Webklex / gogeoip

GoGeoIP - a lightweight web api providing ip intelligence written in GO. This software provides an api to get as many information as possible for a given IP address or the current visitor. This includes network, system, location and user information.

Home Page:https://www.gogeoip.com/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


GoGeoIP - a lightweight web api providing ip intelligence written in GO. This software provides an api to get as many information as possible for a given IP address or the current visitor. This includes network, system, location and user information. A Live Demo is available under gogeoip.com.

Releases Downloads Demo License Hits


Table of Contents


  • Serving over HTTPS (TLS) using your own certificates, or provisioned automatically using LetsEncrypt.org
  • HSTS ready to restrict your browser clients to always use HTTPS
  • Configurable read and write timeouts to avoid stale clients consuming server resources
  • Reverse proxy ready
  • Configurable CORS to restrict access to specific domains
  • Configurable api prefix to serve the API alongside other APIs on the same host
  • Optional round trip optimization by enabling TCP Fast Open
  • Integrated rate limit (quota) for your clients (per client IP) based on requests per time interval; several backends such as in-memory map (for single instance), or redis or memcache for distributed deployments are supported
  • Serve the default GeoLite2 City free database that is downloaded and updated automatically in background on a configurable schedule, or
  • Serve the commercial GeoIP2 City database from MaxMind, either as a local file that you provide and update periodically (so the server can reload it), or configured to be downloaded periodically using your API key
  • Serve the default PX8LITEBIN free database that is downloaded and updated automatically in background on a configurable schedule, or
  • Serve the commercial PX8BIN database from ip2location, either as a local file that you provide and update periodically (so the server can reload it), or configured to be downloaded periodically using your API token
  • Multiple languages are supported (en, ru, es, jp, fr, de)
  • Detect VPN anonymizer, open proxies, web proxies, Tor exits, data center, web hosting (DCH) range and search engine robots (SES).
  • Supports Linux, OS X, FreeBSD, and Windows
  • Setup wizard


A Free MaxMind and / or ip2location License will be required and can be easily obtained:

  1. Sign up for a MaxMind account (no purchase required)
  2. Set your password and create a license key
  3. Sign up for a IP2Location account (no purchase required)
  4. Create access token


Download and unpack a fitting pre-compiled binary or build a binary yourself by by following the build instructions.

Continue by configuring your application:

geoip \
    -mm-user-id 100000 \
    -mm-license-key 0AAaAaaAa0A0AAaA \
    -i2l-token 0BBbBbbBb0B0BBbB \
    -http=:8080 \
    -gui gui \

Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/ to verify everything is working.

Please take a look at the available options for further details.


An example GUI can be found under webklex/gogeoip-gui. It is already included in the pre-compiled packages found under releases.

Server Options

To see all the available options, use the -help option:

geoip -help

You can configure the web server via command line flags, the config file conf/settings.config or by using the -setup flag:

geoip -setup


CLI Config Type Default Description
-http HTTP string localhost:8080 Address in form of ip:port to listen
-https HTTPS string Address in form of ip:port to listen
-write-timeout WRITE_TIMEOUT int 15000000000 Write timeout in nanoseconds for HTTP and HTTPS client connections
-read-timeout READ_TIMEOUT int 30000000000 Read timeout in nanoseconds for HTTP and HTTPS client connections
-tcp-fast-open TCP_FAST_OPEN bool false Enable TCP fast open
-tcp-naggle TCP_NAGGLE bool false Enable TCP Nagle's algorithm
-http2 HTTP2 bool true Enable HTTP/2 when TLS is enabled
-hsts HSTS string
-key KEY string key.pem X.509 key file for HTTPS server
-cert CERT string cert.pem X.509 certificate file for HTTPS server


CLI Config Type Default Description
-letsencrypt LETSENCRYPT bool false Enable automatic TLS using letsencrypt.org
-letsencrypt-email LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL string Optional email to register with letsencrypt
-letsencrypt-hosts LETSENCRYPT_HOSTS string Comma separated list of hosts for the certificate
-letsencrypt-cert-dir LETSENCRYPT_CERT_DIR string Letsencrypt cert dir

Middlewares & Extensions

CLI Config Type Default Description
-use-x-forwarded-for USE_X_FORWARDED_FOR bool false Use the X-Forwarded-For header when available (e.g. behind proxy)
-cors-origin CORS_ORIGIN string * Comma separated list of CORS origins endpoints
-api-prefix API_PREFIX string / API endpoint prefix
-gui GUI string Web gui directory
Rate limiting & Quota management
CLI Config Type Default Description
-quota-backend QUOTA_BACKEND string redis Backend for rate limiter: map, redis, or memcache
-quota-burst QUOTA_BURST int 3 Max requests per source IP per request burst
-quota-interval QUOTA_INTERVAL int 3600000000000 Quota expiration interval, per source IP querying the API in nanoseconds
-quota-max QUOTA_MAX int 1 "Max requests per source IP per interval; set 0 to turn quotas off


CLI Config Type Default Description
-mm-license-key MM_LICENSE_KEY string MaxMind License Key
-mm-user-id MM_USER_ID string MaxMind User ID
-mm-product-id MM_PRODUCT_ID string GeoLite2-City MaxMind Product ID
-mm-retry MM_RETRY_INTERVAL int 7200000000000 Max time to wait before retrying to download a MaxMind database
-mm-update MM_UPDATE_INTERVAL int 86400000000000 MaxMind database update check interval in nanoseconds
-mm-updates-host MM_UPDATES_HOST string download.maxmind.com MaxMind Updates Host


CLI Config Type Default Description
-i2l-token I2L_TOKEN string ip2location access token
-i2l-product-id I2L_PRODUCT_ID string PX8LITEBIN ip2location Product ID
-i2l-retry I2L_RETRY_INTERVAL int 7200000000000 Max time to wait before retrying to download a ip2location database
-i2l-update I2L_UPDATE_INTERVAL int 86400000000000 ip2location database update check interval in nanoseconds
-i2l-updates-host I2L_UPDATES_HOST string www.ip2location.com ip2location Updates Host

Tor Project

CLI Config Type Default Description
-tor-exit-check TOR_EXIT string MaxMind Product ID
-tor-retry TOR_RETRY_INTERVAL int 7200000000000 Max time in nanoseconds to wait before retrying to download database
-tor-update TOR_UPDATE_INTERVAL int 86400000000000 Database update check interval in nanoseconds
-tor-updates-host TOR_UPDATES_HOST string check.torproject.org MaxMind Updates Host


CLI Config Type Default Description
-logtostdout LOGTOSTDOUT bool false Log to stdout instead of stderr
-log-file LOG_FILE string Log file location
-logtimestamp LOGTIMESTAMP bool true Prefix non-access logs with timestamp


CLI Config Type Default Description
-memcache MEMCACHE string localhost:11211 Memcache address in form of host:port[,host:port] for quota
-memcache-timeout MEMCACHE_TIMEOUT int 1000000000 Memcache read/write timeout in nanoseconds


CLI Config Type Default Description
-redis REDIS string localhost:6379 Redis address in form of host:port[,host:port] for quota
-redis-timeout REDIS_TIMEOUT int 1000000000 Redis read/write timeout in nanoseconds


CLI Config Type Default Description
-silent SILENT bool false Disable HTTP and HTTPS log request details
-config string conf/settings.config Config file path
-setup bool false Run the setup wizard
-save bool false Save config
-version bool false Show version and exit
-help bool false Show help and exit

If you're using LetsEncrypt.org to provision your TLS certificates, you have to listen for HTTPS on port 443. Following is an example of the server listening on 2 different ports: http (80) and https (443):

geoip \
    -mm-user-id 100000 \
    -mm-license-key 0AAaAaaAa0A0AAaA \
    -i2l-token 0BBbBbbBb0B0BBbB \
    -http=:8080 \
    -https=:8443 \
    -hsts=max-age=31536000 \
    -letsencrypt \
    -letsencrypt-hosts=example.com \
    -gui gui \
$ cat conf/settings.config
    "MM_USER_ID": "100000",
    "MM_LICENSE_KEY": "0AAaAaaAa0A0AAaA",
    "HTTP": ":8080",
    "HTTPS": ":8443",
    "HSTS": "max-age=31536000",
    "LETSENCRYPT": true,
    "LETSENCRYPT_HOSTS": "example.com",

By default, HTTP/2 is enabled over HTTPS. You can disable by passing the -http2=false flag.

If the web server is running behind a reverse proxy or load balancer, you have to run it passing the -use-x-forwarded-for parameter and provide the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header in all requests. This is for the geoip web server be able to log the client IP, and to perform geolocation lookups when an IP is not provided to the API, e.g. /json/ (uses client IP) vs /json/


The current implementation uses the free GeoLite2 City database from MaxMind as well as the free IP2Proxy database from ip2location and the generic tor exit node list provided by the TorProject. If you have purchased the commercial database from MaxMind or ip2location, you can point the geoip web server or (Go API, for dev) to the URL containing the file, or local file, and the server will use it. In case of files on disk, you can replace the file with a newer version and the geoip web server will reload it automatically in background. If instead of a file you use a URL (the default), we periodically check the URL in background to see if there's a new database version available, then download the reload it automatically.

All responses from the geoip API contain the date that the database was downloaded in the X-Database-Date HTTP header.


The API is served by endpoints that encode the response in different formats. You can pass a different IP or hostname. For example, to lookup the geolocation of github.com the server resolves the name first, then uses the first IP address available, which might be IPv4 or IPv6:

curl :8080/json/{ip or hostname}?lang={language}[&user]

Same semantics are available for the /xml/{ip} and /csv/{ip} endpoints. JSON responses can be encoded as JSONP, by adding the callback parameter:

The used default language depends on the present Accept-Language header. You can define the used language by providing a lang parameter containing the two digit country code (en, ru, es, fr, de, jp).

Add the user parameter to the end to receive user device specific information. Please see the JSON example for output details.



Name Value type JSON XML CSV Comment
IP address string ip IP 0
Number (ASN) integer as.number AS.Number 1
Organization string as.name AS.Name 2
ISP name string isp Isp 3
Domain string domain Domain 4
TLDs []string tld Tld 5
Is bot bool bot Bot 6
Is tor user bool tor Tor 7
Is proxy user bool proxy Proxy 8
Proxy type string proxy_type ProxyType 9 Available proxy types
Last seen in days integer last_seen LastSeen 10
Usage type string usage_type UsageType 11 Available usage types


Name Value type JSON XML CSV Comment
Region code string region_code RegionCode 12
Region name string region_name RegionName 13
City name string city City 14
Zip code string zip_code ZipCode 15
Time zone string time_zone TimeZone 16
Latitude float latitude Latitude 17
Longitude float longitude Longitude 18
Accuracy radius integer accuracy_radius AccuracyRadius 19
Metro code integer metro_code MetroCode 20
Country code string country.code Country.Code 21
CIOC string country.cioc Country.CIOC 22
CCN3 string country.ccn3 Country.CCN3 23
Call codes []string country.call_code Country.CallCode 24
International call prefix string country.international_prefix Country.InternationalPrefix 25
Country capital string country.capital Country.Capital 26
Country name string country.name Country.Name 27
Full country name string country.full_name Country.FullName 28
Country Area km² integer country.area Country.Area 29
Country borders []string country.borders Country.Borders 30
Latitude float country.latitude Country.Latitude 31
Longitude float country.longitude Country.Longitude 32
Max. Latitude float country.max_latitude Country.MaxLatitude 33
Max. Longitude float country.max_longitude Country.MaxLongitude 34
Min. Latitude float country.min_latitude Country.MinLatitude 35
Min. Longitude float country.min_longitude Country.MinLongitude 36
Currencies []{code,name} country.currency Country.Currency 37
Continent code string country.content.code Country.Continent.Code 38
Continent name string country.content.name Country.Continent.Name 39
Continent sub region string country.content.sub_region Country.Continent.SubRegion 40


Name Value type JSON XML CSV Comment
Operating System string os OS 41
System architecture string os_version OSVersion 42
Browser string browser Browser 43
Browser Version string version Version 44
Device name string device Device 45
Is mobile user bool mobile Mobile 46
Is tablet user bool tablet Tablet 47
Is desktop user bool desktop Desktop 48


Name Value type JSON XML CSV Comment
Language string language.language Language.Language 49
Language region string language.region Language.Region 50
Language tag string language.tag Language.Tag 51


curl :8080/csv/,209,"CenturyLink Communications, LLC",,,.us,0,0,0,,0,,NV,,Las Vegas,839,89129,America/Los_Angeles,-115.2821,36.2473,20,US,USA,840,1,011,Washington D.C.,United States,United States of America,9372610.0000,CAN/MEX,39.4433,-98.9573,71.4411,-66.8854,17.8315,-179.2311,USD/USN/USS,,
curl :8080/csv/,209,"CenturyLink Communications, LLC",,,.us,0,0,0,,0,,NV,,Las Vegas,839,89129,America/Los_Angeles,-115.2821,36.2473,20,US,USA,840,1,011,Washington D.C.,United States,United States of America,9372610.0000,CAN/MEX,39.4433,-98.9573,71.4411,-66.8854,17.8315,-179.2311,USD/USN/USS,,,Linux,Ubuntu Chromium,79.0.3945.79,x86_64,,0,0,1,en,US,en-US


curl :8080/xml/
            <Name>CenturyLink Communications, LLC</Name>
        <City>Las Vegas</City>
            <Capital>Washington D.C.</Capital>
            <Name>United States</Name>
            <FullName>United States of America</FullName>
                <Name>North America</Name>
curl :8080/xml/
            <Name>CenturyLink Communications, LLC</Name>
        <City>Las Vegas</City>
            <Capital>Washington D.C.</Capital>
            <Name>United States</Name>
            <FullName>United States of America</FullName>
                <Name>North America</Name>
        <Browser>Ubuntu Chromium</Browser>


curl :8080/json/
  "network": {
    "ip": "",
    "as": {
      "number": 209,
      "name": "CenturyLink Communications, LLC"
    "isp": "",
    "domain": "",
    "tld": [".us"],
    "bot": false,
    "tor": false,
    "proxy": false,
    "proxy_type": "",
    "last_seen": 0,
    "usage_type": ""
  "location": {
    "region_code": "NV",
    "region_name": "",
    "city": "Las Vegas",
    "zip_code": "89129",
    "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "longitude": -115.2821,
    "latitude": 36.2473,
    "accuracy_radius": 20,
    "metro_code": 839,
    "country": {
      "code": "US",
      "cioc": "USA",
      "ccn3": "840",
      "call_code": ["1"],
      "international_prefix": "011",
      "capital": "Washington D.C.",
      "name": "United States",
      "full_name": "United States of America",
      "area": 9372610,
      "borders": ["CAN", "MEX"],
      "latitude": 39.443256,
      "longitude": -98.95734,
      "max_latitude": 71.441055,
      "max_longitude": -66.885414,
      "min_latitude": 17.831509,
      "min_longitude": -179.23108,
      "currency": [{
          "code": "USD",
          "name": ""
       }, {
          "code": "USN",
          "name": ""
       }, {
          "code": "USS",
          "name": ""
      "continent": {
        "code": "",
        "name": "North America",
        "sub_region": ""
curl :8080/json/
  "network": {
    "ip": "",
    "as": {
      "number": 209,
      "name": "CenturyLink Communications, LLC"
    "isp": "",
    "domain": "",
    "tld": [".us"],
    "bot": false,
    "tor": false,
    "proxy": false,
    "proxy_type": "",
    "last_seen": 0,
    "usage_type": ""
  "location": {
    "region_code": "NV",
    "region_name": "",
    "city": "Las Vegas",
    "zip_code": "89129",
    "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "longitude": -115.2821,
    "latitude": 36.2473,
    "accuracy_radius": 20,
    "metro_code": 839,
    "country": {
      "code": "US",
      "cioc": "USA",
      "ccn3": "840",
      "call_code": ["1"],
      "international_prefix": "011",
      "capital": "Washington D.C.",
      "name": "United States",
      "full_name": "United States of America",
      "area": 9372610,
      "borders": ["CAN", "MEX"],
      "latitude": 39.443256,
      "longitude": -98.95734,
      "max_latitude": 71.441055,
      "max_longitude": -66.885414,
      "min_latitude": 17.831509,
      "min_longitude": -179.23108,
      "currency": [{
          "code": "USD",
          "name": ""
       }, {
          "code": "USN",
          "name": ""
       }, {
          "code": "USS",
          "name": ""
      "continent": {
        "code": "",
        "name": "North America",
        "sub_region": ""
  "system": {
    "os": "Linux",
    "browser": "Ubuntu Chromium",
    "version": "79.0.3945.79",
    "os_version": "x86_64",
    "device": "",
    "mobile": false,
    "tablet": false,
    "desktop": true
  "user": {
    "language": {
      "language": "en",
      "region": "US",
      "tag": "en-US"


curl :8080/json/
 "network": {
   "ip": "",
   "as": {
     "number": 209,
     "name": "CenturyLink Communications, LLC"
   "isp": "",
   "domain": "",
   "tld": [".us"],
   "bot": false,
   "tor": false,
   "proxy": false,
   "proxy_type": "",
   "last_seen": 0,
   "usage_type": ""
 "location": {
   "region_code": "NV",
   "region_name": "",
   "city": "Las Vegas",
   "zip_code": "89129",
   "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
   "longitude": -115.2821,
   "latitude": 36.2473,
   "accuracy_radius": 20,
   "metro_code": 839,
   "country": {
     "code": "US",
     "cioc": "USA",
     "ccn3": "840",
     "call_code": ["1"],
     "international_prefix": "011",
     "capital": "Washington D.C.",
     "name": "United States",
     "full_name": "United States of America",
     "area": 9372610,
     "borders": ["CAN", "MEX"],
     "latitude": 39.443256,
     "longitude": -98.95734,
     "max_latitude": 71.441055,
     "max_longitude": -66.885414,
     "min_latitude": 17.831509,
     "min_longitude": -179.23108,
     "currency": [{
         "code": "USD",
         "name": ""
      }, {
         "code": "USN",
         "name": ""
      }, {
         "code": "USS",
         "name": ""
     "continent": {
       "code": "",
       "name": "North America",
       "sub_region": ""

The callback parameter is ignored on all other endpoints.


You can build your own binaries by calling build.sh

build.sh build_dir

Features & pull requests

Everyone can contribute to this project. Every pull request will be considered but it can also happen to be declined. To prevent unnecessary work, please consider to create a feature issue first, if you're planning to do bigger changes. Of course you can also create a new feature issue if you're just wishing a feature ;)

Off topic, rude or abusive issues will be deleted without any notice.


If you encounter any problems or if you find a bug, please don't hesitate to create a new issue. However please be aware that it might take some time to get an answer.

If you need immediate or commercial support, feel free to send me a mail at github@webklex.com.

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


If you discover any security related issues, please email github@webklex.com instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


GoGeoIP - a lightweight web api providing ip intelligence written in GO. This software provides an api to get as many information as possible for a given IP address or the current visitor. This includes network, system, location and user information.


License:MIT License


Language:Go 95.8%Language:Shell 4.2%