Whonymous / IRMP

Infrared Multi Protocol Decoder

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

IRMP - Infrared Multi Protocol Decoder + Encoder

Available as Arduino library "IRMP"

Version 3.2.2

License: GPL v3 Commits since latest Build Status Hit Counter

50 IR protocols supported and low memory footprint

  • Only 40 protocols can be enabled for receive at the same time, because some of them are quite similar and conflicts with each other.
  • 39 protocols are available for send.
  • FLASH usage in bytes: 1500 for one protocol, 4300 for 15 main and 8000 for all 40 protocols.
  • RAM usage in bytes: 52, 73 and 100.
Nano running AllProtocol example YouTube Video Instructable
Nano running AllProtocol example YouTube Video Instructable

List of protocols

  • Sony SIRCS, NEC + APPLE + ONKYO, Samsung + Samsg32, Kaseikyo
  • JVC, NEC16, NEC42, Matsushita, DENON, Sharp, RC5, RC6 & RC6A, IR60 (SDA2008) Grundig, Siemens Gigaset, Nokia
  • BOSE, Kathrein , NUBERT , FAN (ventilator) , SPEAKER (~NUBERT), Bang & Olufsen , RECS80 (SAA3004) , RECS80EXT (SAA3008), Thomson, NIKON camera , Netbox keyboard, ORTEK (Hama) , Telefunken 1560, FDC3402 keyboard , RC Car , iRobot Roomba, RUWIDO, T-Home , A1 TV BOX, LEGO Power RC, RCMM 12,24, or 32, LG Air Condition , Samsung48, Merlin , Pentax , S100 , ACP24, TECHNICS , PANASONIC Beamer , Mitsubishi Aircond , VINCENT, SAMSUNG AH , IRMP specific, GREE CLIMATE , RCII T+A, RADIO e.g. TEVION, METZ
  • NEC, Kaseiko, Denon, RC6, Samsung + Samsg32 were sucessfully tested in interrupt mode.


  • You may use every pin for input or output.
  • Interrupt mode for major protocols.
  • Supports inverted feedback LED for send and receive feedback.
  • Supports inverted IR output for LED connected to VCC.
  • Compatible with Arduino tone() library.

Schematic for Arduino UNO

IR-Receiver connection Serial LCD connection
Fritzing schematic for Arduino UNO Fritzing schematic for Arduino UNO + LCD

Quick comparison of 4 Arduino IR receiving libraries

This is a short comparison and may not be complete or correct

I created this comparison matrix for myself in order to choose a small IR lib for my project and to have a quick overview, when to choose which library.
It is dated from 30.7.2020. If you have complains about the data or request for extensions, please send a PM or open an issue.

Subject IRMP IRLremote IRLib2
mostly unmaintained
Number of protocols 50 Nec + Panasonic + Hash * 12 + Hash * 16
3.Party libs needed % PinChangeInterrupt if not pin 2 or 3 % %
Timing method receive Timer2 or interrupt for pin 2 or 3 Interrupt Timer2 or interrupt for pin 2 or 3 Timer2
Timing method send Timer2 interrupts Timer2 interrupts Timer2 and blocking wait ?
Send pins All All All ? ?
Decode method OnTheFly OnTheFly RAM RAM
Encode method OnTheFly ? OnTheFly ?
LED feedback x % x x
FLASH usage (simple NEC example with 5 prints) 1500
(4300 for 15 main / 8000 for all 40 protocols)
(+200 for callback)
(+80 for interrupt at pin 2+3) 1270
(1400 for pin 2+3)
4830 3210
RAM usage 52
(73 / 100 for 15 (main) / 40 protocols)
62 334 227
Supported platforms avr, megaAVR, attiny, Digispark (Pro), esp8266, ESP32, STM32, SAMD 21, Apollo3
(plus arm and pic for non Arduino IDE)
avr, esp8266 avr, SAMD 21, SAMD 51 avr, attiny, esp8266, esp32, SAM, SAMD
Last library update 4/2020 4/2018 9/2019 11/2017
Remarks Decodes 40 protocols concurrently.
39 Protocols to send.
Work in progress.
Only one protocol at a time. Consists of 5 libraries. Project containing bugs - 45 issues, no reaction for at least one year. Decoding is very basic and easy to extend.
135 open issues and an incredible amount of forks.

* The Hash protocol gives you a hash as code, which may be sufficient to distinguish your keys on the remote, but may not work with some protocols like Mitsubishi

Pin usage

You may use every pin for input or output, just define it like #define IRMP_INPUT_PIN 3 and #define IRSND_OUTPUT_PIN 4. The PWM of the output pin is generated by Software.

Dynamic pins numbers

If you want to use pin numbers for input, output and LED feedback specified at runtime, you must define IRMP_IRSND_ALLOW_DYNAMIC_PINS. See ReceiveAndSendDynamicPins example.
The irmp_init and irsnd_init function then allows up to 3 parameters uint_fast8_t aIrmpInputPin/aIrsndOutputPin, uint_fast8_t aIrmpFeedbackLedPin, bool aIrmpLedFeedbackPinIsActiveLow.
Be aware, only one pin and enable flag for receive and send feedback LED is supported.


// Init functions
void irmp_init (void);
void irmp_init(uint_fast8_t aIrmpInputPin);
void irmp_init(uint_fast8_t aIrmpInputPin, uint_fast8_t aIrmpFeedbackLedPin);
void irmp_init(uint_fast8_t aIrmpInputPin, uint_fast8_t aIrmpFeedbackLedPin, bool aIrmpLedFeedbackPinIsActiveLow);

// Info function
void irmp_print_active_protocols(Print * aSerial);

// Main check for result function used in loop()
bool irmp_get_data (IRMP_DATA *)

// Result print functions
void irmp_result_print(Print * aSerial, IRMP_DATA * aIRMPDataPtr);
void irmp_result_print(IRMP_DATA * aIRMPDataPtr);

// Timer management functions
void disableIRTimerInterrupt(void);
void enableIRTimerInterrupt(void);
void storeIRTimer(void);
void restoreIRTimer(void);

Easy migrating your code from IRremote to IRMP

See also the SimpleReceiver example.

Change the include and declarations from:

#include <IRremote.h>
IRrecv myReceiver(IR_RECEIVER_PIN);
decode_results results;


#define IRMP_INPUT_PIN 3
#include <irmpSelectMain15Protocols.h>
#include <irmp.c.h>
IRMP_DATA irmp_data[1];

Change in setup:

myReceiver.enableIRIn(); to irmp_init();

Changes to get the data:

if (myReceiver.decode(&results)) to if (irmp_get_data(&irmp_data[0]))
switch (results.value) to switch (irmp_data[0].command).

You do not need myReceiver.resume(); any more, just delete it.

The IR code representation of IRMP is different from that in IRremote. In IRMP (as in IRLremote) it is more standard and simpler. Use the function irmp_result_print(&irmp_data[0]) to print the IR code representation. See SimpleReceiver example.

If you want to distinguish between more than one remote in one sketch, you may also use irmp_data[0].address like it is done in the Callback example.

Timer usage

The IRMP receive library works by polling the input pin at a rate of 10 to 20 kHz. Default is 15 kHz.
Many protocols can be received without timer usage, just by using interrupts from the input pin by defining IRMP_ENABLE_PIN_CHANGE_INTERRUPT. See Interrupt example.
The IRMP send library works by bit banging the output pin at a frequency of 38 kHz. This avoids blocking waits and allows to choose an arbitrary pin, you are not restricted to pin 3 or 11. The interrupts for send pin bit banging require 50% CPU time on a 16 MHz AVR.
If both receiving and sending is required, the timer is set up for receiving and reconfigured for the duration of sending data, thus preventing (non interrupt) receiving while sending data.
The tone() library (using timer 2) is still available. You can use it alternating with IR receive and send, see ReceiveAndSend example.

  • For AVR timer 2 (Tone timer) is used for receiving and sending. For variants, which have no timer 2 like ATtiny85 or ATtiny167, timer 1 is used.
  • For SAMD TC3 is used.
  • For Apollo3 Timer 3 segment B is used.
  • For ESP8266 and ESP32 timer1 is used.
  • For STM32 (BluePill) timer 3 (Servo timer) channel 1 is used as default.
  • If you use polling (default) mode with timer 2, the millis() function and the corresponding timer is not used by IRMP!
  • In interrupt mode, the micros() function is used as timebase.

AllProtocol example

Serial LCD output Arduino Serial Monitor output
LCD start Serial Monitor

Sample Protocols


Documentation at mikrocontroller.net





Revision History

Version 3.2.2

  • Removed blocking wait for ATmega32U4 Serial in examples.
  • Restored missing line reset interrupt flags found by user yumkam.
  • Fixed bug for sending only on no AVR platforms.

Version 3.2.1

  • Fixed bug in feedback LED handling for dynamic pins for send and receive.
  • Fixed wrong timer selection for STM32F1xx / ARDUINO_ARCH_STM32.

Version 3.2.0

  • MBED support for Arduino Nano 33 BLE.
  • Added ARDUINO_ARCH_STM32 definition.
  • Fixed ESP8266 wrong memcpy_p definition introduced in 3.0.0.

Version 3.1.2

  • Fixed interrupt mode bug introduced by merging upstream code for version 3.1.0.
  • Fixed ESP8266 wrong memcpy_p definition introduced in 3.0.0. - Fix was not complete :-(. Use 3.2.0.

Version 3.1.1

  • Added MinimalReceiver example.

Version 3.1.0

  • Added RF_MEDION protocol
  • IRAM attribute etc.
  • Fixed bug irmp_init used instead of irsnd_init
  • New function irmp_print_active_protocols().
  • Use timer3 for ESP32.
  • Fix missing check for LED pin == 0.
  • Merged upstream v3.2.2 + IRMP_ENABLE_RELEASE_DETECTION.
  • Dynamic pin for feedback LED added.

Version 3.0.0

  • Support of RF (433MHz) remotes. 2 protocols Generic 24 bit format and X10 format added.
  • MegaAVR (ATmega4809) support.
  • Added IRMP_IRSND_ALLOW_DYNAMIC_PINS and extended irmp_init() and irsnd_init()to allow input, output and LED feedback pin selection at runtime.
  • Support more protocols simultaneously on 32 bit CPUs.
  • Use same pin and enable flag for receive and send feedback LED.
  • New function irmp_print_active_protocols().

Version 2.2.1

  • Improved pin layout.
  • Fixed bug with stm32duino 1.9.
  • Version number.
  • Blink13 -> LEDFeedback.

Version 2.2.0

  • Supported Apollo3 platform.
  • Fixed DigisparkPro bug.

Version 2.1.0

  • Supported SAMD platform.
  • IRSND enabled for non AVR platforms.

Version 2.0.0

  • Added IR send fuctionality (IRSND).
  • Use TIMER2_COMPB_vect to be compatible with tone() library.
  • No longer required to call initPCIInterrupt() manually if IRMP_ENABLE_PIN_CHANGE_INTERRUPT is set.
  • Separated code for timer to IRTimer.cpp.h.
  • Separated code for Pin change interrupt to irmpPinChangeInterrupt.cpp.h.
  • Fixed wrong pin numbers for BluePill.

Version 1.2.2

  • Fixed bugs introduced in 1.2.1.

Version 1.2.1

  • Bug for AVR architecture fixed.
  • ATtiny85 + ATtiny167 support for ATTinyCore and Digistump core.
  • Support for "Generic STM32F1 series" from "STM32 Boards (selected from submenu)" of Arduino Board manager.

Version 1.2.0 - This version contains a bug for the AVR architecture

  • Added STM32 M3 (BluePill) support.

Version 1.1.0

  • Added functions irmp_disable_timer_interrupt() and irmp_enable_timer_interrupt().
  • Added function irmp_result_print(Stream * aSerial).
  • Improved examples.

Version 1.0.1

  • Added ESP8266 + ESP32 support.


Since Travis CI is unreliable and slow (5 times slower), the library examples are now tested with GitHub Actions for the following boards:

  • arduino:avr:uno
  • arduino:avr:mega
  • arduino:samd:arduino_zero_edbg
  • digistump:avr:digispark-tiny16
  • digistump:avr:digispark-pro (ATtiny167)
  • ATTinyCore:avr:attinyx5:chip=85,clock=8internal
  • esp8266:esp8266:huzzah:eesz=4M3M,xtal=80
  • esp32:esp32:featheresp32:FlashFreq=80
  • STM32:stm32:GenF1:pnum=BLUEPILL_F103C8

If you find this library useful, please give it a star.


Infrared Multi Protocol Decoder

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C 89.2%Language:C++ 10.8%