WongYC19 / EquityAnalyzer

To find investment opportunity and trading signal through fundamental analysis (financial statement) and technical analysis (share price)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


To find investment opportunity and trading signal through fundamental analysis and technical analysis in Bursa Malaysia (KLSE)

Issue Tracker

  1. Fundamental Analysis

    1. To collect financial statement for both Annual and Quarter frequency (Complete)
    2. To generate the overview of company performance using statistical score: (Testing)
      1. Altman Z Score (Simple Credit Strength test)
      2. Ohlson O Score (Extended from Z-Score, Likelihood to default in 2 years)
      3. Beneish M Score (8) - Profit Manipulation
      4. Piotroski F Score (Determine strength of a firm's financial position, avoid value traps)
      5. EBIT / EV (Alternative to PE ratio, take into account of debt)
      6. Net Cash (Net cash position of a company)
      7. Market Capitalization (Market value of company outstanding shares)
      8. 52W Range vs Current Price (Position of share price over last 52 weeks)
    3. To collect the commodity price and foreign exchange (Pending)
      1. Rubberwood
      2. Resin
      3. Gold
      4. Lumber
      5. USD/MYR
      6. Baltic dry
      7. Crude oil
      8. Palm oil
      9. Lumber
      10. Sugar
      11. Poultry
      12. Corn
      13. Steel
      14. Fearix
    4. To update the existing data file rather than replacing it (Testing)
    5. To detect the needs of update for certain companies (Pending)
    6. To perform multiprocessing/multithreading to extract financial statement/writing to excel files (Pending)

  2. Technical Analysis

    1. To collect historical data from yahoo API
    2. Create and define technical indicator
    3. Modelling
      1. Classification - Trading signal (Buy or sell?)
      2. Regression - Entry Price / Stop loss (Buy/Sell at what price?)

  3. Natural Language Processing (NLP) - TBC

    1. Footnote preparation / Remarks - To collect and summarize information from quarter report / analyst report
    2. News / Forum - Sentiment Analysis

  4. User Interface

    1. Table (Statement, historical share price)
    2. Graph (Historical Share price and the technical indicator)
    3. Trading signal (Search and filter function)


To find investment opportunity and trading signal through fundamental analysis (financial statement) and technical analysis (share price)


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%