Wiering / Pack

Simple compression / decompression for assets in Pascal / Delphi

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a simple runlength packer for data in Pascal/Delphi. It was used a lot in DOS to save valuable memory when storing data on disk or inside of a program. Data that has many repeating characters can be compressed well. This is often useful for graphics, palettes, levels and other data used in games.

Use pack.exe to compress a file:

pack input-file output-file

As a very simple example, suppose you have a file level1.txt that represents a level for a game


Pack it with the command: pack level1.txt level1.pck

Old size: 119  New size: 79  Gain: 40 (33.6%)

The new (binary) file now looks something like this:



The program bin2pas provides an easy way to get your packed file (or basically any file) right into your Pascal/Delphi code. It has the same syntax as pack:

bin2pas input-file output-file

So in this example, we can run: bin2pas level1.pck level1.inc

This produces a new file level1.inc, which has the following contents:

procedure level1pck; assembler;
  db  79, 88,  5, 13, 10, 88,115,120, 69, 46,  1,120, 69, 46,  5, 88
  db  13, 10, 88, 46, 69,120, 99, 46,120,  5, 46, 88, 13, 10, 88,199
  db  46, 46,120,120, 46, 46,120, 88,  3, 13, 10, 88, 66,120, 98, 46
  db 120, 67,120,  1, 46, 66,120,  5, 46, 88, 13, 10, 88, 67, 46,  1
  db 120, 70, 46,  6,120, 46,102, 88, 13, 10, 79, 88,  2, 13, 10

You can include this file into your Pascal/Delphi code using the directive

{$I level1.inc}

To reference the data, you can use @level1pck (as a pointer) or @level1pck^ (the actual data).


In your Pascal or Delphi code, you can include the code to unpack your data by using the directive


It contains two functions:

  • procedure Unpack(p: Pointer)
  • function GetNextByte(): Byte

In your code, start by calling unpack once and then use GetNextByte to get each next (uncompressed) byte of data. Note: You need to know the size of your data or have a way to recognize the end of the stream.

So in our example, you could have something like:

for j := 0 to LEVEL_SIZE_Y - 1 do
  for i := 0 to LEVEL_SIZE_X - 1 do
    case Chr(GetNextByte()) of
      'X': ...

Of course, this example is way too small for this to be beneficial. However, this system was used successfully in most games by Wiering Software, at least the ones written in Pascal/Delphi.


Simple compression / decompression for assets in Pascal / Delphi

License:MIT License


Language:Pascal 100.0%