Weiyuan-Lane / api-gateway

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Test Gateway

To run this locally with the following scenarios, run the following commands in the root folder

docker-compose up

Before running the scenarios, you can also check out node-gateway-config/config/dev.json for the proxy server and path settings.

#1 - Proxy route to a test server

This scenario shows a response from a proxy server

Make a get request to localhost/test-path-1

Nothing special, except that the response is from proxy server test_server_1

#2 - Proxy route to a test server (another variant)

This scenario shows a response from a proxy server

Make a get request to localhost/test-path-2

Nothing special, except that the response is from proxy server test_server_2

#3 - Wildcard proxy routes

This scenario shows the configuration for a wildcard route to match entire resources for multiple paths to a service

Make a get request to localhost/test-resource-1/nested-1 Make a get request to localhost/test-resource-1/nested-1/nested-2

The rendered responses are mapped from a wildcard route in node-gateway-config/config/dev.json, to proxy server test_server_1

The path is configured as /test-resource-1/*. Only one path config is required, even if supporting multiple routes to another service

#4 - Matching specific routes with previously used resources

This scenario shows the configuration for a route to proxy server 2, whereby the previous resource routing is already used to proxy server 1.

Make a get request to localhost/test-path-1 Make a get request to localhost/test-path-1/nested-at-2

The rendered responses are mapped from a wildcard route in node-gateway-config/config/dev.json, to proxy server test_server_1

The path is configured as /test-resource-1/*. Only one path config is required, even if supporting multiple routes to another service

#5 - Conflict in path settings

This scenario shows what happen if a conflict in configuration occurs

Make a get request to localhost/test-resource-1/nested-1

The path /conflict-path is configured for both servers. Note that the later configuration in the list always take priority, as proxy server test_server_2 is shown returning the response

#6 - Making a non-get request (Post request)

This scenario shows a configured proxy-ed path that is not a get request

Make a post request to localhost/post-path

Nothing special, except that the response is from proxy server test_server_1

#7 - Proxy timeout

This scenario shows what happens if the proxy server takes too long, and the gateway decides to return a timeout

Make a get request to localhost/timeout-route

Since the proxy path is configured to time out after waiting for 1 second, it shows the timeout error

#8 - Caching at proxy

This scenario shows what happens when the proxy caches the responses when intended (public cache control headers returned)

Make a get request to localhost/cached-route

Make sure you refresh and even hard-refresh a few times if you're using a browser. The ts should not change immediately.

Since the page is cached with 10 seconds and a public cache control header, the ts should only increase every hit to the server in 10 seconds.

#9 - Caching at browser

This scenario shows what happens when the browser caches the responses when intended (private cache control headers returned)

Make a get request to localhost/cached-route-browser

Make sure you refresh a few times if you're using a browser. The ts should not change immediately.

Only when you hard-refresh, does the contents change.

#10 - Grace-ful fallback

This scenario shows the grace mode of the gateway - since we intend for grace threshold as 1 minute (See GATEWAY_VARNISH_GRACE_PERIOD in docker-compose.yml), if an earlier entry was returned and the proxy server is unable to return a valid response, the gateway will return the stale entry for 1 minute. This setting can be adjusted if necessary.

Make a get request to localhost/grace-mode-route

Make sure you refresh and hard refresh, and note that the response returns as if it's cached (ts does not change), but degrades to a timeout around 1 minute later.

In the proxy server, the first hit is configured to always go through, while the rest will time out, and there are no cache-control headers in the response

As expected, the later entries that are timing out are not visible until 1 minute later. This allows the gateway to return stale entries, even when cached TTL is up, for better user experience in dire situations.

#11 - No grace-ful fallback

This scenario shows the grace mode of the gateway not triggering if not needed to trigger.

Make a get request to localhost/grace-not-needed

There are no special settings to the route behaviour here. Even after multiple refreshes, we see that the responses are not stale, as the proxy server is healthy.

#12 - Post path failure (500 status)

This scenario shows the gateway returning failure responses as well

Make a post request to http://localhost/post-error-path

The error response from the backend is returned

#13 - Get path failure (500 status)

This scenario shows the gateway returning failure responses as well

Make a get request to localhost/get-error-path

The error response from the backend is returned

#14 - Edge side includes

This scenario covers the use of edge side includes for better caching policites

Make a get request to localhost/esi-test

Check extraESIProperty to get replaced property from /esi-nested-value.


  • Add hitch as a TLS proxy
  • Refactor gateway.ts



Language:JavaScript 53.0%Language:TypeScript 43.6%Language:Shell 3.4%