WuLabMDA / cyCombine

Robust Integration of Single-Cell Cytometry Datasets

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Lifecycle: stable

Install from github

# To ensure Rstudio looks up BioConductor packages run:
setRepositories(ind = c(1:6, 8))
# Then install package with


Vignettes are available at biosurf.

There is a total of eight vignettes, which cover a range of different topics:

  1. A reference manual showing general commands for using cyCombine.
  2. A performance benchmarking vignette that shows an example of batch correction using five different tools, including calculation of EMD reductions and MAD scores.
  3. A vignette covering how to detect batch effects.
  4. A panel merging vignette including an extended discussion of how to use and evaluate merging.
  5. An example vignette covering how to process a 1-panel mass cytometry (CyTOF) dataset.
  6. An example vignette covering how to process a 2-panel mass cytometry (CyTOF) dataset.
  7. A vignette showing an example with integration of datasets from spectral flow cytometry (SFC) and mass cytometry (CyTOF).
  8. A vignette covering an example with integration of datasets from spectral flow cytometry (SFC), CITE-seq, and mass cytometry (CyTOF).


From a directory of uncorrected .fcs files

# Directory containing .fcs files
data_dir <- "data/raw"
# Markers of interest
markers <- c("CD20", "CD3", "CD27", "CD45RA", "CD279", "CD5", "CD19", "CD14", "CD45RO", "GranzymeA", "GranzymeK", "FCRL6", "CD355", "CD152", "CD69", "CD33", "CD4", "CD337", "CD8", "CD197", "LAG3", "CD56", "CD137", "CD161", "FoxP3", "CD80", "CD270", "CD275", "CD134", "CD278", "CD127", "KLRG1", "CD25", "HLADR", "TBet", "XCL1")
# The list of markers can also be imported from a panel file (See the reference manual for an example)

# Compile fcs files, down-sample, and preprocess
uncorrected <- prepare_data(data_dir = data_dir,
                             markers = markers,
                             metadata = file.path(data_dir, "metadata.xlsx"), # Can also be .csv file or data.frame object
                             sample_ids = NULL,
                             batch_ids = "Batch",
                             filename_col = "FCS_name",
                             condition = "Set",
                             down_sample = TRUE,
                             sample_size = 500000,
                             seed = 473,
                             cofactor = 5) 
saveRDS(uncorrected, file = "_data/cycombine_raw_uncorrected.RDS")

# Run batch correction
corrected <- uncorrected %>%
  batch_correct(markers = markers,
                norm_method = "scale", # "rank" is recommended when combining data with heavy batch effects
                rlen = 10, # Consider a larger value, if results are not convincing (e.g. 100)
                covar = "condition")
saveRDS(corrected, file = "_data/cycombine_raw_corrected.RDS")

The modular workflow

If your data is in another format than FCS files or a flowset, please convert your data to a tibble, add the relevant columns (sample, batch, covar/condition/anchor), and begin from transform_asinh() (if your data is not yet transformed; otherwise, skip that step as well).

# Directory containing .fcs files
data_dir <- "data/raw"
# Markers of interest
markers <- c("CD20", "CD3", "CD27", "CD45RA", "CD279", "CD5", "CD19", "CD14", "CD45RO", "GranzymeA", "GranzymeK", "FCRL6", "CD355", "CD152", "CD69", "CD33", "CD4", "CD337", "CD8", "CD197", "LAG3", "CD56", "CD137", "CD161", "FoxP3", "CD80", "CD270", "CD275", "CD134", "CD278", "CD127", "KLRG1", "CD25", "HLADR", "TBet", "XCL1")

# Compile fcs files, down-sample, and preprocess
flowset <- compile_fcs(data_dir = data_dir,
                   pattern = "\\.fcs")

# Convert the generated flowset into a tibble
df <- convert_flowset(metadata = file.path(data_dir, "metadata.xlsx"),
                      sample_ids = NULL,
                      batch_ids = "Batch",
                      filename_col = "FCS_name",
                      condition = "Set",
                      down_sample = TRUE,
                      sample_size = 500000,
                      seed = 473)

# Transform data
uncorrected <- df %>% 
  transform_asinh(markers = markers)

saveRDS(uncorrected, file = "_data/cycombine_raw_uncorrected.RDS")

# Run batch correction
labels <- uncorrected %>%
  normalize(markers = markers,
            norm_method = "scale") %>%
  create_som(markers = markers,
             rlen = 10)

corrected <- uncorrected %>%
  correct_data(label = labels,
               covar = "condition")
saveRDS(corrected, file = "_data/cycombine_raw_corrected.RDS")


# Full analysis - type ?run_analysis to see how you can modify the analysis
run_analysis(tool = "cycombine", data = "raw", data_dir = "_data", markers = markers)

# Otherwise, plots can be made like so:
density_plots(uncorrected = uncorrected,
              corrected = corrected,
              markers = markers,
              filename = 'figs/densities_withcovar.png')

# PCA plot uncorrected
pca1 <- uncorrected %>%
  plot_dimred('uncorrected', type = 'pca')
# PCA plot corrected
pca2 <- corrected %>%
  plot_dimred('corrected', type = 'pca')
save_two_plots(pca1, pca2, filename = 'figs/pca.png')

# UMAP plot uncorrected
sample <- sample(1:nrow(uncorrected), 20000)
plot1 <- plot_dimred(uncorrected[sample,], type = 'umap', name = 'Uncorrected')
plot2 <- plot_dimred(corrected[sample,], type = 'umap', name = 'Corrected')
save_two_plots(plot1, plot2, filename = 'figs/umap.png')


Robust Integration of Single-Cell Cytometry Datasets



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