorch extension libraries torch-scatter and torch-sparse:
    • First, identify the appropriate archive URL here based on PyTorch and CUDA versions. E.g., copy the link of torch-1.10.1+cu111 for PyTorch 1.10.1 and CUDA 11.1.
    • Run pip install --no-index torch-scatter torch-sparse -f [archive URL], replacing [archive URL] with the copied archive URL.
    • Example: On a GPU instance with PyTorch 1.10.1 and CUDA 11.1:
      pip install --no-index torch-scatter torch-sparse -f https://data.pyg.org/whl/torch-1.10.1%2Bcu111.html`
    • Example: On a CPU instance with PyTorch 1.10.1:
      pip install --no-index torch-scatter torch-sparse -f https://data.pyg.org/whl/torch-1.10.1%2Bcpu.html
    • Run python -c "import torch_scatter; print(torch_scatter.__version__)" and python -c "import torch_sparse; print(torch_sparse.__version__)" to verify the installation.
    • Troubleshooting: refer to the Installation from Source section.

Code structure

├── lib                     # source code for Teal
├── pop-ncflow-lptop        # submodule for baselines
│   ├── benchmarks          # test code for baselines
│   ├── ext                 # external code for baselines
│   └── lib                 # source code for baselines
├── run                     # test code for Teal
├── topologies              # network topologies with link capacity (e.g. `B4.json`)
│   └── paths               # paths in topologies (auto-generated if not existent)
└── traffic-matrices        # TE traffic matrices
    └── real                # real traffic matrices from abilene.txt in Yates (https://github.com/cornell-netlab/yates)
                            # (e.g. `B4.json_real_0_1.0_traffic-matrix.pkl`)

Note: As we are not allowed to share the proprietary traffic data from Microsoft WAN (or the Teal model trained on that data), we have included the publicly accessible Yates traffic data, mapping it to the B4 topology as an example to facilitate code testing.

Evaluating Teal

To evaluate Teal:

$ cd ./run
$ python teal.py --obj total_flow --topo B4.json --epochs 3 --admm-steps 2
Loading paths from pickle file ~/teal/topologies/paths/path-form/B4.json-4-paths_edge-disjoint-True_dist-metric-min-hop-dict.pkl
path_dict size: 132
Creating model teal-models/B4.json_flowGNN-6_std-False.pt
Training epoch 0/3: 100%|█████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:01<00:00,  1.63s/it]
Training epoch 1/3: 100%|█████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  2.45it/s]
Training epoch 2/3: 100%|█████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  2.61it/s]
Testing: 100%|████████████████| 8/8 [00:00<00:00, 38.06it/s, runtime=0.0133, obj=0.9537]

Results will be saved in

  • teal-total_flow-all.csv: performance numbers
  • teal-logs: directory with TE solution matrices
  • teal-models: directory to save the trained models when --model-save True

Evaluating baselines

Teal is compared with the following baselines:

To run the baselines:

$ cd ./pop-ncflow-lptop/benchmarks
$ python path_form.py --obj total_flow --topos B4.json
$ python top_form.py --obj total_flow --topos B4.json
$ python ncflow.py --obj total_flow --topos B4.json
$ python pop.py --obj total_flow --topos B4.json --algo-cls PathFormulation --split-fractions 0.25 --num-subproblems 4

Results will be saved in

  • path-form-total_flow-all.csv, top-form-total_flow-all.csv, ncflow-total_flow-all.csv, pop-total_flow-all.csv: performance numbers
  • path-form-logs, top-form-logs, ncflow-logs, pop-logs: directory with TE solution matrices

Extending Teal

To add another TE implementation to this repo,

  • If the implementation is based on linear programming or Gurobi, add test code to ./pop-ncflow-lptop/benchmarks/ and source code to ./pop-ncflow-lptop/lib/algorithms. Code in ./pop-ncflow-lptop/lib (e.g., lp_solver.py, traffic_matrix.py) and ./pop-ncflow-lptop/benchmarks (e.g., benchmark_helpers.py) is reusable.
  • If the implementation is based on machine learning, add test code to ./run/ and source code to ./lib/. Code in ./lib/ (e.g., teal_env.py, utils.py) and ./run/ (e.g., teal_helpers.py) is reusable.


Codebase for Teal (SIGCOMM 2023)


Language:Python 100.0%