WillwoTechnologies / angularjs-auth

Role-Based Angular JS Client-Side Authentication and Authorization

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Role-Based Angular JS Client-Side Authentication and Authorization Module


This Module Does

  • Set auth. token to all http requests header once logged in

  • Broadcast a message from $rootScope whenever;

    • accessed a route defined with authRequired without login
    • received 401 response from http requests
  • Provides methods to access the related window.sessionStorage data

    • Auth.create(data), to save credentials
    • Auth.destroy(), to delete all credentials
    • Auth.permittedTo(role), to check if the current user has the given role
    • Auth.get(key), to retrieve auth data

This Module Does NOT

  • Encode or decode access token, i.e. JWT (This should be done at server-side)
  • Do anything until you catch ahth-required message AND use it

For server-side implementation with Node/Express, please refer this example


  1. Include angularjs-auth module as yor app dependency

     <script src="angularjs-auth.js"></script>
     var app = angular.module('myapp', ['ngRoute', 'angularjsAuth']);
  2. Add authRequired with the value of required role to your route config. and, register $http interceptor, AuthInterceptor, to set x-access-token for all http requests and to broadcast auth-required event for all errored http responses, 401(Unauthorized)

    app.config(function($routeProvider) { $routeProvider .when('/public', {templateUrl: 'public.html', controller: 'MyController'}) .when('/admin', { templateUrl: 'admin.html', controller: 'MyController', authRequired: 'admin' // <------ LIKE THIS }) .otherwise({ redirectTo: '/public' }); $httpProvider.interceptors.push('AuthInterceptor'); // <------- AND THIS });

  3. Include Auth service in your controller as a dependency.

     app.controller('MyController', function($scope, $http, $location, Auth) { 

DONE!! Now you are ready to login and logoff



  1. Whenever login is required, you receive auth-required message, then you show login page to users as follows. It's your decision what to do with this message; redirect to login page, show login section, or show alert message.

     $scope.$on("auth-required", function(event, reason) {
       $location.url("/login?redir=" + encodeURIComponent(reason.route.originalPath) );
  2. User enters and submits credentials and receive the response

     $scope.submitLogin = function () {
         url: '/login', 
         params: {username: $scope.username, password: $scope.password}
       }).success(function (data) {
         Auth.create(data);                        // create sessionStorage data
         $location.path($location.search().redir); // redirect to the url user asked
       }).error(function () {
         $scope.message = "Invalid username or password";


You simply invoke Auth.destroy() method

$scope.logoff = function() {

Login/Logout Links Section

Use Auth.isLoggedIn() to check if the user is logged in or not

<div ng-controller="MyController">
  <div ng-if="Auth.isLoggedIn()">
    Hello, {{Auth.get('username')}} <a ng-href="#/login" ng-click="logoff()">logoff</a>
  <div ng-if="!Auth.isLoggedIn()">
    <a ng-href="#/login">Login</a>

Role-Only Section

Use Auth.permittedTo(ROLE) method to check if the user has the given role or not

<div ng-if="Auth.permittedTo('admin')">
  !!! Only user with admin role can see this !!!!


Role-Based Angular JS Client-Side Authentication and Authorization

License:MIT License