Whitehawkx / librist

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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A library that can be used to easily add the RIST protocol to your application.

This code was written to comply with the Video Services Forum (VSF) Technical Recommendations TR-06-1 and TR-06-2. The protocol goes by the codename "RIST"

The canonical repository URL for this repo is https://code.videolan.org/rist/librist

This project is partially funded by the SipRadius LLC.

Goal and Features

The goal of this project is to provide a rist library for most platforms.

It supports all features from the TR-06-1 and most of the features of TR-06-2.


None. This library has no external runtime dependencies on any OS other than normal core OS libraries.


librist is released under a very liberal license, a contrario from the other VideoLAN projects, so that it can be embedded anywhere, including non-open-source software; or even drivers, to allow the creation of hybrid decoders.

The reasoning behind this decision is the same as for libvorbis, see RMS on vorbis.

Library sweet spot (optimal use cases with current defaults)

  • Buffer sizes from 50 ms to 30 seconds
  • Networks with round trip times from 0ms to 5000ms
  • Bitrates from 0 to 1 Gbps
  • Packet size should be kept under the path's MTU (typically 1500). The library does not support packet fragmentation.
  • Bi-directional communication available (not one-way systems like satellite)

If you have an application that needs to operate outside the sweet spot described above, you will need to modify some constants in the rist-private.h header and/or use some of the more obscure API calls to fine tune the library for your use case. The library can overcome all the limitations above by fine-tuning with the exception of packet fragmentation which will be addressed as a feature enhancement in the future.


The plan is the following:


  1. Complete C implementation of the rist protocol,
  2. Provide a usable API,


  1. Improve C code base with various tweaks,
  2. Port/test on most platforms
  3. Provide wrappers for other languages


Currently, we are looking for help from:

  • C developers,
  • asm developers,
  • platform-specific developers,
  • testers.

Our contributions guidelines are quite strict. We want to build a coherent codebase to simplify maintenance and achieve the highest possible speed.

Notably, the codebase is in pure C and asm.

We are on Telegram, on the rist_users and librist_developers channels.

See the contributions document.


There is no CLA.

VideoLAN will only have the collective work rights.


The VideoLAN Code of Conduct applies to this project.

Compile using meson/ninja (linux, osx and windows-mingw)

  1. Install Meson (0.47 or higher), Ninja
  2. Alternatively, use "pip3 install meson" and "pip3 install ninja" to install them
  3. Run mkdir build && cd build to create a build directory and enter it
  4. Run meson .. to configure meson, add --default-library=static if static linking is desired
  5. Run ninja to compile

Compile using meson/ninja (windows - Visual Studio 2019)

  1. Open a cmd window and type "pip3 install meson" to install meson through Python Package Index
  2. Run x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019.exe
  3. cd to the folder where you downloaded or cloned the librist source code
  4. Run the command "meson setup build --backend vs2019"
  5. Run the command "meson compile -C build"
  6. The compiled library and the tools will be in the build and build/tools folders respectively
  7. Alternatively, open librist.sln and build the applications manually if you prefer to use the VS IDE

Build with Docker

  1. Simply do a docker build on the Dockerfile in the 'common' subdirectory


This project is partially funded by SipRadius LLC.

This company can provide support and integration help, should you need it.


Why do you not improve srt rather than starting a new project?

  • Although SRT provides a similar solution, it is the result of the vision and design of a single company. librist on the other hand, was the collective design work of a large group of experts (companies) that have been providing packet recovery services for many years. From its conception, rist has been based on clear and open standards.

Is librist an acronym?

  • Yes, libRIST stands for Library - Reliable Internet Stream Transport

Can I help?

I am not a developer. Can I help?

  • Yes. We need testers, bug reporters, and documentation writers.

What about the packet recovery patents?

  • This code was written to comply with the Video Services Forum (VSF) Technical Recommendations TR-06-1 and TR-06-2 and as such is free of any patent royalty payments

Will you care about <my_arch>? <my_os>?

  • We do, but we don't have either the time or the knowledge. Therefore, patches and contributions welcome.

How can I test it?


License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:C 99.4%Language:Meson 0.4%Language:CMake 0.1%Language:Makefile 0.1%Language:Shell 0.0%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%