Most recent versions of BRUCE_SENSE has been included in BRUCE-OP repo( This repo is not being updated.
Sensory for BRUCE. This repo contains both the code running on the Pi Pico(BRUCE_SENSE_PICO) which collects the IMU data and the foot contact sensor data (as well as liquid cooling control in the future), and the code running on the on-board computer(BRUCE_SENSE) which controls the motion of BRUCE.
To use BRUCE_SENSE, please first run to install the module.
To read data, first import Manager
then create an instance of Manger.SENSOR
The library is still under construction and for simplicity, please only use SENSOR.get_dump()
function for now.
Refer to README in BRUCE_SENSE_PICO for more details on how to set up the pi pico for BRUCE.