Wolframcheg / LexiconFrontend

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


LexiconFrontend is a Extra for easy management of language strings in templates for your site. You can give access to ordinary users this panel, do not fear that they wallow in a standard lexicon and do not wear the correct row.


You can use a simple syntax to display the language strings [[%lf_description]] in place of [[%lf_description? &namespace=lexiconfrontend &cultureKey=en]]

Copyright Information

lexiconFrontend is distributed as GPL (as MODx Revolution is), but the copyright owner (Andrei Gadashevich <makebecool.com>) grants all users of lexiconFrontend the ability to modify, distribute and use lexiconFrontend in MODx development as they see fit, as long as attribution is given somewhere in the distributed source of all derivative works.
