WeekendWars / mvp-core

This is a simple and small library for setting up a basic MVP structure

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I strongly recommend to use Android Architecture Components for dealing with lifecycle aware architecture.

mvp-core CircleCI codecov

This is a simple and small library for setting up a basic MVP architecture. It also includes Retrofit and RxJava


  • Basic MVP structure for Activity and Fragment
  • State saving/restoring for Presenter


  • com.android.support:appcompat-v7:27.1.1
  • com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.4.0
  • com.squareup.retrofit2:adapter-rxjava2:2.4.0

Library information

  • Total methods in core-release.aar: 59 (0,09% used)
  • Total fields in core-release.aar: 6 (0,01% used)
  • Total classes in core-release.aar: 11 (0,02% used)

View's attachment

Your Activity will notify the Presenter when it's been attached so the Presenter knows when to start doing whatever it needs to do. It will receive a reference to the Activity's view on the attachView(V) method like showed below:

    public void attachView(@NonNull final TestView view) {

The Presenter will save the view's reference which you can access whenever you want by calling getView() You must not call this method before the view's attachment, like on the presenter's constructor. It will also create a new instance of the CompositeDisposable.

State restoring

If your Activity has been destroyed it will call it's onRestoreInstanceState() and notify the Presenter there's a state needed to be restored.

You should save your Presenter's state by overriding the getState() method and saving it's current state like showed below:

    public Bundle getState() {
        final Bundle state = new Bundle();
        state.putLong(STATE, SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis());

        return state;

And restore it on the restoreState() method like showed below:

    public void restoreState(@NonNull final Bundle savedState) {
        mState = savedState.getLong(STATE);

View's detachment

When the Activity's no longer in the foreground notifies the Presenter the view's been detached. So it disposes any queued Disposable for avoiding listening events when the view's no longer visible.

Handle Disposables

When the view's been attached the Presenter creates a new instance of CompositeDisposable which will be disposed on view's detachment. For adding new disposables being handled by view's lifecycle you should call the AbstractPresenter.addDisposable() method like showed below:

                .subscribeOn(Schedulers.io()).subscribe(new Consumer<YourDTO>() {
                    public void accept(final YourDTO data) {
                }, new Consumer<Throwable>() {
                    public void accept(@NonNull final Throwable t) {


Add the dependency to your build.gradle like showed below:


  • Your Activity should extend AbstractActivity<V, P> and implement it's view V like showed below:
public class TestActivity extends AbstractActivity<TestView, TestPresenter> implements TestView {

    protected TestView getMvpView() {
        return this;

    protected TestPresenter createPresenter() {
        return new TestPresenter();

    protected int getLayoutResourceId() {
        return R.layout.core_mvp_sampleapp_activity_test;
  • Your presenter should extend AbstractPresenter<V> like showed below:
public class TestPresenter extends AbstractPresenter<TestView> {

    private static final String STATE = "state";
    private long mState;

    public void attachView(@NonNull final TestView view) {

    public void restoreState(@NonNull final Bundle savedState) {
        mState = savedState.getLong(STATE);

    public Bundle getState() {
        final Bundle state = new Bundle();
        state.putLong(STATE, SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis());

        return state;


This is a simple and small library for setting up a basic MVP structure


Language:Java 100.0%