Woovie / my-arch-notes

General notes about my arch linux environment

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My Arch Linux Notes

These are just some generalist notes about my own setup, issues I've had, configurations I've changed, software I like.

Random knowledge

  • mkinitcpio creates the /boot/ and /efi/ data
    • "mk" or make
    • "init" or initialization
    • "cpio" is a utility to create archives of files. It stands for "copy in, copy out"

OS Packages needed

base linux linux-firmware sudo tmux ripgrep flameshot alacritty ark nvidia nvidia-settings xorg deluge rsync xorg-xinit flameshot steam dolphin noto-fonts{,-*} openssh openssl alsa-scarlett-gui uv steam-devices firefox ulauncher 1password discord vial fuse2 plasma lvm2 networkmanager perl pcre pcre2

Booting requirements


  1. Edit HOOKS in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf, add lvm2
  2. Run mkinitcpio -P


  • Enable NetworkManager
  • Disable NetworkManager-wait-online

Nvidia-specific issues

Flickering in KDE

To fix some flickering and performance issues mostly.

  1. Generate /etc/X11/xorg.conf via running sudo nvidia-settings
  2. Click "X Server Display Configuration"
  3. Click "Advanced..."
  4. Check "Force Composition Pipeline" and "Force Full Composition Pipeline"
  5. Click "Save to X Configuration File" and write it to the path predefined
  6. Close the nvidia-settings UI, open the generated configuration with your favorite editor
  7. Add this option under Section "Device" at the bottom: Option "NoFlip" "true"

Other generalist behavioral changes to improve performance

  1. Open /etc/modprobe.d/some_file_name.conf
  2. Add this line: options nvidia_drm modeset=1 fbdev=0
  3. Optionally also add: options nvidia NVreg_PreserveVideoMemoryAllocations=1 NVreg_TemporaryFilePath=/var/tmp
  4. enable these nvidia unit files
  • nvidia-hibernate
  • nvidia-suspend
  • nvidia-resume


  • Figure out how to disable cursor click in term
  • Figure out how to get KDE to always launch, optional but would be nice eventually


General notes about my arch linux environment