WedadAlqithmi / move-arm-by-speech-

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


for this task we need to move arm by the voice commands

to accomplish this task

you need to do the following:

  • arduino code to turn on the servo motor
  • web page to convert audio into text and then send that text to the serial monitor

to know more keep up with me

Robot wire connection

for the robot wire connection you can check this repository

arduino code

  • include the servo library
  • create 4 objects of the Servo class
  • insert an intial angle value for the servos

#include <Servo.h>

Servo servo1; /*the object of servo, this will run one servo */
Servo servo2;
Servo servo3;
Servo servo4;

double servo1_angle = 90;
double servo2_angle = 90;
double servo3_angle = 90;
double servo4_angle = 90;

for the setup() function

  • connect the serial
  • connect the servo signal wire to the ports in the UNO Arduino
  • wite the servo angle to make all the arms angles in 90 degree
void setup() {

   Serial.begin (9600) ; /*for bluetooth*/

  • declare a varaible to set the text from the serial into it , I decalred voice as a string
  • now make a loop function
  • in the loop function check if the serial is connectes or not
  • take the string from the serial to the 'voice' variable I already declared above
  • now make an if-statement to check if there is a voice or not
  • if there is a voice, then check the word
  • if the word was "left" or "يسار" then move the arm by the degree
  • else if the word was "right" or "يمين" then move the arm by the degree
String voice ; /*defining variable to take voice commands*/

void loop() {

 if (Serial.available()){/* check if serial port is connected */ 
   voice = Serial.readStringUntil('@');/* take each text by the loop  */
   voice.trim();/*to delete any padding*/ 
   if (voice.length() == 0) { 
   else if (voice.length() > 0) { /*if you receive any data...*/
   Serial.println (voice) ;
    if (voice == "right" || voice== "يمين") {
    servo1.write(servo1_angle -= 40);
    servo2.write(servo2_angle -= 40);
    servo3.write(servo3_angle -= 40);
    servo4.write(servo4_angle -= 40);
     }/*end of if voice = "right" */

    else if(voice == "left" || voice=="يسار") {
     servo1.write(servo1_angle += 40);
      servo2.write(servo2_angle += 40);
     servo3.write(servo3_angle += 40);
     servo4.write(servo4_angle += 40);
    }/*end of " else if" */
   }/* if voice is receiving */
 }/*end of if serial avalible*/
voice="" ; 
delay (50) ; /*reapet my orders*/

web page

build a web page with two buttons the first button will start the voice recognition you can see more about this function in this link

the second button is responsable of connecting the serial port you can know more about web serial API in this link

and check the files above to see the code

At the end this is the result

  • serial port connection Screenshot (698)



Language:JavaScript 42.2%Language:C++ 29.4%Language:HTML 28.4%