Wedjat98 / Ofu

The Ofu Programming Language

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The Ofu Programming Language.

Name from : Ofu and Olosega are parts of a volcanic doublet in the Manu‘a Island Group, which is part of American Samoa in the Samoan Islands.

What is Ofu? A Programming Language I want to make in 2 years.

Well,maybe I finally turn this project to a Toy Language.And only for me.

Why you want to design the Ofu? Cause it's Coooool!!!

Program Language might be use




Objective Caml (Still learning).

Basic Knowledge

  1. Lexer

  2. Parser(Context-Free-Grammar)

    int main(){
        int x = 0;//'int' 'x' '=' '0' ';'
        return x;//'return' 'x' ';'
  3. Checker

    -Name Checker.

    -Type rich programming.

    Scouse code is Abstract Syntax Tree. & Intermediate Representation. AST & IR

  4. Execution

​ -Compile : Physical Machine

​ x86, arm, risc-v, mips, loongarch

​ -Interpreter

​ - Runtime

​ - Virtual Machine, VM like Java

design Ofu

  1. Cooool Features
  2. Not too useless (Works well at lest~)
  3. Meaning


  • Quick Interpreter (Python )
  • Generate C code
    • ​ source code to come c

How to Quick ? Lexer,run on AST.

Parser Combinator is need.

Checker : By hand writing.

AST,IR is Intermediate, Core of the implementation of a language.

Generate C code cover features of C.

EZ Ofu

I want Ofu is EZ to learning.

int a, *b, **c;

I really don't like this 'thing' in language . Yes ,Pointer!

Let's talk about pointer.

In C, you need to obey the definition,use same to declaration rule.

but in this case.

typedef int(__stdcall*f[10])(int(*a)(int, int));

this rule is the worst to the code reader.

Turn this code to the Haskell code. It could be

f :: [(int->int->int)->int]

Haskell don't have the definition,use same to declarationrule,so it solved this big problem in C,Also in Rust.

I know in Rust and C++,smart pointer is very great creation.

Like this

use std::rc::Rc;
fn main() {
    let x = Rc::new("hello");
    println!("{:?}", x.chars());

In Rc. It's don't have chars() method. But we still can use chars(). Cause,Rc implement the Deref.

#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<T: ?Sized> Deref for Rc<T> {
    type Target = T;

    fn deref(&self) -> &T {

Like this

#[lang = "deref"]
#[doc(alias = "*")]
#[doc(alias = "&*")]
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub trait Deref {
    /// The resulting type after dereferencing.
    #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
    type Target: ?Sized;

    /// Dereferences the value.
    #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target;

#[lang = "deref_mut"]
#[doc(alias = "*")]
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub trait DerefMut: Deref {
    /// Mutably dereferences the value.
    #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target;

Still learning this part.

A simple pointer error in C#

class PointBox
    public int Number { get; set; }
    public Point Point { get; set; }

var box = new PointBox() { Number = 1, Point = new Point { x = 1, y = 2 } };
box.Number += 3;//pass
box.Point.x = 5;//cann't pass

Cannot modify the return value of 'box.Point.x' because it is not a variable

The basically reason is the struct different to class,so Value Type is different to Reference Type.

In C#,struct is value type,is to say it's not a pointer,and it can not inheritance from parent etc.

Maybe too difficult. I still learning this part in C#.

So let's talk some thing about keyword 'const' . At lest ,const is inconvenience to me.

I use const to show some filed what the value don't want be change. But sometimes we don't now the function will to do what. So we use the const at the function declaration.

so what is const use for? What the difference in next 3 lines?

int Add(const int a, const int b);
const int Add(const int a, const int b);
int Add(int a, int b);

For me const& and const* usually to decorate variable filed.

So in C++ use the const to decorate a type is not a good design for me.


Motivation : To improve C, generate C code.

Features in cpp

  1. overload : ad hoc polymorphism.

    int func(int a){return a;};
    int func(float b){return b;};

    ​ operator overload ad hoc polymorphism.

  2. type infer

    auto x = 3;//type is ?
    auto x = func(args);
  3. generics : arguments polymorphism

    template<typename T>
    void print(T x){/*.....*/}

    argument not only term, value, but also type

  4. function as first citizen

function -> term ,value

def int id(int x):
    return x


vector operator+(vector a,vetor b){

Currying in python

def func(x,y=3):
    return x+y

func(1)#func waiting the input of y
  1. C/Cpp has header and module. relative to generics?

    generics type as arg -> null args-> module

    if args ->


    module -> encapsulation, type

  2. subtyping

  3. some syntax sugar : dot operator


    => desugar


    virtual method


    virtual pointer-> method

    obj ={method : fun(int)->;} 

Context Free Grammer,CFG

OPER -> +|-|*|/
	-> 1 + 3
_ OPER -> +|-|*|/|<|>|?......

func TERM ->PARA "=>" TERM  
_ PARA -> NAME,i.e /[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*/

call TERM -> TERM TERM // FUNC PARA,Currying is ((func para)para)

name TERM -> NAME //variable name
variable TERM ->"let" NAME "=" TERM //let x =3
immutable TERM ->"const" NAME "=" TERM //const x =3

literal TERM -> NUM/[1-9][0-9]*/ // 123

Abstract Syntax Tree , AST

const left =({tag:"literal",body:{value:5},type:"Int"}) 
const right = ({tag:"literal",body:{value:4},type:"Int"})
const node = ({tag:"binary",body:{left,oper:"+",right}})//5+4


| \ \

5 + 4

let x = 3

array = [1,2,x]

list= [1;2;x]//linked list

tuple = (x,'x')//(Int,Char)


if cond then fst else snd

cond ? fst : snd

cond : Boolean

fst,snd must to be same Type

Name Resolution

let x = 3;
let y = x+3;
let f(x)=> x+4//scope 
func TERM -> PARA "=>" BODY
name TERM ->NAME
	/	|	\
PARA   "=>"  NAME
  |			  |
  x			  x

Two important concepts :produce&consume

let para = term -> produce variable

para -> parameters, produce variable

name -> variable used, consume variable

produce : let ,mut, para

consume : name

lexcial scope : function, block

walk ast ->

  • produce

    • Id = ++ Counter
    • Table[Id] :{tag,name,term}
    • Name_Map [name]=Id
  • consume

    • Id = Name_Map[name]//Table[Id],replace name with Id
  • lexical scope

    • old = Name_Map

    • new = copy(old)

    • {Begin




Symbol Table

Table : name -> Term

let x = 3

It's mean Table['x']=3

let x =3
let fun = x=>x+1

Table['x']->3?para x?

A Complex Implementation

I will use the id to discriminate the Parameters

produce will be like :

Int -> Id

Table[0] = {tag:"let",name:'x',term:3}

Table[1] = {tag: "para",name:'x',term=undefined}

Lexical Scope

Consumption will be like

let x =3
let fun = x=>x+1
let y = x+1

Name_Map : Name -> Id

nm = {} ---->walk let x =3 --->

nm={"x=0"} ---->walk let fun --->

nm={"x=2","fun":1,}} ---->walk x + 1 --->

nm['x'] = 2 --> Id =2 -->let $1 = $2=>$2+1

restore nm = {'x':0.'fun':1} then--->walk let y --->

nm = {'x':0.'fun':1,'y'=3}---->walk x + 1 --->

nm{'x'=0}--->Id = 0 -->let $3 = $0+1

Topological Order

Will be use to Type rich. But if the AST too deep,it will be complex.

Topological Order -> will be helpful to Type rich turn.

let x :I8 = 5;//let x = 1+2

let y = > 3 + (y+4+x+5);//f : I8->I8

//let tmp = 4+x
//let f = y =>3+(tmp+y);

walk first :

-Name Resolution


∑ = character set : Unicode [x,y] if x<=char<=y char - Hanzi(Kanji)

K,s,F = status

δ = status transfer


The Ofu Programming Language

License:MIT License