Whinarn / UnityMeshSimplifier

Mesh simplification for Unity.

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Change SaveAssetPath

cbanwell opened this issue · comments


The asset save path seems to be hard coded to always be under UMS_LODs, regardless if the saveAssetPath is set.

If I set saveAssetPath, it just creates that path under the folder Assets/UMS_LODs.

It's also seems to remove spaces from the folder name and inject '_' s

The fact that it always saves the assets under Assets/UMS_LODs/ is in fact not a bug, but perhaps a bad design choice. Changing this will break backwards compatibility, but it's perhaps fine to release a new major version of this package. I also think it's bad to restrict this in case the user has a preferred directory structure in the project.

Regarding spaces being replaced by underscores, I'm not entirely sure why that was done, except the fact that as a programmer I always avoid spaces in paths due to various bugs in applications etc. But also perhaps bad to make that decision for the user. I could look into that as well.

I'll look into this as soon as I have some time over.
Thank you for reporting this!

This has now been implemented with #46 and released into next version.