Wissance / LabWatcher

Scientific laboratory processes automation using Raspberry Pi 2 as a central management system

Home Page:https://wissance.github.io/LabWatcher/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A set of tools that helps to automate measure/control processes of any Scientific / Industrial Lab. Current solution is using for:

  • collect measurements data produced by another our software working over existing scientific equipment (mossbauer spectrometer);
  • notify about measurements state and send data itself over multiple channels (e-mail, Telegram)
  • watch events and notify about possible issues;
  • provides Web interface to obtain stored spectra even any intermediate;
  • run an AI tools with computer vision (if future versions).

This software is a laboratory specific and made as example if you would like to automate your laboratory / industry please contact us using email in our organization info.

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LabWatcher: is automated Mossbauer laboratory control toolset

Mossbauer laboratory automation tool controls spectra measurements from SM2201 Mossbauer spectrometer and watches state of other equipment.

Key features

  • SM2201 spectrometer controlled by software that is running on Windows 98
  • Target Platform where Wissance.MossbauerLab.Watcher is running - Raspberry Pi (v2) + Raspbian as OS

1. Watching objects and notifications

1.1 Watching objects

  • Messbauer spectra accumulation process (monitoring auto save process) from SM2201 spectrometer (controll by date+time) of file last change (on Windows98 machine system clock must be set right)

1.2 Notifications

  • Send fresh (-2h of Date,Time) spectra by e-mail and Telegram bot (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)
  • Analyze power loss (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)

2. Configuration

There are 2 run profiles (Development and Production) and 2 possible configs variants of Wissance.Mossabuer.LabWatcher:

  1. Running on Windows allows to use Net Directory class with network path to files && folders, therefore SM2201 config section looks like:

    "Sm2201SpectraStoreSettings": {
       "Address": "",
       "Domain": "MOSSBAUERLAB",
       "Folder": "Autosaves",
       "UserCredentials": null
  2. Running on any Linux requires to mount Windows shared folder using cifs.mount, because Directory in Linux doesn't understand Windows network Path, therefore SM2201 config section looks like:

    "Sm2201SpectraStoreSettings": {
       "Address": "",
       "Domain": "MOSSBAUERLAB",
       "Folder": "/mnt/sm2201/dev",
       "UserCredentials": null

Solution could be run either on Windows or Linux

2.1 Running solution on Raspberry Pi

  1. Configure SMB (/etc/samba/smb.conf) as follows, add to global section:
    • client min protocol = NT1
    • client lanman auth = yes
    • client ntlmv2 auth = no To check is there access to shared folder using smbclient use following command
    smbclient //MICHAEL/Autosaves -m NT1 -w MOSSBAUERLAB
    • MICHAEL - computer name
    • MOSSBAUERLAB - workgroup name
    • AUTOSAVES - name of shared folder
  2. To watch save process we monitor windows shared folder but in linux we have to mount shared folder using cifs(All names must be Uppercase): sudo mount -t cifs -o user=guest,pass=,vers=1.0,sec=none,domain=MOSSBAUERLAB,ip=,servern=MICHAEL //MICHAEL/AUTOSAVES /mnt/sm2201/dev Where:
    • MICHAEL - computer name
    • MOSSBAUERLAB - workgroup name
    • AUTOSAVES - name of shared folder

3. How to run

3.1 Run once

  1. Configure appsettings.Production.json before run and set Address to "" and set Folder to mount point if you are running solution on Raspberry Pi
  2. Run solution dotnet Wissance.MossbauerLab.Watcher.Web.dll --environment=Production

3.2 Run as a service

To run Wissance.MossbauerLab.Watcher.Web as a service it should be configured as systemd service:

  1. Create group - sudo groupadd mossbauer
  2. Create user - labwatcher - sudo useradd -r -g mossbauer -d /usr/local/sbin/labwatcher -s /sbin/nologin labwatcher
  3. Create labwatcher.service file with following content:

Description=Wissance.MossbauerLab.Watcher service
After=syslog.target network.target
ExecStart=dotnet /usr/local/sbin/labwatcher/app/Wissance.MossbauerLab.Watcher.Web.dll --environment=Production


  1. Change directory owner to mossbauer:labwatcher - sudo chown -R labwatcher:mossbauer /usr/local/sbin/labwatcher
  2. Copy labwatcher.service file to /etc/systemd/system
  3. Execute sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  4. Execute sudo systemctl enable labwatcher
  5. Execute sudo systemctl start labwatcher

4. Troubleshooting

  1. If we are mount automatically and got error like:
Jan 08 18:14:32 LabControl mount.sh[495]: mount error(101): Network is unreachable
Jan 08 18:14:32 LabControl mount.sh[495]: Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) ...

there are many solutions but for me helpful was adding sleep 20s in .sh script prior to mount

5. Web API

There are following endpoints to receive/manage state from browser or other clients:

  • GET /api/Spectrum - list all spectra from database; Get indexed spectra
  • GET /api/Spectrum/{id} - return one spectrum by its id;
  • GET /api/Spectrum/{id}/samples - return spectrum data including list of all intermediate measurements;
  • GET /api/Spectrum/{id}/samples/{sampleName}/spectrum - return spectrum with file name = {sampleName} Get spectrum

6. Contributors


Scientific laboratory processes automation using Raspberry Pi 2 as a central management system


License:Apache License 2.0


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