Whinarn / UnityMeshSimplifier

Mesh simplification for Unity.

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Getting the package from the packagemanager through the .git link is broken

Rackneh opened this issue · comments

Is it under construction?

Have you followed the instructions here? https://github.com/Whinarn/UnityMeshSimplifier/wiki/Installing-through-package-manager

What version of Unity are you using?
What OS are you running?
What happens when you follow the steps outlined in the link above? Does it not install at all? Compiler errors? Any other errors in the console?

its true, i have try the link and it dosnt work

What version of Unity are you using? 2022.3.7f1
What OS are you running? WINDOWS 10 PRO
What happens when you follow the steps outlined in the link above? Does it not install at all? Compiler errors? Any other errors in the console?


those the errors in console, i follow the steps yes, and it dosnt install at all sadly im excited about this. it can improve something im on working with . Thanks for your efforts!

btw i have figure out what i want and works perfectly! thank you m8! this is awesome :)


i end up importing this runtime folder manually after download the whole zip and extract it . but worked fine in that way , thanks.

@PabloMonfort Aha, well if you read the error message that you provided in your screenshot it states that you do not have Git installed on your system.

If you do have it installed, make sure that it's reachable in the PATH environment variable.

If you do not have it installed or is unsure, please see requirements here: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/upm-ui-giturl.html
You will also find some troubleshooting there.
I'll make sure to mention this on the wiki page with instructions as well.

@Rackneh Please verify if you had the same problem. It's likely.

It works after install git and github and restart my pc. i used the via package manager and work, thanks and good work.