WingTangWong / OTHER-fast-stable-diffusion

fast-stable-diffusion, +25% speed increase + memory efficient.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

fast-stable-diffusion colabs, +25% speed increase + memory efficient + DreamBooth

2 Colab adaptations for both hlky AUTOMATIC1111 Webui versions of stable diffusion implementing the optimization suggested by : huggingface/diffusers#532, using the MemoryEfficientAttention implementation from xformers (cc. @fmassa, @danthe3rd, @blefaudeux) to both speedup the cross-attention speed and decrease its GPU memory requirements.

All you have to do is enter your huggingface token only once and you're all set, the colabs will install the repos and the models inside Gdrive, so the loading will be fast everytime you use it, enjoy !!

hlky WEBUI Open In Colab


Minimalistic relaxed mode if you just want to have fun Open In Colab

If you encounter any issue or you want to update to latest webui version, remove the folder "sd" or "stable-diffusion-webui" from your GDrive (and GDrive trash) and rerun the colab.

fast-dreambooth colab, +65% speed increase + less than 12GB VRAM.

Train your model using this easy simple and fast colab, all you have to do is enter you huggingface token once, and it will cache all the files in GDrive, including the trained model and you will be able to use it directly from the colab, make sure you use high quality reference pictures for the training.

DreamBooth Open In Colab


fast-stable-diffusion, +25% speed increase + memory efficient.


Language:Jupyter Notebook 56.6%Language:Python 39.8%Language:JavaScript 2.2%Language:CSS 1.4%