Wissance / WeatherControl

Asp Net Core Web API programming tutorial: Weather Control application that uses (netcore3.1/net6.0) with either EntityFramework and EdgeDb plus Wissance.WebApiToolkitpi

Home Page:https://wissance.github.io/WeatherControl/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Manage you WeatherData with Wissance

This project uses Wissance.WebApiToolkit so please give us a star! And for this project too!

1. General description

This project is a tutorial about how to design REST API, we are have here 2 simultaneously existing Web projects:

  1. REST API with EntityFramework ORM - Wissance.WeatherControl.WebApi project
  2. REST API with EdgeDb Graph DB - Wissance.WeatherControl.WebApi.V2 project

These 2 Project Have different data Model

2. REST API With Net Framework

This project target platform is a netcore 3.1

2.1 Glossary / Domain object

  • Station - weather station that has name, description, coordinates and it can measure one or multiple weather parameters;
  • Measurement - one weather sample measured by station itself.

2.2 Application Overview

Web API REST service (.Net Core) that could store weather data from multiple weather station. We assume that we are going to store/manage following physical value measurements getting from appropriate sensors:

  • temperature;
  • atmosphere pressure;
  • humidity;
  • wind speed;

Application has 2 resources = Domain objects

Application uses MsSql as Database Server (this could be easily changed, but this required to re-generate migration).

  1. Station
  2. Measurement

2.3 Overall usage scenario

This is a very simple application (demo), if any feature is needed open new issue.

  1. Application client create one or multiple station using Station (/api/station) resource (CRUD)
  2. Client interacts with station, gets it measured data and store it using Measurements (/api/measurements) resource (CRUD)
2.3.1 Example of usage

It should be noted that Postman Requests stored in docs folder

2.3.2 Operations with Station resource
  1. Create Station:

POST http://localhost:8058/api/station

	"id": 0,
	"name": "Yekaterinburg main station",
	"description": "Yekaterinburg meteo station (meteo mountain)",
	"longitude": "60°37'55\"E",
	"latitude": "56°49'36\"N"

Result of running create station

We got a Operation result response:

    "success": true,
    "message": null,
    "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Yekaterinburg main station",
        "description": "Yekaterinburg meteo station (meteo mountain)",
        "longitude": "60°37'55\"E",
        "latitude": null
  1. Station data update (could be updated name, description and coordinates):

PUT http://localhost:8058/api/station/1

Body and response are the same as at Create operation:

	"id": 0,
	"name": "Yekaterinburg main station",
	"description": "Yekaterinburg meteo station (meteo mountain)",
	"longitude": "60°37'55\"E",
	"latitude": "56°49'36\"N"

Result of running update station

  1. There are two get endpoints:
  • 3.1 to get one by id - GET http://localhost:8058/api/station/1

  • 3.2 to get collection with paging - GET http://localhost:8058/api/station/?page=1&size=10

    Result of running get stations

  1. To delete station with id 1 use endpoint DELETE http://localhost:8058/api/station/1
2.3.3 Operations with measurements resource
  1. Create measurements

POST http://localhost:8058/api/measurements

	"id": 0,
	"timestamp": "2022-05-24T10:13:43",
	"temperature": 16.1,
	"pressure": 742.3,
	"humidity": 60.5,
	"windSpeed": 0.5,
	"stationId": 1

We got following result in the output:

    "success": true,
    "message": null,
    "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "timestamp": "2022-05-24T10:13:43",
        "temperature": 16.1,
        "pressure": 742.3,
        "humidity": 60.5,
        "windSpeed": 0.5,
        "stationId": 1

Result of running create measurements

  1. Update measurements: one or any number of weather parameters could be changed using PUT http://localhost:8058/api/measurements/1 with same body and result as at create measurements operation.

Result of running update measurements

  1. There are two get operations:
  • 3.1 to get one by id GET http://localhost:8058/api/measurements/1
  • 3.2 to get collection with paging GET http://localhost:8058/api/measurements/?page=1&size=10
  1. To delete measurements with id 1 use endpoint DELETE http://localhost:8058/api/measurements/1

3. REST API With EdgeDB

Here we've got a net6.0 REST Service that have a slightly different data model:

  • MeasureUnit
  • Measurement
  • Sensor
  • Station

Data project is Wissance.WeatherControl.GraphData

Relation between Models

3.1 Configure Edge DB (Prerequisites)

  1. Start Edgedb instance from Wissance.WeatherControl.GraphData directory
edgedb instance start -I Wissance_WeatherControl_Data --foreground

apply migration via

edgedb migrate
  1. Configure Edgedb to allow pass own identifiers (necessary for object return after create)
edgedb configure set allow_user_specified_id true
  1. Start edgedb ui:
edgedb ui

Once you loaded project you could use it in current application:

  1. Add proper connection string in the database section in appsettings.Development.jsonconfig file:
"Application": {
    "Database": {
      "ConnStr": "edgedb://edgedb:VcJjK6blkKAV2MUTdJXzLPvS@localhost:10702/edgedb"

configuration string must have the following scheme: edgedb://user:password@host:port/database you could see your project credential on Windows machine in a directory: %USER_PROFILE%\AppData\Local\EdgeDB\config\credentials

3.2 REST API With Edge DB

We are having following Key Items:

  1. Controllers - we are using base classes from a Wissance.WebApiToollit, in this lib we have eithther controllers for read-only and for full CRUD resources.
  2. Managers - classes that are responsible for manage all business logic, in this project we have only one manager class - EdgeDbManager that is common for CRUD operation over all resources
  3. EqlResolver - class that is responsible for association model (resource) with operation (read , create, update or delete)
  4. Factories - static classes that constructs DTO from Models and params (dictionary for create and update perform) from DTO.
3.2.1 REST API Controllers

All controllers are located in a folder Controllers, just look how simply look full CRUD Controller:

namespace Wissance.WeatherControl.WebApi.V2.Controllers
    public class MeasurementController : BasicCrudController<MeasurementDto, MeasurementEntity, Guid>
        public MeasurementController(EdgeDBClient edgeDbClient)
            Manager = new EdgeDbManager<MeasurementDto, MeasurementEntity, Guid>(ModelType.Measurement, edgeDbClient,
                MeasurementFactory.Create, MeasurementFactory.Create);
3.2.2 Manager

We have only one manager for all controllers due to the power of C# generics we just have to pass to EdgeDbManager:

  • modelType that is using to find approptiate eql statements from EqlResolver
  • EdgeDbClient client to edgedb database
  • and 2 delegates that describes how to create representation (DTO) from model and how to convert DTO to parameters list for insert and update operations
3.2.3 EqlResolver

Just a set of dictionaries every dictionary for one operation:

  • get collection
  • get one
  • create
  • update
  • delete
3.2.4 Factories for objects convertion

They are static classes in a Factories dicrectory, the looking quite simple:

namespace Wissance.WeatherControl.WebApi.V2.Factories
    public static class SensorFactory
        public static SensorDto Create(SensorEntity entity)
            SensorDto dto = new SensorDto()
                Id = entity.Id,
                Name = entity.Name,
                Latitude = entity.Latitude,
                Longitude = entity.Longitude

            if (entity.Measurements.Any())
                dto.Measurements = entity.Measurements.Select(m => MeasurementFactory.Create((m))).ToList();

            return dto;
        public static IDictionary<string, object?> Create(SensorDto dto, bool generateId)
            IDictionary<string, object?> dict = new Dictionary<string, object?>()
                {"Name", dto.Name},
                {"Latitude", dto.Latitude},
                {"Longitude", dto.Longitude},
                {"Measurements", dto.Measurements.Where(m => m.Id.HasValue)
                    .Select(m => m.Id.Value).ToArray()}
            // TODO(this if for further getting created object)
            dict["id"] = generateId ? Guid.NewGuid() : dto.Id;

            return dict;


Asp Net Core Web API programming tutorial: Weather Control application that uses (netcore3.1/net6.0) with either EntityFramework and EdgeDb plus Wissance.WebApiToolkitpi



Language:C# 91.4%Language:Python 5.7%Language:EdgeQL 2.9%