WestheadJ / AppleMusic-to-Spotify-Converter-Python

A python program to add songs from an Apple Music Playlist to a Spotify Playlist

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Apple Music Playlist To Spotify Playlist Converter

This is a pyhton script that uses Spotipy, Beautiful Soup, requests python libraries and the SpotifyAPI to get the songs from an Apple Music playlist and add them to a Spotify playlist.

How does it work?

As stated above it uses 3 main python libaries (Spotipy, Beautiful Soup and requests) and the SpotifyAPI to allow this to work.

First it gets a URL (needs to be an Apple Music Playlist to work) it uses the requests to GET the HTML contents of the page the URL leads to, in this case the playlist. This is because you have to pay for an Apple Music developers license so it lead me to use a webscraper which leads onto the next part.

The second step it uses Beautiful Soup to parse the HTML received by the GET request. I then, still using Beautiful Soup it finds the <div> with the song name and the artist.

Spotipy then authenticates the user with the SpotifyAPI.Then the user is prompted with inputs, it asks for a playlist title, playlist description, and it's privacy. It then creates the playlist on the users spotify account.

It then loops through <div> each to get the artist and song name and appends it to an array. This array is then looped over and added to a new array e.g songsToAdd = [] turns into songsToAdd = [["song1","artist1"],["song2","arist2"]].

This array is then looped over and each song is then searched using Spotipy with the song name and artist the result of said query is then added to an array. However, some song titles aren't the same on Spotify as they are on Apple Music, so to counter this I check if the result of the search is empty if it is, add it to a .txt file which uses a timestamp as the filename and doesn't add it to the array, so it stops duplicates. The array is then used to send of POST request using Spotipy to add the songs to the playlists.

How To Use Yourself

Fork/Clone the code or download it as a .zip. In this directory open up a command prompt/terminal make sure you have python 3.8+ I am using python 3.9 make sure pip is installed create a virutal environment using venv e.g python3 -m venv [venv-directoy] activate the environment by using:


Activation: source [venv-directory]/bin/activate

Deactivation: deactivate


Activation: [my-venv-directory]\Scripts\activate.bat

Deactivation: [my-venv-directory]\Scripts\deactivate.bat

Whilst the environment is active use pip install -r requirments.txt this should set up the venv exactly how I have it setup.


Create a configs.py and add CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET and REDIRECT_URI from your Spotify Developer dashboard after creating an app and go to your Spotify Account to find your username and add that to configs.py.

Configs - Scopes

Scopes are used in authentication, it's asking if the user allows the program to access what it needs with these scopes. The current ones needed are: SCOPE = "playlist-modify-public,playlist-modify-private"

NOTE: if you want to add you own functionality then look at the (authorization scopes)[https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/general/guides/authorization/scopes/]

To find Apple Music playlist link go to an Apple Music playlist on your iPhone, go to the top right ... -> Share Playlist... -> copy and paste that to somewhere or in the prompt for the URL.

Future Updates

  • Make sure over 100 songs can be added to a playlist (SpotifyAPI states it's not alloweds)
  • A website version
  • A C# version


A python program to add songs from an Apple Music Playlist to a Spotify Playlist


Language:Python 100.0%