WilliamY97 / Neighborhood-Map

A single-page web application, built using the Knockout framework, that displays a Google Map of an area and various points of interest. Users can search all included restaurants and, when selected, additional information about a landmark is presented from the FourSquare API.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Neighbourhood Map

By William Yang

A map of my home city Markham and local sushi restaurants in the area.


Running The Application

*Download a zip cope of the application *Open the index.html file *The application should run from here

Navigating The Application

*Markers display the various sushi restaurant locations *Clicking on them opens up a info window giving information from the Foursquare API *Users can write into the search bar which will filter out the sushi restaurants from the list right below it


*Google Maps API - https://developers.google.com/maps/ *Foursquare API - https://developer.foursquare.com/


A single-page web application, built using the Knockout framework, that displays a Google Map of an area and various points of interest. Users can search all included restaurants and, when selected, additional information about a landmark is presented from the FourSquare API.


Language:JavaScript 73.8%Language:CSS 14.5%Language:HTML 11.7%