DIETClassifier stand for Dual Intent Entity from Transformers which can be used to do intent classification and entities recognition at the same time.
- Using Huggingface Transformers's BERT architect
- Wrapped by python, with various implemented functions (reads dataset from .yml, builds and trains model, gives dictionary ouput)
- [transformers] - Library for using transformers models in nlp task
- [pytorch] - Framework for deep learning task in python
- [fastapi] - Backend building framework
You can also install all requirement packages by:
git clone
cd DIETClassifier-pytorch/
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can use demo server to create a server that receive text message and predict intent, entities:
- Download pretrained model from this link
- extract "latest_model" to "DIETClassifier-pytorch/"
- run
uvicorn demo.server:app
All project configurations stored in [config.yml] file
model: latest_model
tokenizer: latest_model
dataset_folder: dataset
exclude_file: null
- working_type
- shift_type
- WorkTimesBreaches
- WorkingTimeBreachDiscipline
- HolidaysOff
- AnnualLeaveApplicationProcess
- SetWorkingType
- TemporarySetWorkingType
- WorkingHours
- WorkingDay
- BreakTime
- Pregnant
- AttendanceRecord
- SelectShiftType
- LaborContract
- Recruitment
- SickLeave
- UnpaidLeave
- PaidLeaveForFamilyEvent
- UnusedAnnualLeave
- RegulatedAnnualLeave
- rating
device: cuda
train_range: 0.95
num_train_epochs: 100
per_device_train_batch_size: 4
per_device_eval_batch_size: 4
warmup_steps: 500
weight_decay: 0.01
logging_dir: logs/
early_stopping_patience: 10
early_stopping_threshold: 0.0001
output_dir: results/
intent_threshold: 0.7
entities_threshold: 0.5
ambiguous_threshold: 0.2
Attribute | Explain |
model | name of transformers pretrained model or path to local model |
tokenizer | name of transformers pretrained tokenizer or path to local tokenizer |
dataset_folder | folder that container dataset files, using rasa nlu format |
exclude_file | files in folder that will not be used to train |
entities | list of entities |
intents | list of intents |
synonym | synonym list for synonym entities |
device | device to use ("cpu", "cuda", "cuda:0", etc) |
train_range | range to split dataset into train and valid set |
num_train_epochs | number of training epochs |
per_device_train/eval_batch_size | batch size when train/eval |
logging_dir | directory to save log file (tensorboard supported) |
early_stopping_patience/threshold | hyper parameters for early stopping training |
output_dir | directory to save model while training |
You can use DIETClassifierWrapper for loading, training, predicting in python code:
from src.models.wrapper import DIETClassifierWrapper
config_file = "src/config.yml"
wrapper = DIETClassifierWrapper(config=config_file)
wrapper.predict(["How to check attendance?"])
#after training, wrapper will load best model automatically
You can also use DIETClassifier in src.models.classifier as huggingface transformers model
from src.models.classifier import DIETClassifier, DIETClassifierConfig
config = DIETClassifierConfig(model="BERT-base-uncased",
intents=[str(i) for i in range(10)],
entities=[str(i) for i in range(5)])
model = DIETClassifier(config=config)
- This DIETClassifier using BERT base as the base architect, if you want to change to RoBerta, ALBert, etc. You need to modify the DIETClassifier Class.
- You can also use any BERT base pretrained from Huggingface transformers for creating and fine tune yourself
- Please read the source code to understand how the dataset be created in case that you want to make dataset in another file format.
- If you get the error: AttributeError: """'NoneType' object has no attribute 'detach'""", please check the issue #5