Whinarn / UnityMeshSimplifier

Mesh simplification for Unity.

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Last LODs Generated Are Not Saved

NateDawgg opened this issue · comments

The LODs that are generated for the last object are not saved. This occurs when following the steps below.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Extract and import the "Silver_and_White_Azerillo_Sporty_Hatchbacks.unitypackage" into Unity 2019.3.9f1
  2. Double-click the "Assets/Azerilo/Car Model No.1201 Asset/Prefab/Sporty_Hatchback_silver.prefab" to open it.
  3. Select the "Sporty_Hatchback_silver" node in the prefab hierarchy.
  4. In the inspector menu, click "Add Component" and Select the LOD Generator Helper.
  5. Enter the following settings, then right-click the LOD Generator Helper Component and select "Copy Component", then click the "Generate LODs" button.
  6. Next, double-click the "Assets/Azerilo/Car Model No.1201 Asset/Prefab/Sporty_Hatchback_white.prefab" to open it.
  7. Select the "Sporty_Hatchback_white" node in the prefab hierarchy.
  8. In the inspector menu, click "Add Component" and Select the LOD Generator Helper.
  9. Right-click the LOD Generator Helper Component and select "Paste Component Values".
  10. Click the Generate LODs button.
  11. Double-click the "Assets/Azerilo/Car Model No.1201 Asset/Prefab/Sporty_Hatchback_silver.prefab" to re-open it.
  12. Then, double-click the "Assets/Azerilo/Car Model No.1201 Asset/Prefab/Sporty_Hatchback_white.prefab" to re-open it.
  13. The LODs that were generated in Step 10 were not saved and the "Generate LODs" button must be pressed again to re-generate LODs.

Expectation was that the generated LODs would still be there once I went away from the prefab and came back.


Hi @NateDawgg,

Thanks for reporting this bug. I just wanted to let you know that I have read it, but don't currently have time to test it out myself right now. I'll hopefully get back to you within a few days.

Hi @Whinarn

OK, thanks so much!

Great reproduction steps, that really helps.
I have confirmed the bug, and believe this to related to marking things as dirty, so Unity isn't properly recognizing that things have changed. I'll see what I can do and get back to you when I have a fix!

I have just released v2.3.5 that should fix the bug that you experienced. The problem was as I expected, and was quite easy to resolve.

I was unable to reproduce the issue after this fix. Please confirm if the problem has been resolved for you as well.

Thanks so much for the fix! I should be able to test later in the week and report back.


@NateDawgg did you get a chance to confirm the fix yet?

I'll assume this to be fixed since there has been no response. If it's not, feel free to re-open again.